

"Shut up!" The man growled like a maniac making the girls to gasp for air. They were being suffocated by the man's deep and cold voice.

"Here sir!" The man who had been sent to bring a glass of water finally returned with it. He stretched his hand and gave it to his colleague.

The man took the glass of water and splashed it mercilessly at the girl on the floor.

Suddenly, the girl woke up and wandered around only to see the situation of the place.

There was blood all over and broken utensils. Her fellow girls were squeezed in a corner while drops of tears were cascading down their cheeks.

She then gazed at her left hand only to remember what happened earlier.

But whose blood was that? She asked herself as her eyes faced the cold man in front of her.

"So you are the reason for all of this?" The man thundered in the whole place and made the girl coil herself fearfully. 

"I didn't do anything" She replied as the pain on her broken arm which was about to get better completely, was now crucifying her.

"Hahaha! I can see that you are so popular. I guess you are the leader of this group" The man said while ignoring what the girl said.

"N-no a-am not sure"  Blessing continued to deny.

"Okay, we shall see after all our boss asked us to take you all to the dungeon then she will deal with you later when she is much better. Even though you lie to me, it won't help you all out of the situation" The man stated leisurely without any pity in his dark red eyes while his colleagues were standing close to the tied girls.

"Sir! Please forgive us. Don't take us to the dungeon. We will not survive" Vivian pleaded as sweat rolled down her face. She was scared of the place because she could remember there was a time, she was taken to that place so that she could be warned against going against their boss but now, she had to be there as a prisoner.

"When you planned your shallow strike trying to kill our boss, why did you forget that each action must have a price? Now you have to taste your own medicine. All of you are stupid. Do you want to cut the hand that fed you? You didn't think about us who are working for her. Where will we get a job from if you killed her?" 

Blessing froze. She opened her eyes and mouth wide as she gazed at the other girls on her left side.

So it was a strike? She tried to absorb the information.

Now it made sense to her. That meant one thing, that someone had lost a lot of blood but who was that? Her eyes wandered around but she couldn't see her friends in deep injuries except for the sweat and tears. That only meant that they fought their boss.

'Whaaaat?' A realization dawned on her that they were in a hot soup.

"Tie this one too!" The deep cold voice brought her from her wonderland. 

She coiled herself as the pain in her hand was increasing with each second.

One of the men came closer to her and did as he was instructed.

"What next sir?" He asked his colleague after finishing tying the girl on her legs. 

"Let's go!" The man ordered making his colleagues drag the girls who were tied with a single rope. Their legs were tied to each other and they looked like a sack of potatoes as they were being dragged.

"Sir! You are hurting us!" 

"Sir! Please forgive us"

"Sir! Please don't take us to that place!"

"Sir! Please have mercy on us. We are in pain. Please, sir! Don't do this to us!"

"Sir! Please. You will kill us. Let us..."

"Shut your ugly mouths! If I hear anything from you all, you won't believe what am capable of doing" The man roared at the girls who were crying endlessly because of the pain they were going through.

Blessing was not able to cry, instead, tears of pain and regret and betrayal were just falling endlessly like a waterfall.

She just gasped as they all were dragged from the house through the smaller door. 

The men didn't even care that the door was too small for the girls who were tied in a sack style but instead they forced them out forgetting that they were human.

The girls moaned and pleaded for mercy but no one came to their rescue.

When they were finally out of the house which was far from other houses, they were carried high and thrown inside a smaller white pickup.

The men were heartless that they could not care what would be the fate of the girl who was under the other.

Without a care in the world, they entered in the driver's seats and others climbed on the girl's side and took off ignoring the voices of the girls who were crying in pain.