
I'm going back

Watson was too disturbed and distracted to notice that all the boys were staring him with concern.

He kept pacing in the hall room, rubbing his hands on his face sometimes, and sighing many times.

He couldn't believe his luck to finally meet Crystal, but things were definitely on the backlash for him.

He had a lot to begging to do, and correct his mistakes but before that he wanted to find out everything about her.

And everything that happened in the past.

"I'm going back" he made his decision.

The boys gave him a quizzical look.




"I'm going back to find out everything that has happened to Crystal in the past."

Deandre frowned, "How would you do that? We could not find anything about her until today."

"That's where we went wrong! We didn't check the only place that destroyed our relationship!!" Watson stressed on the fact, he felt really stupid to not go there before.

Lucas stood up, "Shit!! We could have saved seven years of miserable life."

"Of course!! How could we forget our highschool!" Romano felt like smacking himself.

Old memories of hurting Olivia came to his mind and not to forget the bitch, Sandra.

"Maybe I could hack the server and we can retrieve information about the girls as well as Sandra and her clan. I'm sure they must have left traces..." Orlando said with hope blooming up his chest.

Finally they got a kickstart!

"I have to meet Dr. Hans privately and get information out of him."

"Watson, about that I think he will notify the girls. I mean this case was highly protected and none knew about the incident apart from few handful people.

And if we try to probe the case now, it will be highly suspicious." Lucas thought about other alternatives to approach.

"Disguise yourself." Deandre gave the idea.

"That's good idea. But disguise as what?" Romano asked.

"Well, Crystal has a lovely grandmother. Why not give it a try!"

"Shut up Deandre, it's serious..."

"Well think about it, grandmother is family and if she wants to enquire about her granddaughter she can... by shedding tears and emotionally blackmailing the old man. Saying it's her last wish to know before dying."

Everyone was baffled by his idea. It could be a good plan if it were implemented well.

But the risk was too much!

"What if he knew her grandmother. I'm sure Andrew must know of this incident as she was in coma. And to think his wife does not know of it, is hard to disgest." Lucas was not so sure whether it would work for them.

"We have to take risk! That's all we have got." Romano agreed to Deandre's idea, however absurd it was....

it was still possible to try.

"We can approach Mr. Hans by some other means..." Orlando said slowly.

All eyes were immediately on him, "I could hack his records and conversation with the girls. Also if possible, I can impersonate as Rain or Olivia and ask for details."

"Impersonate how?" Romano asked.

"Of course by having an online conversation with him!

And I bet, the doctor is an old man. He would not know much about hacking, so I don't think he will get suspicious."

"That's quite a good idea Orlando!!" Lucas appreciated.

"But wouldn't he question you, why you are asking this all of a sudden?" Watson asked.

"I'll search for a valid excuse....Don't worry." Orlando assured him.

"All good for now. We'll start preparing for our move tomorrow morning!" Lucas announced.

"We will get to the end of it, Watson."

The boys assured him.

"And we'll get more clues on Samantha, Susan and Rain." Watson gave a reassurance to his best buddies who stood by him everytime.

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