

Adedayo held down the trigger, his mark 2 Jeongsin cannon unleashed a barrage onto the flank of the British Destroyer. Each round piercing the plasta-steel hull into the compartments beneath, a line of small explosions pluming in the wake of his onslaught. Their shields were useless against conventional projectiles. Adedayo expertly weaved his Suzume fighter, assisted by his onboard combat AI, through the clouds of shrapnel launched from the Destroyers point defense flak cannons.

Easy he thought.

All around him the battle raged in a maelstrom, the Commonwealth of Northern African States was fighting a desperate defense against the United Interstellar Kingdom. The British were after the asteroid field in this system. The field was rich enough in heavy metals that it didn't matter that it was in Commonwealth controlled space.

Adedayo's console lit up flashing orange, the light casting a foreboding shade to his honeymoon photos, he had picked up a tail. His combat AI micro maneuvered his Suzume. His sensors highlighting the storm of rounds thrown out from the fighter behind him, giving small adjustments to the flight path to avoid the hailstorm. The British fighter was faster than his Suzume and quickly gaining ground. The Suzume mass produced in the Asian conglomerate was a staple for most navies, but it didn't compare to the UIK developed fighter.

Cursing, Adedayo pulled his ship up hard, his anti-G seat went ridged soaking up most of the acceleration. Another stream of rounds flickered past. A sharp bank left before shunting the ships nose down, his anti-G seat creaking, Adedayo's vision blurred. The fighter followed expertly staying on his tail, losing a volley. His ship shook violently, the console display flashing red on his right wing, the British pilot had scored a hit, rendering one his flight stabilisers useless.

He couldn't outfly this guy, not with a stabiliser down and with an older ship. Thinking quickly Adedayo activated his front thrusters at max throttle, his entire body lurched forward, the anti-G seat shrieking its protest as the ship decelerated. The tailing fighter zipped past Adedayo who's vision was just returning. Yanking the thrusters again his body slammed back, bile forming at the back of his throat as he fought to remain conscious. Through his misty red vision assisted by the combat AI, he sprayed the ship in front of him, tracers flickering through space. His anti-G chair grated under the extreme forces placed upon it, as its old fixtures strained to hold it in place, lazy welding slowly sloughed as the seat popped.

Hugh brought his Kestrel round, twisting through space performing a 180 flip, to face the oncoming fighter.

The Bastard thought he could do me.

Hugh's Kestrel's twin destructors lit up the oncoming fighter. Solid Uranium projectiles rent the Commonwealth ship, it's metal twisted and tortured, tore from its hull.


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