
04 Past

Rui stopped sleeping and just layed down at the rooftop when he heard a voice that almost made him smile.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Class started an hour ago and in it is now homeroom class. Teacher Evelyn said that you should be here and said that I should leave you alone but I insisted on going to you because it is not good skipping classes." Alice said to Rui who was laying down.

"Hey there." Rui said to Alice with a gentle smile. "So you really did smile earlier. You still haven't answered my question though." Alice said to Rui with a shy voice.

"The classes were boring so I slept in here. It seemed my status in the school really is large since they just gave me a key here." Rui said to her looking confused like it was such an obvious answer but she still had to ask.

"What? Guess they don't call you King for nothing. We badge holders can only borrow the key to the rooftop occasionally." Alice said to him. "Why don't you sit down here with me?" Rui said to Alice getting up and sitting down.

"Sure, We don't really have to attend homeroom class since it basically is just self-study class." Alice said to Rui with a smile.

The two just sat there. With that awkward silence. Minutes passed. Nobody is still speaking. Alice was getting uncomfortable and was about to speak. When the door that was locked opened.

"Finally, fresh air. I really hate the classroom." A voice of a girl was heard. When the door opened a girl with black long hair and glasses was seen.

"Oh, it seems I am not the first one here. Oh, its you Alice. If you are here then who is the other person?" The girl said to Alice looking confused at who Rui is.

"Oh, Anne. Aren't you doing student council business? Why are you here? This is Rui Dia. A first year badge holder like me. Although, his rank is higher." Alice said and Anne got surprised that she almost jumped.

"The Lion Badge? The King? I thought he didn't have the intention of going to classes? Why is he here? Man, let me call the other badge holders. This will be such an event." Anne said excitedly while dialing some numbers on her phone.

"Who is this person?" Rui asked Alice and Alice almost jumped out because he was silent the whole time then suddenly spoke. "This is Anne Mercy, the Rabbit Holder. She is a 3rd year student." Alice said to Rui.

"Oh, interesting. Who is she calling?" Rui asked Alice confusingly. "She is calling Kiel Brien and Beatrice Mael. The other badge holders. This is really a big event. Since this will be the first time that all badge holders come together!" Alice said excitedly seeming eager to see what will happen.

"Interesting." Rui whispered and was willing to wait. "Hey, Rui. I am Anne Mercy. Nice to meet you." Anne said to Rui after she finished her calls.

Rui just looked at her with a cold look in his eyes. Alice was surprised and Anne was in a awkward position when the door opened again and a handsome guy was seen.

"What's so urgent that you have to call us here, Anne?" The guy spoke feeling really irritated. "Kiel, Rui is here! The King is here!" Anne said to the guy named Kiel.

"What, where? This is really big. Where is Beatrice?" Kiel said and it seems his irritation was gone. "I am here. I have classes you know? I just rushed here because Anne said something important will be happening." A girl also came and should be Beatrice.

"So these are the other so called Badge Holders? Alice?" Rui said to Alice with a gentle look and voice. Alice is feeling really confused. Why is she given the special treatment from him.

"Yeah. They are the ones with the badge. I, too have a badge and this is the first time all five of us gather." Alice said to Rui. "Wait, did you just say that 5 of us gathered? So that means this guy is the Lion Badge?" Beatrice then speaks surprised.

"Yeah, this guy is the Lion Badge Holder, the King, Rui Dia." Anne said while looking at Rui with respect and awe. Kiel and Beatrice also looked at him with the same look.

"Why are you guys so respectful?" Rui said with a cold voice and he seemed really irritated.

"That is because you got a perfect score at that exam." Alice said to Rui trying to explain.

"Yeah, did you know how hard it is to increase your score at the exam? I have been in fifth place because I can't increase my score." Beatrice said.

"And it only happens every 6 months so everyone was shocked and felt awe when you got the perfect score." Kiel followed.

"You are a legend, not only in the school. But the whole world. Nobody really knows your face but your name is written in the history book." Anne followed and said.

"I'll leave now Alice. See you tomorrow." Rui said to Alice not listening to their voices. "Oh, see you tomorrow." Alice said while confused as to why he only speaks to her.

The four badge holders just stood there and after a while they had a conversation. Alice had to leave because she has something to do so only the three remain at the rooftop.

Rui called her sister and said he was going to that place. Her sister agreed and only said that do not come home late.

Rui found a taxi and said "Forest of Dreams." The taxi driver nodded and they drove there.

They arrived and Rui paid the taxi driver. Rui then walked towards a certain place and he arrived to a place that everything in the city is seen and is a beautiful sight.

"Leo. I think I found someone that I find interesting. You said I'll be happy when I do find one but I am still not happy. After you left, I felt really lost you know? I didn't know what I had to do. I got tired of doing something. I got tired of being the perfect person everyone wants me to be. You know, you said that I had the highest talent. I believed it but if you are alive, you should have that title." Rui spoke as if a person is there with him. Rui is now only looking at the view and thinking. About his past.

At the head of Rui is his past. That is scarred.

Rui was born talented. He was hailed as the genius of the century not only at the country but the whole world. It was a fact. He also has a wealthy family. Everything seems so perfect to him but reality is different. He is isolated at kids at his age because of his talents. Nobody wanted to play with him.

He was tired. Because he never asked for this. At 6 years old, he felt despair because everyone had expectations towards him. All of it just seemed like torture to him. Until one day while he was at the forest, a person came and that person was Leo.

He was someone that Rui needed. A person that could match him. They quickly became friends and Leo became Rui's guidepost since Leo was always one step ahead of him.

Years passed. Rui now is finding fun in life because of Leo. It all seemed like everything is okay because of Leo.

Everything was fine. Until that day, the day that Rui found out that Leo had a sickness. And Leo won't get to live another week. Rui felt devastated but didn't show it to Leo. Leo noticed the conflict in Rui's eyes and said "When I am gone, find someone who will make you happy, okay? Find someone who will make you feel complete." Rui just nodded.

Then 3 days passed and Leo passed away. Rui felt really devastated and it made him have a mental breakdown. That breakdown caused a coma. Luckily, Rui's family was wealthy and could afford the best hospital for Rui's condition.

That is some of Rui's past. Being a genius doesn't mean it is good. Having everything doesn't mean it is also good. If you are alone, you will only feel sadness. That is why even if you have everything but is alone, you cannot find happiness easily. Being at the peak is the worst torture a person could get. Because being at the peak means nobody could match you.

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