

I walked through the city with my heart beating fast. I was finally going to meet him today. I met a guy on Tinder a few weeks ago. We had been talking every single night for the past few weeks. He's in town today and asked if I wanted to meet up so I decided to go and buy a new dress. I don't usually do this but nothing in my closet was good enough.

I ran up to the clothing store and headed inside hearing the bell above me ring. A woman around my age come to greet me.

"Looking for anything specific?" She asked smiling.

"Actually, yes. I have a date tonight and I really want to impress him." I blushed. She giggled and motioned for me to follow her. I jumped in excitement getting multiple looks from other ladies in the store.

The lady stopped in front of a long line of casual looking dresses. The one that caught my eye the most was a light blue with white dots covering the top part of the dress leaving the skirt the plain light blue. I really liked it because it only went to about to your knees.

The lady could tell I liked it so she took it off the hook and brought me to a changing room. She handed me the dress and I walked into the changing room and locked the door.

When I say I almost screamed, I almost screamed, it looked perfect. I changed out of it and went to the front desk and paid for it and left. I called a cab because I definitely didn't have time to walk home. It was already almost 4:30.

Once I got home I showered and changed and then did my makeup. By the time I was done it was already close to 6:00. I ran outside and called a cab. As the cab drive closer to the restaurant my heart beat faster than before. A smile spread across my face as the cab stopped and I saw him.

"Hey stranger." He smiled helping me out of the cab.

"Hey Jake." I smiled as he lead me inside.

We were seated and I watched as he awkwardly tried to start the conversation. It made me blush at how awkward he was. The waiter came in time to save him though,

"Can I get y'all anything to drink?" She said in a very southern accent. I nodded and opened my mouth but was interrupted by Jake.

"Well both have red wine." He said smiling. The waitress gave him a look but nodded and left.

"I could have ordered for myself." I said hoping he wouldn't do that all night.

"Yeah but I want you to feel special." He said looking at the menu. I was silent until the waitress came back with water.

"Are y'all ready to order?" She asked.

"Yes we'll have two crab salads." Jake answered grabbing the menus and handing them to the waitress. I slouched back into my seat as the waitress walked away.

After about 20 minutes of him awkwardly talking, I got up to use the bathroom. What the hell was wrong with him. One minute he was controlling what I ate and drank then he was to shy to talk? I decided to just leave.

As I walked to the entrance Jake ran up to me.

"Hey wait, where are you going?" He asked looking very confused.

"I just don't think this is the right match." I said trying to let him down easy.

"I do." He said in a sudden stern voice.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked.

"We're perfect for each other, and if you leave out that door, you'll regret it." His voice gave me shivers but I turned my head and walked out the door.

As I walked through the door of my apartment I thought through the events of tonight. I knew it was an empty threat but it was still creepy. I jumped when my phone rang, it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked

"I told you, you would regret leaving." The person said. The tone was deeper but I could tell it was Jake.

"Jake? Dude come on, it just wasn't working." I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Too bad." He said and the line went dead. That's when I started really freaking out.

I thought I should take a shower to settle my nerves. I turned on the water and undressed. I then got in letting the hot water take away my worries, until my phone rang. I jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I grabbed my phone off the sink and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"I can see you." I gasped making him laugh. "You're so pretty, if only you had let me keep you." He chuckled again.

"Y-you can see me?" I asked looking around my bathroom. I didn't have any windows in my bathroom.

"Why don't you come and find me?" Jake said in an eery tone. I could feel the colour draining from my face.

I put my cloths on as fast as I could and ran out of the bathroom. I had my phone in my pocket in case he called. I grabbed my butchers knife off the counter and I waited. I waited sitting in the kitchen. I debated on calling 911 but if he was in here he would try to hurt me faster knowing the police would be coming.

I almost screamed when my phone rang another time. My hand shaking, I pulled it out of my pocket and it the accept button.

"What do you want?" I said as confident as I could.

"You of course, but, you clearly don't want me so if I can't have you no one can." He laughed.

His laugh, it didn't come from the phone that time.