
cruscher gods of shadow

DaoistQgI2Cb · Urban
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10 Chs

**Chapter 1: The Beginning of a New World**

Blood pulsed through my veins, and pain tore my body apart. I lay on the bank of a wild stream, its waters murmuring to drown out the sounds of the forest. I felt my heart pounding violently in my chest, beating to the rhythm of my fear and disorientation.

I remember how it all started - how the shadow offered me what I desired most, yet feared the most. College was my light at the end of the tunnel, a dream meant to lift me out of the darkness of mediocrity. But when the final exams ended in failure and all that remained of my college life were torn pages from a notebook and a sense of complete meaninglessness, I had to face reality.

That's when he appeared - the Shadow. He was a man with eyes that resembled silvery moons in the sky. His voice sounded like the whisper of the wind, touching my soul like a long, sharp dagger.

"Are you ready for a new challenge?" he asked, his words ringing in my head like a school bell at recess.

I agreed. Oh, how much I regretted it.

The Shadow handed me an object that changed everything. It was a small sphere with an unearthly surface pulsating with golden light. "Crusher," said the Shadow. "This is your key to a new world."

Then everything became a hazy tale. I saw the greedy eyes of the wolf that attacked me by surprise. I felt its teeth sinking into my body, and then everything began to fade. I was sure I was dying.

But now, lying here on the bank of the stream, I felt something strange. Energy flowed through me like an unbridled river of power. It was magic, something I had always dreamed of but never believed existed.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a cave shrouded in deep darkness, but I no longer felt afraid. My body was battered and wounded, but I felt a strength I had never known before.

Magic danced around me, vibrating in the air. I knew I had to learn to use it, I had to become stronger. It was my only way to survive in this new world I had just discovered.

It was then that I noticed something strange - words appeared on a transparent screen in the air: "Acquisition of Skill: Happy Adaptation." It was a system meant to help me survive in this new world.

So here begins my new journey, entering a world full of skills and magic, with Crusher as my guide .

Dear Reader,

I hope this message finds you well. As the author of this novel, I am reaching out to express my gratitude for your interest in my story. Writing the first chapter has been an exhilarating experience, and I am excited to continue this journey with you.

In order to further develop the narrative and explore the depths of this fantastical world, I kindly request your support in acquiring Power Stones. These stones serve as a vital source of encouragement and motivation for authors like myself, allowing us to unlock new chapters and share our creativity with readers around the globe.

Your contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant difference in sustaining the momentum of this novel. With your help, I am confident that we can delve deeper into the characters, unravel intricate plotlines, and embark on an unforgettable adventure together.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to your continued support as we delve deeper into the realms of imagination and storytelling.

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