

Coming back to Forks after seven years was just not the same this time.

"It looks so same yet different..." Lucas said in a gloomy voice.

The loss was very heavy, the last time they left this place.

"I see new faces of the gatekeepers..." Orlando observed.

"The school is just the same... I can still recall the first day we came to highschool." Watson reminisced about his old days.

"We were quite arrogant and devilish men that time." Lucas chuckled at the memory.

"Hahaha, that would be an understatement...." Orlando laughed, remembering how people used to fear them, but also wanted to be friends with them after all they were rich boys.

"Yeah, only the girls didn't fear us and even humiliated us by winning the basketball match." Watson smiled remembering how they got defeated for the first time, in basketball match.

Being the arrogant man they were, they challenged the girls,[ their respective partners (later)].... after Samantha had poured hot chocolate on Lucas t-shirt intentionally, after he insulted them.

And thus, this lead to attraction and new love story between the boys and girls, who became very famous in their highschool year.

"If only we didn't make mistakes then, we would be here with our girlfriends...." Lucas regretted his horrible mistake with Chelsey, and in the process hurting Samantha terribly. His subconscious always haunted him, seeing the heartbroken face of his strong woman Samantha, who hardly cried but couldn't stop the tears running down her face after seeing his betrayal.

"We are here to rectify our mistakes...." Orlando said in determination.

"How can we rectify? There will never be a proper rectification for our actions. The girls will never forgive us for what we did. Sandra and her minions did enough damage already, we cannot erase it!!!" Lucas said in exasperation. The usually calm and collected man felt every inch of his body ignited with anger and guilt today, after visiting the place where he lost the most precious thing in his life.

"We cannot erase the past. But we can provide justice to the girls.... It's the only way, we can get back in their life. And trust me they do deserve justice. The bitches played with our love life and framed the girls!!

We can't let them go off the hook so easily." Orlando vowed himself, that no matter what he will go in depth and find evidences against Sandra and her minions.

Lucas and Watson nodded in agreement. They would do everything in their power to provide justice.


"I cannot believe, Andrew gave up his company to his granddaughter!!" a voice said from the call.

"Granddaughter? That's news... Never knew about Andrew's grandchildren." a rich deep voice said from another line.

"All of us were shocked. But this girl is something else, she has fire in her. She even humiliated me in front of everybody!!"

"Who is this girl? And how come we know of her existence now?" the deep voice asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"It's Crystal Stanley. And apparently Andrew is hosting a party for her take-over this Saturday!"

"I'm interested in seeing this girl myself..."

"Yeah apparently your son was quite interested in her as well. But I could feel her connection with Will Miller, they look like lovers."

"Hmm... interesting, very interesting....."

"If Miller and Stanley ever get married, then his stakes would be higher than all us! Wouldn't it be violation of the contract we all made." the angry voice said.

"Marriage is above all deals. You said my son was trying to impress her?....

I'll soon have to talk to him..." the deep voice said.


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