

Throughout the years, The Crown, has been always be known as the symbol of Kingdom, symbol of Glory through wars, and the symbol of the King as a leader.

There is the tradition of making the next King's crown, a young prince must design his own crown base on what leadership he wanted to be. As the Dark Ages pass, The Crown becomes a soldiers helmet, it becomes darker, spiky, and corrupted. The Dark Lord reigns, his crown is made of pure blood metal, It is made from the extracted metal from the blood of his enemies which he personally and single-handedly slain. "Long, Live, The King" as his followers screams for glory. This Crown has reigned over decades, millenniums, and eons for The King is no mere mortal, He is a Dark Lord of pure darkness. Until one fateful day, everything changes with a single moment.

The Dark Lord wanders through his land, searching for something, he do not know what is it he's looking for. He sees land covered in darkness, the clouds always covers the sunshine, the forest becomes a nightmare, and all his followers are in chaos, except for one thing. In a world filled with complete and utter chaos, there is a flower the blooms through a sinlge ray of sunlight. The flower is protected by a little girl. The Dark Lord wonders, why is it there is still a genuine smile on that girl's face. It isn't a smile of a wicked, but a smile of genuine happiness. The Dark Lord rush through the shadows and follows the little girl for a day. He noticed, out of his Kingdom of darkness, the other side of the wall, lies beauty and life.

The next day, The Dark Lord follows the little girl again. Curiously, he talked to girl,

DL:"What is the little thing?"

LG:"It's a Flower." with a smile.

The Dark Lord touches the flower and quickly it becomes corrupted and dies from disintegration.

The little girl slowly pouts, and begins to cry, surprisingly the Dark Lord was startled, He begans to panic, but he know he cannot touch the little girl.

LG: *pout* *sniffs* "You're a big meanie!!!"

The little girl runs away and head to the other side of the Kingdom.

The Dark Lord went to the castle and on his throne. He summoned his consultant/adviser.

DL: "Say, What is a flower?"

AD: "My Lord, a flower is a plant that blooms and smells nice.

DL: "Where can I get one?"

AD: "Pardon me My Lord, for eons, we don't have such thing in our kingdom.

DL: "Hmm...

AD: "My Lord, Pardon me for asking this, Why does a little thing such as a flower bothers you that much?

DL: "Ah, What?"

AD: "You're holding may neck My Lord, and soon you'll break it."

DL: "Does this bothers you?"

AD: "Oh, No My Lord, please give me some more" *smile with satisfaction*

The Dark Lord throws his advisers with no regards on what so ever and commander her.

DL: "Fetch me the resurrection book."

AD: *Feeling satisfied by the impact*

"Right away, My Lord."

In his throne, the Dark Lord reads and Memorized the resurrection spell in the book. And quickly throws it out of nowhere. Fatefully it hits the hips of his adviser and quickly and silently squeals from the pain. The adviser is hiding and trying to investigate why is the Dark Lord suddenly wanted to know about a mere flower.

The Dark Lord went out to find the girl,

He hid himself and travel through the shadows with blink of an eye. He then saw the little girl digging the place where he last saw the flower. The Dark Lord pops out of nowhere and speaks.

DL: "What are you doing?"

LG: "Digging" with a smile

DL: "What for?"

LG: "To plant another flower, since you destroyed the last one."

The little girl speaks as if nothing bad has happened yesterday.

DL: "Why do you need to plant again?

I know a resurrection spell."

The grab a stick, a mere brach, and hit the hand of the Dark Lord.

LG: "NO! You big bad meanie, don't you ever touch my flower again. Hmp."

The Dark Lord is confused, for eons, no one literally has ever touch him. But he feel no anger nor hatred. He felt sorry for once. He asked the little girl.

DL: "Why do you plant this?"

LG: "Because I like it."

DL: "What is the purpose of a purpose of a Flower?

LG: "I'll show you, but first I need to go home. Be here tomorrow same time. Ok?

The Dark Lord nodded as for acceptance. The little girl went home and so does the Dark Lord, in his castle, he sits in his throne waiting for tomorrow to come. He didn't sleep because he didn't need to.

As the time come. The Dark Lord went back to the place where he saw the the little girl.

LG: "You're here. Good"

The little girl greets her with a smile.

LG: "Let's play, Mister. Mister? Who are you?"

DL: "You don't know who i am? I am the Dark Lord who reigned this world for eons, before you're even born. I am your King.

LG: "King Poop, I'll call you King Poop, since you're dark and you destroyed my flower."

DL: "How am I the Dark Lord descended as a poop?!"

LG: "Coz' you're a big meanie, haha, chase me if you can, hihi.

The little girl runs outside of the kingdom's walls and went on a garden field while the Dark Lord follows her. In the field, the little girl laid down to enjoy the sunshine throughout the flowers. She quickly grab something in her little pouch of her and give it to the Dark Lord. It's a Crown of Flowers.

The Dark Lord reign of Darkness has ended in just a moment. The Dark Lord removed his crown and puts the Crown of Flowers. Chaos stops, Darkness had been vanished, the kingdom had shed light.

For eons of the darkness, peace has come with the Crown of Flowers.

Beauty will reigns forever...