
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 15

I went down the cliff once again. I got down to the floor.

I went into a bush and stared around. Many orcs started coming out of their houses. I quickly hid my head inside the bush.

It seems that I royally screwed up in coming down here. Now what to do?

I didn't know what to do at the moment. I didn't know if I could fight every orc inside the village.

I could try to look for the orc chief, but that would be hard, now that the streets are riddled with orcs.


Zero wanted to look for the orc chieftain, but thanks to all the orcs walking around the village around the village, he could be easily found.


I don't think they have found the dead orc. If they did, they would look a lot more enraged.

I headed towards the house of the dead orc with a vague plan in mind. I didn't know what I would do exactly, but at least a couple of orcs would be gathered at the location.

Surprisingly, all of the orcs gathered in front of the house.

[Are they celebrating?] (Shadow)

[I kind of feel bad for the orc.] (Kunaigai)

All of the orcs were celebrating at the death of their comrade(?).


Zero took this chance and climbed atop the building. He then remembered his original attempt at shooting out his lightning.

He pointed down with his whole arm, lightning gathering on his arm. Some of the orcs were able to notice him and what he was doing. Unfortunately for the orcs, they noticed him too late.

Lightning shot out from his arm, hitting many of the orcs surrounding the house. Some of them were able to escape the lighting.


Seems like this attack got way more powerful over time. I hadn't tested it since the first time I used it.


He jumped off the building and landed on the floor. Zero then took out two katanas and dashed towards a group of confused orcs. At this point he had used too much mana so he couldn't apply the electro blade to any of the katanas.

He quickly struck down the small group of orcs and then quickly moved on to the next. There were about three more groups of orcs.

He moved on to the second group. This group had already picked up their weapons. Two at the front had spears and tried to stab Zero at the same time. Zero jumped up into the air, dodging the spears, and slashed at both of the orcs necks.

He quickly moved towards the orcs that were behind the two and dodged any attack that came his way while throwing out his own attacks.

In a similar fashion he took out the rest of the groups.


I checked the status window once more and noticed that the quest had still not been completed.

"Where could that orc be?"

I checked the whole village, but found no orc chief. I then decided to search outside the village, in the forest. There was nobody around.

[Maybe the orc chief hasn't been spawned.] (Kunaigai)

The status window didn't have anything that indicated some type of spawn time.

I then looked for some type of road that the orcs might have used to travel. I found the road and followed it as far back as it went as possible. At some point the road came to a stop.

It looks as if it were the outer boundaries of a map in a videogame. As if the map doesn't load more after this point.

I got closer to the end of the road and checked if I could go even further. I came to a sudden stop because of something that felt like an invisible wall. Suddenly, a notification popped up on my status window.

[The boss is arriving in twelve hours] is what it says.

That 's perfect, I can rest for a bit and replenish my mana. The problem is simply that I'm being given too much time. It might be that it wants me to defeat all of the orcs on the village before challenging the boss or it might be a lot stronger so it is giving me time to prepare for it. No choice but to wait.


Zero sat down behind some trees and started to rest. He started thinking of different type of situations he would have to be facing and planned accordingly.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Kunaigaicreators' thoughts