
Mrs. Dennis

Mrs.Dennis, was a widow in her late fifties, and the caretaker of 'The Billionaire's Squad' home.

She was indeed a grand-mother figure to all the boys, she had few staff under her for assistance.

But she preferred doing everything on her own, for the boys.

She was the only staff member, who was permitted to roam freely in the house and talk with the boys.

She of course, never intervened them unless required.

The rest of the staff were never lurking around when the boys came in.

They remained in their quarters, unless they were summoned for work, or for further instructions.

Surprisingly, all the staffs were above forty...

Few were widows and few had some major financial crunch.

The Billionaire squad boys, were indeed fuckers but they were also kind and humble humans.

Mrs. Dennis had been particularly close to Romano and Deandre.

These both boys had made her gone mad with their antics (banging).

Yepp, aimlessly banging women in the house.

She gave them a earful and even pinched their ears for such naughty behavior.

Romano and Deandre would sheepishly apologize on getting caught and then constantly try to make her happy.

Mrs. Dennis knew all her boys were grieving the loss of their true love. She knew Romano and Deandre had the worst, because guilt ate them every single day, and to get away from that feeling they always slept with numerous woman.

She tried talking to Watson, Lucas and Orlando about it. Even the boys were helpless in changing Romano's and Deandre's ways.

She never met the girls, but she saw their pictures...

Each of the boys had secretly kept few happy pictures of the girls.

And they say it right, a mother's heart always knows the best for their children....

She knew the girls were the best thing in the boy's life, and how much of a positive impact they would bring, once they get back to their lives.

Her prayers were answered by God.

Mrs.Dennis was accompanied by another staff, they entered the hall room and placed the breakfast.

"Good morning my children, the breakfast is set on the table."

"Good morning, Denny" they all smiled and greeted her.

They lovingly called her Denny.

Dennis shot a look over to the boys, all seemed relentless, exhausted and their eyes held deep emotions.

Maybe it was work? She has seen them this exhausted two years back, with some wrong business dealings...

And now again? Should she broach the topic now or let them have breakfast first?

She decided for the latter, it was important to get food into their system first, as a mother would think.

"C'mon children, the food is getting cold."

They slowly made their way to the table, without much banter or chit chatting.

This worried Mrs. Dennis alot, she decided for a distraction.

Grabbing the newspaper she said, "The Lamborghini Woman... Wow, I didn't know that one day I'll see a woman driving such a magnificent car. But wait," her eyes zoomed to the part which mentioned about the speed of the car, "Oh my God"

Romano and the other boys had stilled, when Denny said about 'The Lamborghini Woman', immediately Olivia's image came into their mind.

When Denny gasped all of a sudden, Romano quickly made his way to her and took the newspaper from her hands.

He read everything in a jet of speed.

The speed of her car, he gritted his teeth... That was the maximum speed limit in which she drove the car.

She. Could. Have. Died.

"Stupid woman!"

Watson took the newspaper from him and read it aloud.

There was complete silence, except Romano's heaving breathing.

"Wow!" Orlando said in amazement.

"Unbelievable" Watson murmured, it was also one of his favorite car.

"How did she do that?" Lucas asked in awe.

"Sister-in-law is pretty cool.." Deandre chuckled.

Dennis eyes grew saucers when she heard 'Sister-in-law'

"Oh my God, is that child Olivia??" she exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, it's her." Romano said softly.

5 seconds. 10 seconds. 20 seconds... passed by Mrs Dennis didn't move or utter a word.

The boys waited for her response, then all of a sudden, she grabbed Romano by his ears.

"Oh my God, how could you let her drive that car in such speed??? "

"Denny.... Owww..."

"Don't Denny me, you ungrateful brat. That was so dangerous, look at the pictures of the car and the road... there are marks and scratches. Something could have happened to her." she said in one breath, panting heavily.

Gosh, Olivia was back... she was happy and shocked as well... the child could have died.

Lucas got up from his seat and helped Denny to sit down on the chair.

"Scold him later, first drink this glass of water."

She drank the water slowly, calming her nerves.

Denny's daughter had died at a young age while driving a car. She was driving at the max speed limit making her loose the control over the car.

This lead to a massive accident, resulting into her early death.

Mrs.Denny was not against driving, but she was against driving at such high speed.

She was a practical and logical person, sometimes overwhelmed by her emotions.

She often lectured the boys on driving....

"I'm so sorry Denny... I just met her yesterday.... As soon as she saw me, she ran away for me..." Romano went down on his knees and kept his head on her lap.

She ran her fingers softly over his head, "If she ran, you should have followed her.... I'm sure her emotions were out of control. And especially, when a woman is not in control of her emotions, it could be very lethal."

she said out of experience.

"I promise, I will never let her go again..."

"I would like to meet her. But she needs time ....

I'm so glad, my child Romano... You finally found your Olivia." she smiled and kissed his cheeks.

"I'm glad and overwhelmed, that I found her too.." Romano said holding Denny's hands.

"Ahem Ahem..." Watson coughed.

The pair turned towards him, "You mean how I found Olivia, right?"

"Yes, you Watson. Thank you so much man! I owe you...." Romano gave Watson a bro hug.

"Heyyy....you forgot me!!" Orlando protested.

"What did you do?" Watson rolled his eyes.

"Well, I found her address dude! Give me some credit, had it not been my help you would have never met her!!"

"Valid point." Lucas murmured.

"Still it was me who found about Olivia first..." Watson agrued.

Orlando and Watson's banter made the atmosphere lighter.

Deandre back hugged Denny and laughed along.

Even in times of darkness, there is a light....


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