
schang chi

I walked into the building,to my office I dropped my bag and went up to Schang chi office as I walked on stares were like gun shot going deep in my body.opened his office door with trembling hands

'good morning Schang chi '

He did not respond just kept looking at the document in front of him.

He sgin me to sit, and I sat I felt inconvenient when he stood up and stand at the back of me placing both hands on my shoulder while sending a spark at my spine.

'what are doing schang chi'

'Anna stay still it nothing' he said as his hands went through my boobs.

'what the F*ck,are out of your mind' I said as I quickly ran out of his office,I took my bag and increase my pace,I didn't know why I was crying but tears started flowing from my eyes freely.

Schang chi was like a father to me,he raised me and I have been very great full for that,he cared for me like I was his blood but I wasn't my dad was his assistant so that made us a family friend, when my dad and my mom died in a plane crash,no one would welcome me in Thier homes, except for one person that was Scang chi.

I was so lost in thought when I tripped on something and I hit my head so hard blood started gushing out I felt light headed and dizzy everything started going dark and I was out.