
Hero Billboard Chart JP

"Are you ready?" asked Rumi, standing in front of me with her casual clothes, with a jacket over her shoulders.

We decided to go to the Hero Billboard Chart JP together.

Rumi will stand on the stage giving her interview, and I will just watch her from the crowd.

After her now two-month pause from her hero work, she is still ranked two in Japan's hero rankings.

Showing her high amount of cases cleared and her high and rising popularity in the last year.

The Hero, Public Safety Commission, reviews the activity of all the Heroes in the country over the year, and with a unique formula, they will rank the Heroes.

Usually, she would go with her Hero costume, consisting of a sleeveless white leotard with dark purple trim around her shoulders and waist, a wide, yellow crescent moon design over her chest, and two thick metal plates on her midriff.

She would also be wearing purple tight-high boots to compliment her leotard, with more plating around the heel and toe areas, making her feet look like those of a rabbit.

Also, she would have a pair of thick white gloves on her hands with long cuffs, sporting small triangular protrusion around their edges.


I asked her to change her hero costume to something less revealing, but she argued with me that she could move better in something like that.

Of course, I didn't believe her.

But at the end of the day, I am the only one who can see her without any clothes, so I just let her be.

In the first place, to restrict her ultimately wouldn't be good from my side.

It would just be unhealthy to our relationship if I tried to control her every move.

Still, at the moment, she wears an ordinary white shirt with some tight-fitting jeans that emphasize her thighs and a pair of high-heeled boots.

She still looks stunning even in her regular clothes.

She is also wearing a jacket over her shirt to hide her stomach in front of the crowd.

It isn't that big for the moment as it just got a bit bloated as she is only in her third month, but it is still visible.

If you concentrate on it, you will see it.

She will probably announce that she will pause for a whole year and gather some rumors.

Still, there wouldn't be any confirmations until we go out together with the baby.

We first thought about releasing it to the public, but it would just be annoying with the many questions that would come.

Think about it Facts give more News than Rumors.

Okay, that is actually wrong Rumors get way more News than facts.

But we thought about it and concluded.

We don't care.

It's okay if they find out, and it's also okay if they don't find out.

In the first place, why would we care about some random people we don't even know in private?

The only thing that would bother us is that the child would gather so much attention from the media only because he or she is the child of Rumi, the Number 2 Hero.

Are we worried about Villains that would want to catch him or her to blackmail us?

Not one bit.

I already have some items only for the child's use.

I will never allow anyone or anything to harm my kid.

Sometimes I shouldn't think so much and just answer the questions I got asked.

"Yes, I am ready. Let's go." I smiled at her, giving her my hand so that I could fly us to the location.

I know teleportation probably wouldn't harm the baby but safe is safe.

She also smiled back at me and gave me her hand.

We flew with slow speed, admiring the view with our arms linked together.

There were also some beautiful spots where we stopped for a short kiss.

It was nice.

After one hour of flight, we arrived at the location where the event would be held.

It is a massive stadium that shows how big of an event it is.

The stadium was already flooding with guests, as it seems, because the entrance is completely packed with people.

We landed in front of the second entry where the heroes are supposed to enter, gathering the gazes from some reporters waiting here for the heroes.

As we tried to walk in, we heard the interviewers ask us questions.

"Mirko, why were you inactive for the last two months? Is there a secret behind it?"

"Mirko, what is your secret for your unrivaled strength growth in the last years?"

"Why are you wearing casual clothes to an event like this?"

And then the only question I could understood was asked.

"Why does a rabbit quirk has the ability to fly?"


The first one after two years of Rumi flying is asking the questions of the questions.

How is it possible for a rabbit to fly?

Yeah, even if it is a good question, we ignored everyone.

We walked to the entrance where some bodyguard was already waiting for us.

"Welcome Number two Rabbit Hero: Mirko."

Some guy beside the bodyguard said as he looked at her.

He was a black-haired middle-aged man. Most probably just someone that will lead us to our seats.

"Follow me. I will lead you two to your seats."

Yeah. I knew it.

"Now that we are already talking. Let me say a few things at first. We will later call you out in the order of your rankings, so you would come after Endeavor and before All Might. This time the event is more like a press conference than a hero ranking event. There will be some seats at the stage with microphones installed where the crowd reporters could ask the questions. If the hero that is asked wants to answer, they would be able to do so." the middle-aged man said.

So just an event where a hero could get more attention, and the unrest of the people in the country be more at ease.

"Okay, thank you for the information," I said with a smile while Rumi just looked bored and unbothered.

We arrived at our seats in the first row of the massive crowd.

We sat beside what seems to be other heroes, like always getting the gazes from all the people in the stadium.

While waiting, other heroes also arrived, and as All Might came into the stadium, the crowd cheered.

He just has his usual smile on his face while looking at the crowd.

He is a huge man with an equally muscular and well-defined physique.

His facial features were soft as their highlighted his deep blue eyes.

All Might also has busy eyebrows and short blond hair, swept backward, with two distinct tufts that stick up above his head, leaning slightly to each side.


After he walked to his seat with his blue Hero costume and cape, he glanced at me sitting beside him like the coincidence so wanted.

"You must be the person Nana always talks about in our conversations. Nice to finally meet you." All Might said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's also an honor to meet you," I said with a monotone voice.

I genuinely like him from the anime, but I am not a mad fanboy who would change his character just so that he would like me.

And there is also that you wouldn't see the whole personality of a person in an Anime or Manga. Maybe he is completely different in real life than there.

We started a friendly chat with each other what surprised the reporters and the other heroes in the surroundings.

As the Hero Number one seems to flatter the young man in front of him.

And the young man in front of him is actually one of the most talked-about individuals in our time.

The mysterious husband of the Number 2 The Rabbit Hero: Mirko.

When we talked, we saw the spotlight lightening up, and some heroes were called one after one.

Until Rank number five, I didn't know anyone besides the young master's father, but after the fifth place got called out, I saw that I knew him.

"The Hero with one of the highest approval ratings this time, Fiber Hero: Best Jeanist."

Walking to the stage was a tall, slim man with an unnaturally long neck and blond hair which he wears combed to the left, covering his eyes.

He is wearing a pair of jeans, a denim waistcoat with two large breast pockets, and a denim dress shirt with a very high collar that covers his face up to just below his nose, wearing two belts, one around his collar and one around his waist.


He is already that high, which is surprising.

In the future, he will be the Number three after All Might's retirement.

It seems like he has been holding his rank for some years before the plot started.

After that, again, someone familiar got called out.

An elderly-looking man with a long white beard, bald head, and pale orange eyes with black sclera walked up the stage.

His Hero costume is a complete set of Japanese armor with a red cape wrapped around his torso. His helmet notably has one large horn point upwards.


"Now one of the oldest heroes that are still active. After the last climb of the Rabbit Hero, he now dropped to the fourth place the Equipped Hero: Yoroi Musha!.

Surprisingly he was that high in the past.

The future Number nine Hero was actually on the spot three before Rumi.

His appearance is the same as in the future.

How old is he?

"Now comes the Number three Hero! The hero that lost an arm to some unknown cause two months ago! The Number three Hero Flame Hero: Endeavor!"

As he walked to the stage, there were some murmurs in the crowd.

"After a miraculously fast climb in ranks with her enormous power and charisma. The new Number two hero only after four years working as a hero. The Rabbit Hero: Mirko that is even rumored to be stronger than All Might himself!"

As her name got called out, she gave me a quick kiss on the lips, which surprised the crowd a bit, and walked to the stage unbothered by the looks she got.

"Good Luck, Rumi," I said to Rumi with a smile.

"Huh, why would I need luck." She said.

With her personality, it couldn't go wrong, I thought secretly in my mind.

As she walked to the stage, the crowd again whispered with each other and wondered why she would wear casual clothes to this event.

There were also some murmurs why she would wear a jacket here in the hall.

When she sat down at her seat beside Endeavor, she got a sharp gaze from him.

Nobody seems bothered by it since

Endeavor is known for wanting to pass All Might, the Symbol of Peace.

Still, now someone else even stole the second place from him, which probably made him unhappy.

After the crowd's murmurs and whispers stopped, the stadium's light dimmed, and the spotlight got directed at All Might with his big smile on his face.

"Now. The Number One Hero. The Symbol of Peace and the strongest Hero in Japan! All give a loud welcome to All Might!!!!"

The commentator screamed for the first time in this event and called All Might to the stage.

He, of course, showed his muscles with a big smile on this face to the crowd.

Ultimately posing in front of the crowd, he walked to the seat beside Rumi and sat down.

The crowd was so loud that I had to cover my ears with my hands.

It wouldn't do anything to me.

I could even lower the sound of my surroundings, but I wanted to show what I was feeling.

Rumi did the same as me trying to cover her huge rabbit ears with her hands, which looked pretty funny from my seat.

After the crowd got quieter, the commentator started to talk again.

"Everyone of the top ten heroes is now sitting in front of us all. Since today is a special day, every one of them is here. We changed the event to an interview. Every reporter in the crowd is allowed to ask a question to one of the heroes. If the hero wants to answer, they will be able to with the microphone in front of them."

The announcement got the crowd surprised. Probably the people here thought it would be the same as always.

Still, through Rumi, it changed since many international people will watch because of her and everyone, be it in Japan or other countries, want to learn more about Rumi, the new Number two Hero in Japan and the new Number three in the international rankings.

It seems like the reporters were already briefed on the situation with the interview before the event started because they started to ask questions in an orderly manner.

It shocked me greatly.

Wow, how could Reporters even do that?

I never knew they could be considering to other people.

"I have a question for Mirko, the new Number two. Why aren't you wearing your hero costume?"

This was the first question of some random reporter.

"Do you have no other problems than my clothes?" Rumi answered with a raised eyebrow.

"The answer to your question is. I will not answer."

Yeah, that's was to be expected.

The people were a bit stunned at first, but it wasn't that unexpected of an answer from Rumi.

She was already known for interviews like this.

"Next question. How do you stand to the Rumors that you are stronger than All Might?" Some other reporter asked her.

"Of course, I am stronger than him by a lot. He wouldn't hold a candle against me. I see no way for him winning against me." Rumi answered, leaving the reporters and crowd with wide-open eyes and mouth.

"All Might, what is your opinion of the statement from Mirko?" The same reporter asked All Might.

"Well, if I go after the words from my master, it would probably be a hard fight." All Might said with a smile, altogether avoiding the question if he could win or not.

He knew he couldn't win, but he is the Symbol of Peace.

He can't show weakness.

The crowd got in an uproar again.

"Hard fight. That means All Might would still win, in his opinion." said some guy in the crowd.

That sentence then got to a chain reaction with many people saying the same.

There was no way she could win against him even if it were a hard fight, they thought.

Completely getting the words wrong and archiving All Might's goal.

Rumi didn't care too much about something like this, so she just ignored it.

All Might secretly thanks her in his mind.

After that, there were some random questions to the other heroes.

But after some time, there was finally a question that peeked even my interest.

Let's see what he will say.

"Endeavor, how did you lose your arm? Was it a villain? How strong was he?"

"No comment." said Endeavor with hate in his eyes, looking in my direction.

The reporters saw the look and thought about some circulating rumors.

"Endeavor is it true that you walked to the forest where the Number two hero lived before you lost your arm?" asked a reporter, what got the crowd interested.

This was just a rumor that nobody believed.

"No comment." His gaze is seemingly getting angrier every second.

"Mirko, what do you have to say about this topic?" some reporter asked Rumi.

"Well, I will just say that you should be careful with your words in front of a certain monster," said Rumi showing a crazy smile on her face.

"WHAT?" Everyone in the crowd and even the heroes looked at her with a weird look.

Some even gazed at me.

Getting the reference.

Rumi didn't directly say that we were involved in this accident. The people here also didn't have any evidence about it, so there is no problem.

Still, the crowd was silent for some moments. Even All Might looked at me with a funny face.

I just shrugged my shoulders, and he turned around.

"Let's forget about that, Mirko. Why were you inactive for the last two months? Is there a reason for that?" asked some other random reporter.

"Hmm, now that you talk about that, I will pause for a whole year with my hero work, so there will be some time without me."

Said Rumi with a happy smile, probably thinking about her child.

The shocked eyes of the crowd were now already the standard when Rumi answered a question, so there wasn't much to say.

"Why?" asked some random dude in the crowd.

While she answered with a ", Who knows."

"All Might, what is your opinion of the one-year time out of Mirko?" A reporter asked the Big blonde that didn't looked to shocked.

"It's reasonable. I wouldn't let her do her Hero work either when she is pregnant."

He said while Rumi and I just facepalmed.

Is he stupid? I thought to myself. He probably knows it from Nana.

Well, we already said we don't care if anyone finds out, so it's okay, I guess?

Should I beat him up?

No, that's unnecessary.

The crowd looked with wide-open eyes and mouths that already showed their surprise to the world. Some even stood up suddenly and exclaimed their shock with a short "What" scream.

After the screams, the stadium fell silent for some minutes. Even Endeavor looked at Rumi with a shocked face.

He actually wanted to go for a pregnant woman.

Even he was disgusted with himself at this moment.

"Alright, Rumi, I guess that's for us. Let's go home."

I said, getting the crowd out of it stubborn.

Arriving beside Rumi in a millisecond, I surprised everyone in the stadium.

Even the heroes were unable to see or detect me.

All of them looking at me like I was a monster.

There were even some scared looks.

Well, only the father of the young master looked scared.

Haaa, he should know that I don't care anymore about him and his son.

Under the shocked look of the crowd, Rumi gave me her hand, and we disappeared in front of everyone.

I still didn't want to teleport with the baby, so I just froze time in the world for some minutes so that Rumi and I could just walk out.

After we got out, I unfroze time, and the crowd saw us disappearing.

There were some shocked shouts in the crowd, and every single one of the spectators looked stupified.

Even All Might looked stunned about the situation.

Nana already said that Noah was a monster, but he was on a whole other level.

He didn't see him coming to the stage and also didn't see him leave with Rumi. Was it teleportation?

While the people were shocked, I walked with Rumi in the city's streets near our living place.

"Did you had fun, Rumi?" I asked with a loving smile.

I knew she loved situations like this and also loved when I showed my power so that she could brag with me.

"Yes, it was satisfying. We didn't fight, but that wasn't unexpected. A hero wouldn't attack us randomly, and why would a villain come to the event where all top ten heroes are present. It's a bit sad, but what could we do against it."

"Alright, then let's stop at some restaurant so we can get something to eat for us," I said to her.

She bloomed a smile linked my arm with hers, and we walked to Rumi's favorite restaurant.

We got some gazes from the people here because we were on the television in a live show one minute ago.

Still, now not even two minutes after, we are in a restaurant in a city with a considerable distance between what brought the people to look at us weirdly.

It was a lovely day that we ended with a nice date, Rumi's beautiful smile showing to me while we cuddled in our bed with each other.

My love for her never faded in the years we already were together.

It just got stronger with every day.

The luck to be with her is unmeasurable for me.

Rumi had the same thoughts before she fell asleep in my arms.

Because I still have to work and my chapters run out, the next chapter will be released on Friday or Saturday. I will try to stockpile some chapters again at the weekend. My Hero Academia main plot is in chapter 17 or 18, I guess.

I thought about a situation where All Might would attack Rumi so that Noah could jump into it, but there was no way that All Might would randomly attack someone. Even if she asked for it, he would probably just smile stupidly. So no action in this one.

3446 Words.

LukasScreators' thoughts
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