
Creation System In Naruto

A man from modern day without any memories except for Naruto is reborn in it.With a system let's see how he will find his path in this life as a village head of a little village. *THING TO NOTE* YOU MAY NOT LIKE THE MC OR AGREE WITH SOME OF HIS DECISIONS. Support me on my patreon at patreon.com/Isekai_revamp

Anonymous_0075 · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

The Panel


-..... What is this.Kyoshi thought inwardly when all of a sudden another piece of memory got revealed for his mind.

This is the creation panel.As long as it has enough souls it can create anything from users memory.

-HUH!WHA!..WHAT!!.THIS..THIS is this a dream.

Being very optimistic about him having a brain injury he tried to touch the screen but his hands just passed through the screen.

Trying to touch it a few more time.He thought of the things that appeared in his mind.

Then he thought of the thing he wanted and the thing appeared in the blank screen in a 3d model.

It was a 9mm hand gun.

It was thing he knew from his previous life.A very good weapon for him.And a number appeared underneath the model.

Cost souls : 2

What then thought of it appearing in his hand.

-.... Nothing happened?.Well it seems I need souls.Huh.

Then he thought of a another thing.

Underneath the gun a white row of text appeared.

Effect: Infinite bullets.

Cost souls: 100,000

After staring at the effect and the cost his eye's widened if what he thinks does not only means the item but also any effects he wants.

He started shaking from thinking what he could do from all this.

All the things he knew from his mind.If all of that he knew really happened.

Then he can do anything he wants.He wanted to start jumping from all the discovery.

But then he saw the cost of the gun.

-HUH?why is it so much.I thought I have thought of one of the weaker guns.Is it because of the effect.

He then removed the effect just thinking about it.

-Is every effect costs really that high.Or is it because the demand of the effect

He then thought of a another effect.Another new rows of text appeared replacing the previous text.

Effect: Will not make any sounds while firing.

Cost souls :15

-So,the more broken the effect is the higher the price gets.But the main thing is how do I even get the souls?.

-Do I just have to kill living beings which have souls or Do I have to find a item that has souls contained in it.

-I should find it out tomorrow it's pretty dark outside...No I don't have the luxury.

He thought of all the problems he have and got to work now to discover all he could about it.

He then got to a secret section of the house.

The house was empty only he lived inside it after his father passed away.So he did not have to explain anyone why he is here.

After Getting there according to his memory he Pulled a thick tatami that was under his feets.Underneath it there was a gaping hole it the floor.

It was a secret passage that led outside the village it was also build by his grandfather in the war.

It was for me and my father If any day the enemy ninja discovered is.

There was a ladder that was going down in the darkness.After getting down there was a crawl space in front of him.

The crawl space was made out of a strange metal.Kyoshi's father said that this metal cannot be detected or easily penetrated by normal means.

He dropped down like a cat and started crawling.But while on the start of the crawling he thought.

-Shit!How much do I have to crawl if I want to get out of here.My house is in the middle of the village.it will take at least hours to crawl out.

And if anyone discover I am not in the house

I will have to really get out of here without any money and preparation.

Just as he was thinking about how to get out of here a snake appeared in front of him.


Without even thinking about it he grabbed the snake by its throat.

-It seems that my fears of these things are also gone...Let's try it.

Without any delay he smashed the snakes head in the wall


He smashed it a few more times

Bang Bang

The snake stopped twitching.He the made the panel appear in front of him.He saw

Soul: 0.2

-Do I just have to kill living beings or just kill those that have souls to kill it.Thats good.

At least i don't have to have anything troublesome.

He then saw at at the snake.It was a black snake covered in purely black scales.it was very poisonous snake.

This snake was a trap set up by his father to stop the intruders if any of them found out the secret passage.

He then crawled a bit ahead

-Ah there is it.If I press this button there should be hundreds of more snakes like this

These snakes go to hibernation when they're hungry.

And in this state they can survive for hundred years so when they're awake they will be very rageful and will attack any living being in front of them.

He thought for a moment and got out of the crawl space and climbed the ladder after climbing to the house.

He searched for a hard wood.After finding a good wood he took it out of the house and then he got to his father's office and took

the stack of useless paper

There were many papers like this as his father read news papers and had hundred of blank notes to write important things.

After taking all these things he took a torch and got down in the crawl space again he then put all the papers in the space between the crawl space and the ladder.

After taking down the ladder he lighted the torch with match.After that he put the torch in the further corner of the space.

He put the wood in the mouth of the crawl space so nothing can get in and then crawled forward in front he got to the button again and pressed it.

As quickly as he as he pressed the button he could hear hundreds of snakes hiss and the smell of the flame the fame spread Through the paper the put in there and the snake also turned with it .

After a moment the wood he put in the front of the crawl space also turned a little smoky and a bit of smoke started coming his way.

But he was pretty way back and the fire could not spred through the metal after 20 more minutes.

He crawled beck again to the front of the crawl space and then he saw all the crisp corpse of the snakes. Some of them tried to crawl to the crawl space.

But were blocked by the wood and we're burned more quickly.He then saw the panel and his smile just got wider





