


"What is your name by the way?" Dean beamed delightfully out of nowhere making his brother frown slightly at his sudden question.

"Sorry. Hahaha! Don't mind me!" Dean corrected himself abruptly by his brother's expressions.

"It is okay, I am Blessing Richard" Blessing muttered shyly while gazing on the ground.

She was extremely excited by just being near these cute brothers. She couldn't pretend anymore and smiled while massaging her hand softly.

'Why can't life just be like this always? With loving and caring people like them?' She asked herself subconsciously. 

Alex scrutinised the girl delightfully forgetting that he was sick by her beautiful face. She looked cute but she could feel her sadness  and he could tell that she had been suffering then his expression darkened suddenly, 

"Why do you have all of those bruises? Who did that to you? Tell me!" He exclaimed with anger that his brother had to tap him on his back to ease his furry.

"Mmh. I..was" Blessing tried to form a sentence but she couldn't because of what she felt inside of her. 

These people looked like angels who came to show her how beautiful heaven was. She was afraid that they would disappear anytime soon.

She was full of unexplained emotions that she couldn't say anything but cry, tears of joy.

Alex suddenly regretted his actions immediately.

He took it that the girl was crying because of his sudden outburst, "I am sorry Blessing" 

"No! Don't apologize! I am happy that even though you know nothing about me, cry, you care about me!" She managed to say while crying hard.

"Ooh! Wow! I am the luckiest man to hear you say that about me!" He said while adjusting his seating position because of the back pains.

"Don't worry okay, we will be..."

"Son! It is time for you to rest" A voice distracted their blissful moment of peace.

Blessing froze by the voice and coiled herself on the bed.

She could remember this woman. Yeah, she was his mother.

Did she tell his son that they accused her of what happened to him? Did it mean that he would hate him now? She was scared to lose him already even though he knew nothing about him.

"Mum! Don't shout like that. It is not good for a sick person!" Alex declared making his mum paralyzed.

She couldn't understand it at all. His son cared about the girl more than himself? Was the girl a threat to her family's peace now? 

Her son was out of his mind.

How could he behalf like this? The girl looked like a street beggar but here he could see his son head high about her?

What would happen if her son recover and it was time for the girl to vanish from her son's life? Mrs Walter asked while strolling toward her son. 

She would think all of that after her son got better anyway.

After all, the girl was a nobody and she had no one that could back her up.