
COTE X RWBY [Ayanokouji, Amasawa, Ryuen, Albert]

Ayanokouji, Amasawa, Ryuen and Albert. All four of them find themselves in the world of Remnant lost and confused. Being foreigners to this new world, they do everything they can to survive. Gaining information about this world and it's inhabitants is their top priority. With their aura and semblances, the four of them have different goals. Albert wants to remain under the leadership of Ryuen. Ryuen wants to build himself an empire. Amasawa wants to be with Ayanokouji forever. And Ayanokouji... He just wants to live his life in peace. But not everything is that simple. They've been brought to this world for a reason and now they have to find out. Read as the four of them overcome difficulties and hardships as they find out the hidden secrets of this world.

AyanoChibi · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

(3) One year in Remnant


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A lot has happened since me, Ryuen, Amasawa and Albert arrived in this world. There were a few difficulties in adjusting to our new lives in this world and its system, but we were able to adapt to it efficiently.

During the first day, after we were able to find a place to stay for the first week, all four of us had decided to go through the books I had bought on this world.

Ryuen couldn't read English much, so he was barely any help.

Going through the books we had learnt many things about the people of Remnant. There are no countries, only kingdoms. Four in total;

Vale, Vacuo, Mistral and Atlas.

Vale being the current kingdom we're residing in.

Vacuo being in the desert.

Mistral, a kingdom which is similar to Japan in looks.

And Atlas being the most technologically advanced out of the four, a kingdom that's floating in the sky.

Outside the kingdoms are smaller villages in the forest. But what also resides outside the kingdoms are Grimm. The creatures known as Grimm are known to have existed since the dawn of time. They are creatures without souls that are attracted to negative emotions.

However, they are dealt with people known as Huntsman and Huntresses. People who have trained all their lives, honing their skills and their ability known as Semblances to kill Grimm and save people.

They are the so called heroes of the world.

But the Grimm that resides on Remnant are known to be endless. No matter how many people train to become these hunters that kill Grimm, it changes nothing. There is nothing stated about the decrease in Grimm appearances, only the increase in Atlas' defense.

Atlas' military is led by a man known as General Ironwood. Yet with all the breakthroughs his people make, what is the point of it? Everything he does, all the weapons he makes that thinks will save the innocent, it's all a lie.

He's not doing this for the sole purpose of fighting Grimm.


It's like he's preparing for something bigger.

But I pushed that thought to the back of my head. What's most important is preparing ourselves, training and becoming stronger with the mindset of becoming a Huntsman.

While the four of us are stronger than most, we are still far inferior than those that have been training all their lives.

But I doubt I'd lose to anyone if I played my cards right.









Before we knew it the year had gone by.

Ryuen became a feared man by everyone in Remnant. While he was known as a candidate as an up and coming member of the council, he was also feared by everyone in the underworld.

He forced many criminals and those that went against him into submission and bought many places such as clubs and stores. He was a known man through Vale in just 2 months. Of course it wasn't that easy because during the first month, he required mine and Amasawa's assistance.

While rumors were spread around about him and his illegal activities, there was no evidence of it whatsoever, so the authorities couldn't arrest him.

In his own words, he's basically the mafia boss of Remnant.

Thanks to his connections we were able to get our own Identifications made as official residents of Vale. Creating fake backgrounds and the past, however our names stayed the same.

We didn't change our names, even though everyone's names were linked to some colour.

I'll admit, I was impressed with how far Ryuen had come. What he did and the army he built along with his own empire in just a matter of months. And by the end of the year he had become a known man by the entirety of Remnant.

He also didn't stay still, he made connections with big figures in this world, donating money to causes like Huntsman Academies and Atlas military.

While I wasn't known by anyone on Remnant as a public figure, I remained in contact with Ryuen as the four of us trained together every week. We had a warehouse that became our personal Gym as we trained and perfected our skills everyday.

As for money and how everything was possible, we had an endless supply of it thanks to the person who transported us to this world. They also gave us a special card which they will use to send messages to us.

Thanks to that, we were able to have our custom weapons made and went outside of the kingdoms to fight Grimm. The best way for us to get stronger and more experience was by going face to face with Grimm almost everyday.

While Amasawa continued to work in that Café, which she ended up becoming the manager of, she was still a troublesome girl. After a few months she convinced me to call her by her first name, while she calls me Kiyotaka-senpai.

Most of the time, Kiyo-senpai.

While I had nothing against it, it drew attention in the way she called out to me. What's worse is her reaction when girls approach me. I hadn't noticed it at first, but after a girl is done interacting with, Ichika decides to have a little chat with that same person.

Ichika acts all innocent and cute when talking about me to the female, but turns into the devil the next second and lets just say they get... dominated.

And run away crying.

(A/N: Ichika isn't yandere, she just teases them into a mess and makes them run away.)

To tell the truth, after more than half a year, she had become more touchy with me and initiated a kiss with me, I allowed it. Back in ANHS I was planning on dating Kei, and have her as my textbook of love, but I guess I could alter it to being Ichika instead.

After all, she doesn't love me.

Well not romantically, not yet at least.

She has some sort of faith for me, like a religious type of love.

But that changed sooner than I thought.

She ended up being romantically interested in me by the end of the year.







With Ichika working as a waitress, Ryuen being a candidate as a member of the council, and Albert working as Ryuen's bodyguard, I was the only one having trouble finding a job.

But thanks to Ryuen, I became a bartender in one of his many clubs. I also took a few odd jobs undercover when it involved robbing Atlas supply trains.

During the odd jobs, I was able to unlock my semblance when I was surrounded by many Atlas soldiers and needed them gone. That's when my semblance activated itself.

I call it shadow manipulation.

My own shadow had acted on its own and turned itself into spikes, impaling many of the soldiers, killing them in an instant. But this ability of mine uses aura itself. I experimented with my semblance to see which way I could use it and how I could continuously improve myself.

Ryuen was able to unlock his semblance thanks to the underground fight clubs he had attended to fight strong opponents for fun and make them fear him.

He calls it black out speed because it reminds him of an ability snakes have.

He can appear before his enemies in an instant. Even I couldn't even keep up with it. However, it became something I could predict as he only used it to appear in front of people.

That's why with my advice, he began to improve it. Instead of using it to appear in front of his enemies, he could use the speed to disarm, attack quickly and train to use it multiple times in one go.

Ichika was able to unlock her semblance by simply touching a few chains. When we went to a weapon store to have our weapons made, she touched a few chains and it began moving on its own.

It was like another limb for her.

She simply called it linking.

Speaking of weapons, we each had different ones made to our preferences.

I had a simple butterfly knife that I can infuse dust with made as something I can carry around at all times without exposing myself.

My second weapon is a katana which could turn into a machine pistol and a rifle. While I may not use this much on others, I still train with it on a regular basis as I plan to have this when I attend beacon.

Ryuen had a Machete Grenade launcher made for himself, which I'll admit suits him. While he uses the grenade launcher most of the time to blow things up for fun, he is skilled in using the machete to fight others.

I know because I've gone up against him many times and each time he continuously improved.

Ryuen's second weapon is a revolver he borrowed from Atlas. It loaded with dust bullets that can be used in many ways. It also a blade attached to it.

Ichika had gotten iron chains that she uses to leap from buildings and basically fly with her semblance to using them in fights. Her chains had sharp anchors on both ends of the chains, which she uses to stab people with.

Anyone and everyone had trouble fighting against her. While I might have won our spars, it doesn't mean it was easy. I lost a majority of my aura every time.

For Albert's weapon, he simply chose a pair of knuckle dusters. At least that's what I had thought. When me and him had our first spar, my final attack would have shattered his aura, however just as my attack was about to land, he was able to block it with a blade coming out of his knuckle dusters.

Something like that had caught me by surprise and off guard, but in the end it didn't matter, I still won. But having something like that hidden will definitely give him an advantage over others.

Just not me.

Once the year was over and we each had to apply to Beacon, only me, Ryuen and Albert were able to as we were the only ones who were 17 years old. Ichika was the odd one out as she was 16, but I had a plan for that.

I had learnt everything I could beforehand about Beacon Academy and tried to figure out what kind of man the headmaster was. Our transporter gave me a clue and told me Professor Ozpin will go after Ruby Rose.

Curious as to who she was, I tracked her down and watched her daily activities. When I first saw her face, nothing intrigued more than her eyes.

She had silver eyes.

The first person I had seen to have them.

It also linked back to the silver eyed warrior I was researching along with the fall maidens. I came up with the theory Professor Ozpin will enroll her along with her older half sister because of her potential and dormant power.

I guess it'll be a little fun to take control of the situation and see what those eyes are capable of.