
Chapter One

One day there was a kid at school sitting at lunch. His mom was a teacher at the school he goes to. After the school was over his sister Shelly picked him up from school. The moment they got home Shelly was making dinner and watching tv at the same time. Dad comes in from work and sits on the couch. Shelly walks towards and asks him a question. She asked him "hey dad can i get a phone". Dad said ask your mom when she gets home. The moment mom got home. Shelly walked to mom as quickly as possible and asked her for a phone and of course she said no.Shelly got up and stormed off to her room and slammed the door. Her mom gets a phone call from an unknown number. It was a guy named Frank. Frank told her something very important. Frank said " we don't have a lot of time left, we have to steal the crown tonight or we are dead you got that Kara." Kara froze and said" I have a family now I cant keep stealing anymore if we get caught we go to jail." She thought to herself for a moment and realized she doesn't have a choice. So she packed all of her things and left a note to her kids saying that she is leaving and might never come back.

Kara got into her car and drove off. She grabbed her fake id and put on a wig. She called Frank and asked him where the crown was tonight. Frank said "it's on the queen's head during a party our best bet is to take the crown and steal some money to get us out of the country because once we do this there's never going back." Kara said let's do this. They both arrived at the party. Frank walked to Kara and told her to wear a mask so no one will know who they really are. As soon as they got into the building the guard asked for their id . Kara asked to go to the bathroom. As soon as Kara got to the Bathroom and turned on her mic and changed her hair and walked into the ballroom. Frank pulled out his id and was able to make it in the ballroom. They both started to walk around the room waiting for the queen to make it to the party. Kara suddenly froze and spoke through the mic to Frank. She said " we are being watched on the top left 2nd floor. Frank looks up and says "ima go take him out so he won't be a bother."

As soon as Frank left things got much worse. People are starting to realize something is not right. The power cuts off everyone screams and panics. Kara reaches into her bag and pulls out a flashlight. She caught a glimpse of the queen's crown and grabbed it. She calls Frank and tells him I got the crown. The lights cut back on. Kara looks around and she is surrounded by cops. Frank walked up to her and said " well done I didn't think you would do it but you did. Kara said " What are you talking about?" "I'm talking about how you could steal a crown on camera in front of the FBI,'' he said. "You tricked me and used me. What are you planning?" she said. What are you talking about? I'm just doing my job and catching the bad guy and getting paid. I ain't doing nothing wrong. He walks away from her as she gets put into a police car. Meanwhile at the house Shelly walks into the kitchen and sees a note that her mom left. She calls her brother down "Kevin!" Kevin runs downstairs and walks into the kitchen. "What do you want? This better be important" he says. "Mom left us for good and she's probably never coming back" says Kelly. "Well let's go get her without her we don't have food and no bills to pay plus where could she have gone" says Kevin.

" Fine, get in the car and get some money, we have a long drive ahead of us" she said. They both got into the car and started driving. Where are we going? said Kevin. Somewhere we can start and someone can probably help us, said Shelly. While on the road Kevin just realized something. Wait what about dad we just left without telling him where we are going, said Kevin. Don't worry about it I made sure he will still think we are at the house, said Shelly. Wait don't we have a tracker on mom with her phone connected to the car? Let's track her there and drive faster. Ok ok Im driving faster so chill out ok. As they were looking for their mom the tracker stopped at a prison. Shelly is mom in jail waiting to break her out because if we are we need a costume. Kevin this is not the time for games we are just here to visit ok. Fine, said Kevin. They both started to walk into the building. As they were walking they saw a lot of people there. Kevin looked a little scared because there was a talk man looking at him with a weird smile.As they were walking they saw their mom in a cell. MOM said Kevin and Shelly. Kara looked up and said "go home and don't look for me and don't ask for and leave as soon as possible".