
Chapter 3( Time 3.09)

She sees the time and it's 3.09 and talks to cat. "Time is not going only from when it is 3.09

Again she goes to sleep.

Rachel went to sleep again and again she can hear the voice Rachelllll....

She got up again and cannot see anyone, now she got furious as the time was still 3.09.

Few moment later, door opens and she can see one lady standing at the door and body structure was crooked and Rachel gets frighten and she moves behind the sofa and starts looking at her, but with her ugly face she gets more frighten and quietly she keeps on seeing what the lady is doing. Crooked woman with her ugly face woman starts climbing the staircase with the struggle, going to her room with her ugly cat; it was strange as the cat was also crooked and ugly. Suddenly Rachel dashed with the lamp on the table and lady stops on staircase and she was turning around, by the time she sees her, Rachel managed to get hidden in the old box and now scared Rachel is watching her from key hole and she sees that lady is coming down as she can hear her footsteps and suddenly her eyes are so near to key hole and crooked woman told her to come out of the Box.

Rachel comes out of the box and lady smelt her so near to her face and Rachel closed her eyes and lady said "what are you doing here ?

Rachel said, It was cold outside and It was late also hence I managed to come inside but cannot go out, as door was jam.

Lady said "U cannot go out"

Rachel is stunt and looking at her.

Lady turned around in a weird manner and told her this door is jam, you can come inside but cannot go out.

Rachel asked her "I want to leave now"

Lady said "it's too late to go out now dear you go tomorrow morning. Rachel told her that its almost morning now and she looks at the watch and she is shocked to see the time @3.09 and asked the lady, Why this time is not pass properly.

Crooked woman asked her if she is hungry and Rachel told her "yes mam I am hungry "

lady goes to kitchen to bring the food for her and Rachel was checking the watch whether the cells are working and when she opens the watch she can see there is no cell in that but the watch was working as its second noise was coming and suddenly Watch alarm rings and she throws that watch on ground and she saw pin moved from 3 to 2 but in some time watch started again stopped at 3.09.

Lady comes with the soup bowl in her hand and it was smelling so good and tasty, Rachel was hungry hence she took the soup bowl from her hand starts drinking it. While drinking the soup she saw one finger in the soup bowl and she starts vomiting on the ground and starts crying and shouts at her, what is happening here!

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