
Crystal Eyes, Golden Heart

| A BL Romance Novel | A once beautiful kingdom known for its freedom for all races fell into the hands of a woman who wanted change after her husband was declared ill and no longer fit to rule. The place once home to most Casters (Magic Users) turned against them. The new Queen proclaimed that every single Caster in the kingdom must be arrested and placed on trial to meet their end. One Caster named Shishido Noboru ran away from the capital that was once his home. Taken in by a woman named Amanda and her daughter, Bella, he lived the life of a poor peasant until the Queen's knights invaded his new home. Captured by Ezura Mikazuki, the captain of soldiers who works under the Queen, he was whisked away from his home after defending his new family. However, the ride back to the capital wasn't a peaceful one. Not only was Ezura Mikazuki working under the Queen to capture Casters, but Ezura was a Caster himself. The two were attacked on their way to put Shishido in prison to end his life enviably, but what will happen when Ezura Mikazuki, who was once disgusted by Shishido, starts to see the other in a different light after being saved by him?

Midnight240 · LGBT+
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16 Chs

Chapter 13: The Phoenix Mark

|Shishido Noboru |

Fixing his posture, the man behind the desk began, "I see. I'll assume you know nothing about it either, Arlo? It's strange, I was informed you were captured after your latest blunder. I'll assume that and the guardsman jacket you're wearing are nothing to worry about." Body tense and stiff like a board, Arlo nodded his head and agreed with the older man.

"It's this tavern, of course. I'm the owner." The old man laughed, suddenly stopping. He took a more serious tone. "Everything that happens inside this establishment is my business. Trade deals, illegal goods, sensitive information, I deal in those types of things." the man explained and Shido began to understand. Especially Arlo's sitatuion. If Shido wasn't taken in by Amanda in Syllanlion, he probably would have ended up in Arlo's position. Working under someone, doing shady things, just for shelter and food.

"I wouldn't divulge something like that so openly, but Arlo seems to think you're one of the rebels the kingdom's been hunting down. Not an ordinary one, but of the freedom fighter type. " The head shake that followed made it clear that the man didn't believe it. "I apologize if he's been any trouble. I believe he wants your help in completing a task I gave him, one he's too incompetent to handle himself."

Whatever Arlo grumbled under his breath, he kept it quiet after the old man glanced at him. He could make an excuse for Arlo but he decided agasint it. It was kind of funny watching Arlo get scolded but not able to say a word back to the man, probably out of fear or maybe respect.

He appreciated the chance he got to stay but he couldn't help Arlo with killing someone. That was the only promise he made to Amanda that he couldn't break. Maybe he would have no choice in the future but as long as he does now, he isn't going to act upon it.

Shido's attention went back to the man as he continued speaking, "However, If you happened to be such a distinguished individual, I think we could both benefit from each other. I've helped smuggle a few magic users to freedom. I couldn't imagine you'd wish to stay in the capital."

Shido placed a hand on his chest, his voice resolute. "Perhaps there's mutual benefit to be found between us, but I have no intention of fleeing. While the capital may not be the safest place for someone like me, I'm committed to resolving this chaos. The High Elf's reign has tarnished our kingdom, and I'm determined to restore its former glory. I suppose 'freedom fighter' is an apt description," he mused. This newfound resolve wasn't part of Shido's initial plan. Yet, after breaking free, he discovered a newfound courage, a belief that with enough effort, the casters could prevail, and the kingdom could once again find equilibrium.

The only problem is; he didn't know why the High Elf wanted so much power. What was she truly doing with something like that? One would think that draining a few casters would be enough but she still continues. At this relentless pace, his kind faced extinction. What would she do once there were no more casters left to drain?

"I'm not opposed to helping you out. It just depends on what you need me to do." Shido finally admitted.

Hearing Shishido's plan got a laugh from the old man and Arlo. Only the former stopped when he realized Shishido wasn't joking. Something like that was just asking to die. Forget about being outnumbered, no one could stand up to the High Elf. "Don't you think that's too optimistic? You don't even have any of your rebel pals with you. Gonna ask her politely to step down?"

Arlo's laughter only stopped when his boss glared at him. "Since you're wearing that, make yourself useful and check the streets. I'd like to be aware of how active the guards are in case they snoop around this part of town."

For a moment, Arlo stayed in place like he had something to say before following orders. The old man didn't speak again until he shut the door behind him. "I don't need anything from you, causing the High Elf's dogs trouble is good enough for me. That's if you're serious about your goals."

"If you ever need supplies, or want extra muscle to help with whatever plans you have, I could help. For a fee. No need to think about any of that now though. You can lay low here for the day. For a freedom fighter, you can come here whenever you wish."

| Ezura Mikazuki |

Mikazuki was wrong. Things were worse than he suspected. Not only was Shido nowhere to be found, but a few of the other detention facility's inmates escaped too.

The whole place was a mess. It was clear there was a fight after the prisoners got free. The walls, floor, and even ceiling were marred with damage. A result of whatever magic the inmates had. That was all without mentioning the bits of blood he stepped over on his way into the building's foyer.

Already, the capital's security had everything locked down. They started through the halls, searching for evidence as to what happened, and carting off the bodybags of the prisoners that didn't manage to escape.

Mikazuki wobbled on his feet as he watched it all. Luckily one of his men that were acting as a bodyguard, put a hand on his back to keep him upright. What an awful time to be inebriated. It earned him a displeased look from the warden when he tried to probe him for answers.

From what he gathered, and from what his unfocused mind could comprehend, at least ten prisoners had escaped. Some of them attempted to free others that were being kept in the facility's other prison blocks. Only a few of the guards had an idea of how it all happened. Apparently, one was attacked after seeing one of the prisoners without their restraints.

Shido didn't seem like the type to bloody someone up so badly, so he didn't think he was responsible for the breakout. He was responsible for capturing him, so if he escaped, Mikazuki was responsible for finding him. He was already sure he was on thin ice for something unknown to him. Showing up at the palace after his latest capture was involved in the breakout wouldn't reflect well on him. Or maybe that was just an excuse to put off going there longer.

"We'll aid security and find those fugitives. They're still of use to her Majesty, so don't stab them too much. O-Or at all. Dunno. Stab them gently?" Mikazuki wasn't slurring his words as much, but the look on his men's faces made him doubt his level of coherency. "Just don't kill the brat we brought in if we see him. It'd make our journey a waste of time."

Mikazuki needed to be the one to find Shido. He couldn't guarantee that capital security wouldn't just kill him if they found him. Though, why would he care if they did? The brat was a Caster hiding from her Majesty's authority. He shouldn't have any sympathy or mercy for criminals like that. He'd process his thoughts later, they were making his head hurt. That and tripping down the steps outside the building.

| Shishido Noboru |

Shido recognized the apparent insanity and near-impossibility of his words. How could he possibly effect change? Yet, he held firm to the belief that everything began with one person. He had liberated Arlo and others, stirring up chaos throughout the capital, all because of the actions of one individual who initiated it all. "Optimism isn't quite the right word," he mused. "History is akin to a game of dominoes, and I'm merely one of the pieces in play. Words alone won't accomplish much; actions always resonate louder." Running his hands through his hair, streaked with vibrant orange tips at the ends, he pondered the weight of his convictions.

"Thanks for the assistance, and I might call on you again down the line. Also, the shelter tonight? Much obliged," Shido expressed his gratitude before delving into the seriousness of his intentions. "Understand this: I'm prepared to spark a conflict, and I'm prepared to perish in it. Not out of a desire to witness the High Elf groveling or the kingdom engulfed in flames, but to secure a future where Casters aren't just a memory. A true warrior fights not out of hatred for what's in front of them, but out of love for what's behind them."

Shido let out a soft sigh, "I should head off too. Feeling a bit worn out. Hope it's alright if I call it a night. I might wander around a bit before turning in." He turned to leave, then paused and faced the boss again. "I won't cause any trouble for you, promise. I'll be on my way tomorrow. Oh, and is there a specific spot you'd like me to crash, or is any vacant room up for grabs?"

Feeling grateful for the hospitality, Shido suddenly realized his oversight, "Oh, I almost forgot to ask: what's your name? Sorry for not asking sooner."

The older man had a slight smile on his face, "You can call me Mr. Roland. As for where you can stay, there aren't exactly guest rooms, so you could stay in the storage room. Not the most comfortable place to be, but it'll be quiet."

He snapped his finger to get the attention of his bodyguard by the door. "Show our guest here the way. Then stand guard out front. I don't trust Arlo to properly keep an eye on things. Oh, and feel to mingle with my customers, boy. You seem new to the capital, and they're quite knowledgeable on how things work here. Might be useful for your... ambitious endeavor."

After being waved away, the bodyguard led Shishido to a room away from where the tavern's patrons drank. A short flight of stairs led into the dimly lit room. There were a few already lit candle holders attached to the cobblestone walls. Most of the room was filled with racks stocked with wine barrels. Too bad Shido was paranoid about being drunk in a place like this. Otherwise this would've been the perfect place to get wasted. A wooden table sat to the side, a few stray inventory documents sat on it.

Taking a tarp that covered some of the wine barrels, the man balled it up and tosses it to Shishido to use as a blanket or pillow. With a warning not to steal any of the product, the man left.

After putting the finishing touches on his improvised bed, fashioned from a trap and surprisingly comfortable, he exited the room and returned to the bustling main area. Conversations buzzed around him, creating a cacophony of sound that filled the space. Surprisingly, his previous seat remained unclaimed. Raising his hand to catch the bartender's attention, Shido requested another glass of water.

As he waited, he swiveled in his chair, scanning the room thoughtfully. Which type of people should he engage with?

Just as he was pondering, his gaze fell upon a man engaged in lively conversation with a woman. Tall and lean, with curly brown hair and piercing green eyes, the man sported the unmistakable mark of the Phoenix on his left cheek, just below his eye. Shido couldn't help but wonder why someone with such a distinctive marking would be here in the capital. Wasn't it too risky for them?

His scrutiny seemed to unsettle the man, who quickly turned to meet Shido's gaze. Embarrassed, Shido averted his eyes, pretending to focus on something else. Perhaps they were discussing something important, or maybe they were on a date.

Uncertain whether to approach the man, Shido weighed his options. He knew he needed information about his kind, particularly their motives and plans. Their hostility towards the High Elf could be valuable to him in his own endeavors. But how to broach the subject without causing offense?

Lost in thought, he continued to gaze at the man, trying to formulate a plan. However, his staring seemed to make the man uncomfortable, prompting a sharp glare in Shido's direction. Startled out of his reverie, Shido quickly looked away, deciding to finish his water instead.

| Ezura Mikazuki |

Dozens of posters were plastered through the main streets of the capital. They were sketches of the escaped inmates. Rough sketches. The one of Shido wasn't very accurate. His features were too rough, hardly pretty at all. Not like Mikazuki would know or that he found him pretty. The sketches were inaccurate. That was all.

Searching with the small squad with him, he hadn't had much luck finding any of the escapees like the other knights on patrol. There was one potential lead though. One of the capital's security was found knocked out near an inn. Mikazuki wasn't the first to try to get answers out of him. The man wasn't useful. He didn't remember the face of his attack or where they went. Idiot couldn't even recall when he was attacked. A common thug likely wouldn't attack security so brazenly, so Mikazuki figured it was an inmate. Without enough evidence, that couldn't be confirmed.

Wherever they were, finding them in such a populated part of the city was a tall order. There were a variety of shops and merchants they could steal supplies like food and clothes from. Where would they hide? He couldn't think. Outside of the inn, security forces questioned bystanders for any info regarding the inmates. Their constant chatter made his head hurt more than it already did.

When they suddenly shut up, he was too relieved to wonder why at first. Mikazuki heard hooves against the ground. The crowd made way for him and the security forces bowed their heads until he passed. Mikazuki would do no such thing.

Angelo. Even thinking of his name made his blood pressure spike. Shouldn't he be lazing about the palace while his underlings did all the work for him? Unlike the others, he wouldn't be fooled by the fancy medals on the irritant's vest, or by the position in her Majesty's army that he undeservedly had.

When Angelo grinned at him, Mikazuki turned away to continue questioning one of the locals that were staying at the inn. He foolishly thought he'd be left alone, right up until he was getting ready to search elsewhere with his men.

The irritant placed a hand on his shoulder. Mikazuki felt a tiny jolt run through his body at the contact, making his muscles involuntarily tense. He looked over his shoulder at the auburn-haired man behind him.

"You're back in the capital sooner than I expected, Ezura." Angelo leaned in towards him when he faced him. Nostrils flaring, he stepped back. "You reek of alcohol. Have you been drinking?"

"That's irrelevant. I don't have the patience for you, so–" Mikazuki caught himself before he said anything too rude. He needed to remember who he was talking to. Due to their family backgrounds, he had the misfortune of knowing Angelo since they were kids. That familiarity wouldn't excuse him speaking to the commander of the capital's security so carelessly. "Apologies, commander Delia. I've been a bit on edge as of late."

"You're forgiven. I can't blame you for getting worked up." When Angelo got up in his face again and lowered his voice, Mikazuki knew he was getting ready to say something aggravating. "I'd be angry too if I went through the trouble of capturing a rogue Caster only for them to escape."

The obvious question was how he knew that. It didn't matter, but the coy tone in his voice told him Angelo was trying to get at something.

| Shishido Noboru |

Shido observed as his unintended staring seemed to push the man over the edge. The screech of a chair accompanied the man's abrupt rise, though the woman attempted to halt his departure. Ignoring her protests, he strode purposefully toward Shido, his footsteps echoing heavily. Surprisingly, Shido felt a sense of relief; he didn't have to summon the courage to initiate the conversation himself.

With a forceful slam, the man's hand landed on the bar beside Shido's drink, his glare fixed squarely on Shido. "Got something on your mind?" he demanded, his tone challenging.

Shido briefly averted his gaze, pondering his approach. Should he be forthright about his curiosity, feign ignorance, or perhaps employ a bit of charm to lighten the mood? After a moment's consideration, he opted for honesty; after all, he was genuinely interested in the man's distinctive mark. Meeting the man's gaze once more, he gently placed a hand on his chest, pushing some space between them. The male's breath reeked of alcohol, "Sorry if I caused any trouble. I was just intrigued by the mark on your cheek,"

The man forcefully pushed Shido's hand aside. He took a step back a bit wobbly but maintained his stern gaze. "Don't touch me," he warned, his voice firm. Then, in response to Shido's inquiry about the mark, he explained, "It's just a Phoenix."

Shido nodded as if he understood, but he knew it was more than just a tattoo. "I've noticed others with the same mark. Does it hold any significance?" he inquired, his expression thoughtful. However, his demeanor shifted slightly as he continued, his tone more direct. "I've encountered them in less than favorable circumstances. It seems those bearing the mark have their sights set on the high elf, am I correct?"

The man's aggression escalated as he grabbed Shido's shirt, his glare intensifying. Shido remained calm despite the confrontation. The man was clearly drunk afterall, "I don't mean to intimidate you," he reassured the man, attempting to defuse the tension.

The man's response was anything but calm. "Intimidate me!? Like hell I would be scared of a punk like you!" he shouted, drawing unwanted attention to their exchange. Shido sighed inwardly, realizing the situation was quickly getting out of hand.

Shido couldn't help but feel frustrated. It seemed like everyone with this mark had a fiery temper. Just like the woman who nearly killed Mika, this man was quick to anger and unwilling to have a civil conversation. The scent of alcohol on his breath only made matters worse.

Feeling the weight of Mr. Roland's kindness, Shido knew he had to diffuse the situation before it escalated further. "Listen, I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I was just curious about you," he explained, hoping to reason with the man.

But the man wasn't having it. "Curious? Are you some kind of creep? You've been staring at me for ages! And don't think you can tell me when to listen. I'll decide that for myself," he snapped back, his tone dripping with hostility.

Shido's patience wore thin. Talking to the guy felt like talking to a brick wall, except the wall took offense to every word. "Fine, I'll leave you alone. Just keep your hands to yourself," he muttered, swiftly grabbing the man's fist and pulling it away from his shirt.

Clearly displeased, the man attempted to swing at Shido, but his drunken state made his movements clumsy and uncoordinated. Dodging the wild punch, Shido seized the man's arm and twisted it behind his back, forcing him to the ground before settling on top of him.

The woman hurried over, her expression apologetic. "I'm sorry for his behavior! Please, let him go!" Her sober demeanor contrasted starkly with the man's drunken outburst. Shido observed her closely, noting the resemblance between her and the man beneath him. They shared the same mark on their cheeks as well as the same features and hair.

Ignoring the man's curses, Shido glared down at him before meeting eyes with the woman again, "I'll release him if you can have a civil conversation with me instead of causing a scene like this fool," Shido stated firmly.

The woman nodded quickly and directed her gaze at the male. "If you try anything else, I swear you'll be sleeping outside again," she warned sternly. Despite his initial reluctance, the man grudgingly complied, allowing Shido to step away. As he rose to his feet, he adjusted his arm, following the woman to a nearby table with three seats.

"Let me introduce ourselves since we've already caused you trouble," the girl began, her tone apologetic.

"Caused him trouble? He started it!" then male interjected defensively.

"Aiden!" she snapped, silencing him instantly. "I'm Ashley, and this is Aiden. He's my twin brother, though I'm the older one by a few minutes."

Shido felt a bit awkward for his earlier assumption about them being on a date. "I see," he replied quietly. He hesitated, unsure if it was wise to reveal his true name given his current status as a wanted individual. However, considering they were also casters, he sensed the mana when he grappled the man earlier and the mark of a phoenix also proved this. It wouldn't make sense for them to cooperate with the capital guards while being hunted themselves.

"I'm Shishido," he finally introduced himself. "I know what you both are. Aren't you supposed to be laying low? Why are you here in the capital with that mark on your face? Doesn't it make you stand out?"

Aiden hiccuped before resting his head on the table. "He's an idiot," he muttered.

"Says the one starting a fight in public," Shido retorted.

"What did you say!? Say it again!" Aiden yelled weakly, unable to stand or raise a fist.

"Quiet, Aiden," Ashley sighed, then turned to Shishido. "We also know what you are, not just because of your mana, but because of your comment."

"Hm? Could you explain?" Shido raised a brow.

"This mark," she gestured to the Phoenix on her face, "is magic. Only casters can see it. It's like when casters come in contact with each other. You don't need to touch me to know. Everyone who wears this mark or can see it belongs to the same kind."