

" need help 'whitey' " Said someone with face of 16-17 years of age with black hair that reaches his shoulder, black eyes, and ofcourse his slender body that made many people envy of. Who else if not Black Zangetsu, the black robed man that he just fought.

 He nod at me then said" you're quiet calm for your 'psycho self' aren't you? "

" Of course 'Blacky'... " then I got intense stare from him, I don't know why, but it seem's he didn't want to be called 'blacky' though, ofcourse 'Hollow'-san also got an intense stare from him too.

"Haah, whitey, let's go with the last stage already, he already start to learn the 'energy' inside him, even if it's not reiatsu or reiki, i know that it's might is bigger than our power combined. He just need a little tiny bit experience to become much stronger than us, and that 'clones' are really annoying as hell. Even though it's a tiny amount compare to the one that fight you, his strategy make me a bit annoyed, I almost can't used my Getsuga tenshou actually, fortunately when the 'real' ones use that 'sane limiter, somethin' the clones didn't use them too instead it got stunned for a moment, but that's enough for me to annihilate them all.

 maybe they got a shock becouse the real one got screwed up." 'black robed guy said followed by a chuckle

 "And my guess is correct right when I looked at you little one"

' hooh, so that's why the memories that I got from the clones a bit weird, like they got electrocuted or somethin before they got killed, so the answer is me again huh'

" Allright, why don't we just move to the last stage? " I said dryly

" Hahaha, it seem's that you really want a fight aren't you kiddo "

"Why don't you say so to yourself you 'battle maniac' " I said while grumbled

" Yeah I think it's better this way, oy 'whitey' let's merge "

" Allright... Allright "

The 'Blacky' and 'whitey' start to merge without any sound, like it was supposed to happen, the natural way.

Then a wave of power burst came from them, or should I said the 'merged blacky and whitey?', it became one entity, it's main body is the black one, with a white jacket, his face around the age of 19-20, pale white hair that cannot go any paler, that reach his shoulder, pale blue eye on his right and black eye with golden iris on his left, and don't forget the mask, his mask aren't like the 'Hollow' that has 2 horn on his head, instead it only have 1 horn and the mask only cover his left side, without covering any of his face. But I know that he's stronger than when I fight them one on one nor five on one, it means bussiness now. But still, I want to make some experiments with this power.

" Now, show me what you got kid "

' his voice also become a bit hoarse huh '

Taking up a stance I said " let's go! "

"Getsuga Tenshou!!"

' first attack with getsuga?, Is it a pretense ' while frowning.

Anyway better cut this up, if I'm not wrong, focus my Qi to my sword then "Ha!!!" What come into motion was a Lightning energy slash,that have the power of lightning in it ' I'll just name it Lightning slash, but looking at it, I still felt a bit goosebump from those fuckin 'lightning thunder' "

A white getsuga tenshou strike against the 'lightning slash' in the air, what come after that ofcourse a Cero shooting down at me.


With a fast reaction Syura quickly dodged to the side, and start to run.


" Your speed's quiet good kid, but if you only use your speed to escape, you don't have the right to become our king " said the quarter mask men sternly.

' It seem's that they're actually a good guy huh, to care about me in a situation like this, Xixixi '

If they knew what's on my mind, maybe they would puked a mouthful blood already while thinking ' we..we just want you to be strong, no...not become our king. You baka...'  ok enough joking already I think it will become really troublesome, but still it's exciting to try something new huh '

Hours passed by, and the fight still continued in the drowned world.

with Syura keep using his knowledge to create new skill, and his opponent who kept pressure him.

Syura still got chased by the 'Quarter mask guy', that shooting Cero at him, of course Syura can dodges almost every attacks that comes at him and gave the 'man' some counter.

' Next one maybe I'll try cover my body in Qi or something while taking head-on with the cero, afterall the wound that 'blacky' inflict on me already got healed, but not with my shirt though ' while thinking about his 'what to do list'. The quarter mask guy have already inflict more than 5 wound on Syura, from slash to stab all have been 'carved' onto his body.

" Thia is how you used the speed kid "

" Aaaargh " I swear... I swear that I'll buy Obito eyes after I get out of here, or maybe I'll just make a new skill, for god sake, this is hurt as hell, with that skill that could passing through any object. then, I won't get any wound nor injury and I don't need to taste this pain no-more.

While turn around to fight, what syura's got was a stab right trough the heart, even if in the anime it give Ichigo the Final Getsuga tenshou, it might not be if it's in here, afterall this isn't in anime or something...


Black, it's all black... It's all Fuckin BLACK, is this the end...

Ah well even if it's the end and that fight is just a dream, at least I got what I want, I... finally reached what I wanted. Xixixi

  haa~ah, even though someone said to me " make your goal as high as the heaven, at least when you fall, you'll be accompanied by the starry sky "  I don't even know if this is the so called 'starry sky', or did my goals are too short?

The dead are dead anyway.

 Syura's now sleeping peacefully on his bed, but there's not only him in his house, well who could it be?

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