

~ pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth are unfathomable diseases, capable of unimaginable tragedies. ~ WildEmu21


[500 BC]

The smell of burnt flesh corrupted the air as Timitious and his army of blood thirsty, demon infested humans marched through the streets of Calicut. He had one mission and it was to kill the king, a powerful sorcerer, who kept his lover captive. Timitious, being a demon at heart, overwhelmed by greed, envy and the desire to be omnipotent became obsessed with the king's favourite and most beautiful wife, captured from an elf clan hidden from humanity due to their innocent and defenceless nature. The wife, having been forced into marriage, took kind to the Demon boy, enjoying his devious but kind character and after months of playful seduction, she succumbed to his charm and soon became pregnant with his child.

The wife Debonair, hid for as long as it was possible with the help of her loyal servants but as the due date for the birth of the child drew near, King Samoriaz became aware of the treachery. Overwhelmed by fury and embarrassment he sentenced the wife and all her servants to death. Timitious soon learnt of the fate of his lover and in a moment of rage he gathered his army and made haste to the kingdom in hopes that he would rescue her.

Smoke tainted the sky, making the night a shade darker than its actual hue. Fire cloaked the buildings behind Timitious, and the screams of villagers could be heard in all directions. His eyes turned a dark red as he halted a distance from the castle's gate, looking past the battalion of soldiers lining the walls. Nervousness, something Timitious had never felt before surged throughout him and it made him even more infuriated. His insides knotted as he deduced the King's plan was to distract him while he completed the most unforgivable sin the demon could ever think of; killing his unborn child.

"Samoriaz, you coward!" Timitious bellowed, his voice echoing throughout the entire kingdom, sending shivers throughout the troops. The soldiers skilled in different areas, archery, swordsmanship and marksmanship readied their weapons, determined to die for their King although their hearts leaped with fear and they knew they marched toward certain death.

"Charge!" Timitious shouted and his possessed army ran head first into combat with loud battle cries, tearing through whomever they needed to get to the wall.

Back in the castle the King scurried down the stairs to get to the dungeon he kept Debonair prisoner. The delay of the executioner due to the war had put a dent in his plans but he was determined to rid the kingdom of the woman and her unborn child, even if he had to do it himself. He could not stand by as the most fearful King and allow this to slip through his fingers. He had to make an example for all his other wives and for anyone else who dared to cross him. He had to prove he wasn't weak.

Even though he was below ground, he could hear the wailing of men outside and he knew Timitious was close. He had to move fast or he would miss his chance.

"Aperiam tibi mando. Obedite domino vestro." He commanded as he neared the enchanted door to the dungeon and it opened for him. Immediately his ears caught the sound of Debonair's servants encouraging her to push. The wife's cries bounced from the mould infested walls of the room as pain surged throughout her and the King's anger grew inside him at the recognition that she was giving birth. He marched to her cell, ready to end the process but when the servants realized what was happening they made a wall between them in an attempt to delay him.

The King's face grew red with anger as his order for them to move fell on deaf ears. Seconds later Debonair was holding a bouncing baby boy and the King, in a fit of rage cast a spell that paralyzed all fifteen servants. They all fell helplessly to the floor, having no choice but to watch the proceeding events unfold.

A shiver of distress moved throughout the room as King Samoriaz crushed the head of a servant with his heel on his way to the Debonair's bed. She examined him with a daunting, untamable hatred as he halted over her wearied body with a sly smirk.

"Queen Debonair, my most beautiful, most prized possession. Your end has come" he mumbled bitterly into her ear, slicing his hand with a small knife. Blood gushed from his palm as he pressed it together, sprinkling it over her limped body. With all her remaining strength she provided a shelter for her child by wrapping his small frame under her thick, long, white hair but she knew it wouldn't help for long and she would soon be gone.

"Dii mortis contendunt meum sacrificium" King Samoriaz began to chant. He knew the easiest way to kill someone so pure without repercussion was to offer them up as sacrifice and that was exactly his intention. Whilst King Samoriaz sprinkled his blood around Debonair's body, she placed all her efforts into whispering a protective spell for her child so that no harm would befall him. It was an ancient spell only known to and practised by her clan. Eventually the chanting stopped and Debonair clasped her eyes shut trying desperately to focus.

"I love you" she whispered into the ear of her baby, kissing him briefly on the forehead and taking a deep breath as the King uttered his final words

"Mori cum dolore" His voice clung to the walls of the dungeon, as a dark mist, chilled with the cries of ten thousands terrified souls circled the air around them and blasted into Debonair's chest. She screamed in agony as it began to spread throughout her, breaking her bones as it did. It was in that moment of anguish that the child rolled from the protection of his mother's arms, revealing to the King his failure in harming it. As his anger became that of a raging bull, he uttered more death spells but everyone seemed futile. In his moment of frustration when he felt as if nothing could be worse, Timitious voice boomed through the dampened dungeon. The King listened in fright as the door crumbled and the thunderous huff and steps of Timitious grew nearer.

King Samoriaz scanned the lifeless body of Debonair, watching as the mist dispersed into thin air, having finished its work. He took a deep breath, knowing that his end was near. However, he had devoted everything to his revenge and he wasn't about to let it all go. Before Timitious could reach him, he did the only thing he could think of, he muttered the curse of death, condemning his soul. He had recited it earlier just in case he needed it as a last resort but he never thought he would actually need to use it.

"Samoriaz!" Timitious yelled, coming to a standstill as he reached the entrance of the cell. He was not prepared for what he saw. The bodies of the servants laid still on the floor, their face blue as the paralysis spread throughout them and captured their lungs. In the corner of the room, his lover's body, damned with broken bones, laid holding his unmoving child.

"It is done" The King smiled, a cloud of satisfaction casing his eyes as he braced himself to the nearest wall, his strength rapidly depleting, carrying him slowly to the floor.

"What have you done?" Timitious voice cracked in disbelief as he stared at the picture in front of him. He held his chest as pain sliced his heart open, leaving him bare and vulnerable.

In the moment of grief, he let loose his voice and screamed, shaking the earth beneath him. Blood poured from the ears of those who were close, as they began to bleed from the inside. Cracks began to pry their way into the walls as his voice amplified and the intensity of the shake began to increase. The army on the outside halted, scanning the surrounding in terror. They began to flee as the ground began to cave and the surrounding trees and buildings began to crumble and fall.

Timitious fell to his knees, tears strolling down his pale face, as rubbles started falling from the ceiling. He patted his eyes in confusion, having never cried before. A small, pain filled chuckle escaped his lips at the realization. Suddenly, a sweet, innocent laugh drowned the chaos and Timitious eyes travelled to the source. He saw the small figure stretch its tiny arms, another laugh exiting its lips as some rubbles landed beside him once more. Although shocked, Timitious did not hesitate. He immediately grabbed his child and ran from the building, leaving everything else behind.

As soon as he was outside, the building caved, swallowing everything with it- the king, his lover, the servants and all who stayed behind. Although the earth trembled and the surroundings were falling, everything felt right with the world while Timitious ran with his child clutched in the protection of his strong arms; or so he thought. For as destiny would have it, although Samoriaz would have no way of resurrecting himself, he did succeed in cursing the child and all the baby's descendants. To do this, the King had to give up his life so his hatred and desire for revenge could latched himself to this curse, ensuring that for all the days that the child's generation lived they would be burdened with the task of carrying the pain of everyone they took power from, power that they would need to survive.

Still the love of a mother is great and even through death she made a way to save the generation she had given birth to.

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