
Cross Rhythm

-Serina,Do you know what Cross Rhythm means? -No ,mom . But I think it means that crossing over rhythm. -Hahaha..ha ,Oh Serina you are so cute. Mom will tell you what Cross Rhythm means. Cross Rhythm means two rhythm interveining together to play sweet melodies. I am Serina,An ordinary college student. In this world my only family and my happiness was my mom. But one day I lost my last hope to live. In one glance my life became upside down but I couldn't do anything. After experiencing much grievance , suddenly I was transmigrated and find myself in a different world. Fuschia Rose Scarlett, a beautiful young lady of the Scarlett house. She was a pitiful girl with a miserable fate. She lost her family in young age. When she finally wanted to be loved , that became unrequred. I really was reincarnated as Fuschia the beauty of Scarlett house . An appearance like fairy and having much wealth. She had everything but always longed for love. This time I will make your life beautiful and have a great ending. What will you do if you are given a second chance? Will you be able to live with pleasure and joy? Or , will you be able to find happiness? Will this two poor sole be able to find salvation by interveining each other? In this journey of #CrossRhythm we will find out how Fuschia make her life blissful ...

Reniassa · Fantasie
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40 Chs

A beautiful meeting...

It was Fuschia's first dance so I wanted to avoid unnecessary incident.

While I was thinking about how can I get the best use of this situation.

Frederick came up and asked me for dance. It was my first dance but he didn't know that I think that's why he asked me.

Cause in this country, a lady's first dance always with her blood relatives or fiance. So if he dance with me then it will look like we're angaged.

While I was about to say no. Then his Majesty summoned me for a meeting. I was revealed and Frederick couldn't get to dance with me. Though Fuschia has feelings for him, I think I also couldn't have told him no. It was painful in some way that even I can't even understand. I am now on Fuschia's body. Being different sole , still I have the same feelings of that person.

I think, I was going to give up if he insisted me.

But the emperor summoned me, it was a relief. Now the big question is, how can I stay calm. It's a bigger problem from before. I have to make sure not to do anything unnecessary. Or I will be published severely as It was the first time for me to be in front of the emperor.

As those scery thoughts come to my mind, I couldn't make myself comfortable .

The emperor and empress attend the celebration first, but they went back because they are not in good health.

When I reached at the empirial suite , I waited for permission then entered. Then I finally was in front of the emperor His Majesty , Adonis Alexanderias.

'I greet His Majesty , the sun of the empire. I am Fuschia Rose Scarlett.' I greeted him politely but I was so anxious at the same time.

Seeing me being anxious , Her Majesty came and give me a sit.

'There's no need to greet me so politely.', his majesty said it with a smile on his face.

Then he asked, 'How are you , my child? I heard your health wasn't good. Are you fine now?'

With such care and sincerity , I was really happy to come here and meet him.

'Thank you for your concern, your majesty. But my health is now better .' I replied with a sweet smile.

His Majesty has two sons and no daughter. So his majesty and her majesty charised girls and fortunately I was one of them. Specially his majesty charised me like his own child.

I was restricted to attend any social gathering ,so I wasn't able to meet his majesty much.

But this time I got the chance. His Majesty and Her Majesty both nice person. I was having a great time with them. They were so pleased that I attend the celebration.

As my grandfather's accomplish he loved me as a child. After that the conversation went for a while , I also forgot about the time and I was able to forget about Frederick.

If I were at the hall, I would have to dance with him. For me it was a bad idea , cause I promised to Fuschia to give her a beautiful life. Now I won't go back to follow an unrequred love.

It was so late when our conversation ended so his majesty personally sent a carriage for me. And asked me to come imperial place whenever I want.

Now that I think about it, today was a day full of events. Thinking about that makes me feel tired. I need to have a good sleep tonight or this beautiful face will suffer. Off course I can't give up my looks at all.

After few days of the engagement ceremony , her majesty sent me a personal invitation of a tea party.

The invitation makes me so happy that I can't even imagine.

Bella is preparing me as always, I am sitting on my vanity and looking forward to see how today will be.

-My lady, your preparations are complete.

-Bella please put some flowers on my braids.

-My lady would you like some red roses?

-Then put six of them and put them together to look like a Bouquet.

-Yes, my lady.

-Bella how do I look?

-My lady is always the most beautiful young lady I've ever seen. Today

you look like a blooming rose.

I am wearing a beautiful green dress and with those red roses on my braids. I am falling for myself.

Fuschia was restricted to go outside and she was overworking herself since that incedent . To forget her affection for Frederick ,she always tried hard in every way she can and get involved in much work.

Today is my day to fulfill my desire to be happy and have no regret.

-My lady, we've arrived .

From here on my sorrowful life will take turn . Fuschia I will give you a beautiful ending...