
The End



Lightning was lighting up the world. In the middle of the storm of endless lightning was a young man dressed in black and red immortal robes. His long black hair was singed at the ends and was blowing all over the place. Tiny wires were spread out in the environment sliced bolts of lightning in half and dissipating them mere inches away from the youths body. After four more streaks of lightning he threw up blood. Looking down he saw a spear piercing through his stomach. Looking behind him he saw a man fully adorned in a generals armor. From the front he was pierced by a saber.

"Seems like the government and the so called 'Just Faction' are the type to resort to schemes. How did you even find this place? No … I can guess that fat bastard finally got impatient." The two men just backwards. turning back towards his front he saw the man holding the saber. He was dressed in a pure white outfit. "Our four factions haven't had any strife. We were co-existing peacefully why do you feel the need to risk this attack?" Appearing almost like from no where a man dressed in Buddhist robes appeared.

"You have fallen onto the path of corruption. Your evil deeds knows no bounds. That is why we are here." The man in white spoke haughtily. His entire body radiated an aura of pride.

"Hmpf. Enough words. DIE." The General continued to attack. Slowly the lighting in the sky got ready to strike again. Dodging the spear and sending a few attacks back the man in black bent backwards as an arrow flew past him. As he was leaning backwards a saber came down towards his head. It stopped mere millimeters from his head. He got blasted backward from a palm.

"Fine. After I kill you four I'll have to annihilate your factions myself." Space slowly started to bend and fracture as the man in black started to attack himself. As the palm of the Buddhist hit him again he shattered and appeared behind the man in white. Suddenly lightning struck down. The man in black use the man in white as a shield against the lighting as he cut into him with his wires. After killing him he rushed towards the General. As a spear stabbed towards him the space bent ever so slightly causing the spear to only graze his cheek. Grabbing the Generals neck a lightning struck them both. The man in black threw up another mouthful of blood but the man in armor was dead. The Buddhist back up slowly looking sacred. Limping along the man in black walk towards him in air. As the two where face to face the Buddhist stabbed towards the man in black. Grabbing the blade a small cut opened on his hand.

"Oh. Using poison huh. So it is your group supplying the black markets in my name. Isn't this type of deceit something you guys supposedly frown upon." The man in black took the tiny bit of wire he had left and cut the head off the Buddhist. The last lightning strike hit the headless body he was holding up turning it to ash. "I did it. I survived even the ancient tribulation." Landing on the ground he kneeled. Slowly out of the woods came 7 elders.

"Seems it all worked out in the end huh." The fattest of the 7 elders spoke.

"I see. So the entirety of of the top of my sect fell to lust, greed, and pride." Slowly laughing the man in black stood up. Something deep in him started to surface. "Kill me if you wish. This will not be the end though."

The Seven elders all attacked him. In these final moments the mand in black under stood something. 'There is no reason in this world. Every person, animal, tree, and rock is just stagnantly rotting from their deepest cores. Selfishly withering and causing others to follow them. Let my last action here be to carry them along.'

The man in black was killed by the Seven elders. In the spot he died a deep toxic purple spot formed. Over the next 1000 years this spot grew and covered the forest. Slowly but surely this spot covered the world. All object that touched the toxic purple area mutated and corrupted. Even in it's last moments the creatures of this world still killed each other for the ever shrinking land. Eventually the world became still. An everlasting silence formed in a purple covered world. All that was left where extravagant buildings showing the life that used to live here. The culture that ended up slowly killing itself.


Karma and the soul are connected deeply. Luck comes from the deepest recess of your soul where ones Karma touches deeply. The soul of the man in black lingered in the cycle of reincarnation waiting for the corruption to be eradicated or to finish its job. Slowly the mans soul blackened due to the amount of people dying to his action. After many centuries his soul turn as dark as the abyss. Slowly as the world started to only have the most heinous people left fighting for survival, the mans soul stopped falling. Although his Karmic Value was rising exponentially due to killing the depraved, his soul remained dark. After hundreds of more years his Karmic value touched incredible heights. Yet even though his Karma was no longer in the negatives and was sky high in the positives, his soul still remained a corrupted black. In the final moments of the world his vengeful spirit that possessed the corruption was able to rest in peace. He started to slip into the cycle of reincarnation fully. Try as it might, the rivers of death couldn't wipe away the history deeply etched into the mans soul as he started to travel to a new world.

It's going to be a slow release for a while. Maybe if I get into the mood and have the time to write alot I'll do a mass release.

GoodPandycreators' thoughts