
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Fantasie
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45 Chs


"They kick, zombies kick, since when."


That zombies could actually use their legs to attack was Randy's latest discovery, and one that just made his already bad situation worse.


After being outpaced and boxed in by the four zombies who seemed to have gone into some super mode, Randy had expected himself to immediately get well beaten, tossed around, and sent out of the dream world, but instead, only two of his opponents decided to attack him, while the other two attentively watched from the side.


"This just doesn't make sense," Randy thought in his mind, but he wasn't complaining because for some reason, he found that the speed of the two zombies attacking him had dropped considerably, If they were as fast as when they pursued him, he was more than sure that he would be face-first on the ground by now.


For this round of battle, unlike the first three where he had gone sidestepping, dodging, and swinging his iron bar, for this four, Randy found himself blocking, blocking, and if possible dodging.


"Urghh, what is all this? Like, where are these guys from? Man, if this is part of the changes to the dream world, then I'm doomed.

These are just four of them, imagine how hard it would be to defeat a horde of them. I might just spend the rest of my days here running around.

Well, it's not like running around sucks, but if the place gets too dangerous, then my chances of death heavily increase, and if I die, that means I get to leave the dream world and go back to the real world and my crippled body, and that totally sucks.

Damn, they don't even give me the chance to fight back," Randy lamented within.


So far, the dream world had always been some sort of playground to Randy, though it was a zombie-infested world, the ease with which he could escape and learn to deal with the zombies had always made the place a joyride to him until now.


Though Randy won't say he had always had it easy in this place, today was proving to be particularly hard, and the fact that he hadn't done away with the two of his four enemies at this point hinted to him that he probably wasn't going to be reaching town today, he was most likely going to be sent back to the real world, where he would spend the rest of the night either in anguish or in his thoughts.


Being on the receiving end of a particularly heavy hit from the zombie on the left, which he blocked, Randy was forced to take several steps backward, a shiver going through him when he realized that he would have stumbled into arms reach of one of the passive zombies behind him if it had not taken a step away from him on its own volition.



At first, after realizing that of the four zombies that pursued him, only two were attacking him while the others were standing at his back, Randy had taken this as the only thing it could be simply a tactic to stop him from escaping, but now that he had seen one of the observing zombies actually move away from touching him, his mind couldn't help but quickly go into overdrive as it began smelling something fishy.

"Welp, what's going on? What kind of scheme could I be a part of? Is it possible that someone is trying to defeat me so they can take over my dream world? I'll never let them."

Though under the threat of defeat and temporal death, all it took was a spark for Randy's mind to begin conjuring awesome scenes and stories, and just as he was getting all excited and his body pumped up at the idea that he was fighting to keep the dream world as his, all the four zombies around him suddenly went still, and to his shock, they all turned to dust and collapsed to the floor.

"Welp, was my unbeatable determination to win all that I needed to actually defeat these zombies?."

As Randy thought this, he went looking all around him, checking the places where the zombies had collapsed and then paying attention to the air and landscape. Randy did a 360 of his surroundings twice, and then halfway through his third 360 inspection, his turn was ended halfway as his eyes found itself staring at a white-haired and red-eyed woman.

"Boooobs!" was the scream that left Randy's mouth upon seeing this particularly familiar face, but then rather than jump into the arms of the woman, who was just a few step away from him, as Randy was making his exclamation, he was quickly backpedalling, and only when he was about 10 steps away from the white-haired lady did he stop and begin giving her wary looks, his heart racing within.

"What are you doing out here? You're supposed to be inside the temple waiting for me to come have another try at grabbing your breasts."

As Randy said these words, his eyes moved to the white-haired woman's chest, and a single glance at it had him pausing and staring at her in confusion.

"Why are you wearing clothes?"

Like it was normal for one to be naked, Randy asked this question with confidence and a tone of accusation, but in the end, his word didn't even earn him a blink of the woman's eyes.

Now dressed in blood-red robes that hugged her figure not too tight and opened up to show enough of her cleavage and also gave one a particularly seductive views of her delicious thighs when she walked.

The whitehaired woman calmly stood on a [pair of blood red high heels and calmly watched Randy with a poker face.

"Welp, miss, are you dumb or what, speak now or else I'll just go ahead and go squeeze your boobs once more."

Perhaps tired of Randy's casual calling out of her breasts, the woman eyes fluttered gently, her yes taking on a certain light like she had made

a realisation.

As the woman's soft neutral features took on a hard look, she spoke with a bit of impatience and danger.

"Raul, I don't have time for your games, get serious right now, we have a ton of work to do."