

"Also what's was the name you were saying earlier, I wasn't able to hear it" Jake asked 

[Name carries powers, if you weren't able to hear it, it means you are weak ] Nexus replied.

"Hmm, can you tell me about this world?" Jake nodded, not pressing further on the previous comment about the name, recognizing that certain information might be beyond his current understanding.

Nexus acknowledged Jake's curiosity, [The world you have entered is vast and filled with both magic and technology. Mana, the essence of magic, permeates the air, influencing the flora and fauna. Extraordinary creatures and mystical phenomena coexist with advanced civilizations that have learned to harness both magical and technological forces. And it's name is Celestria....]

Jake kept listening to Nexus as The tale of Celestria took a dramatic turn as a once-normal world faced the cataclysmic event of an alien invasion. These extraterrestrial beings brought with them not only advanced technology but also the formidable power of magic. In the face of this magical onslaught, the human inhabitants of the planet found themselves powerless and vulnerable.

However, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope emerged. A faction of aliens, driven by benevolent intentions, arrived with the purpose of coexistence. These peaceful beings offered the humans a chance to survive and thrive in this transformed world. In exchange, Humans sought the knowledge of magic that had long been guarded by the various races that now inhabited Celestria. 

Humanity, desperate to resist the hostile invaders and armed with the prospect of learning magic, formed a courageous alliance with the peaceful alien races. The resistance began, as humans and their newfound allies fought side by side against the common threat of the malevolent invaders.

The amalgamation of human resilience, alien technology, and the mystical arts forged a potent force that gradually turned the tide of the war. As the conflict raged on, the resistance learned the intricacies of magic from their benevolent allies. The once-helpless humans evolved into formidable spellcasters, wielding magical powers alongside advanced technology.

Through collaboration, sacrifice, and the pursuit of knowledge, the alliance not only repelled the invaders but also transformed the world into the fantastical realm of Celestria. The continents, each now ruled by a different race, became a testament to the unity forged in the crucible of conflict.

The legacy of the resistance endured, as the inhabitants of Celestria embraced the synthesis of magic and technology. The once-invincible invaders were either driven away or the races came seeking a habitat, integrated into the diverse societies of the transformed world.

[Now the Celestria is divided into many Continents :- here is the short introduction

1. Elven Enclave:

Continent Name: Eldoria

Ruling Race: Elves

Description: Eldoria is a land of towering forests, silver lakes, and ethereal beauty. The elves, with their pointed ears and ageless grace, govern this continent. Their cities are intertwined with nature, built among the ancient trees, and their culture is deeply rooted in magic, art, and wisdom.

2. Dwarven Dominion:

Continent Name: Stonehearth

Ruling Race: Dwarves

Description: Beneath the majestic mountains and rocky landscapes of Stonehearth lies the underground kingdom of the dwarves. Masters of craftsmanship and engineering, they have built magnificent cities adorned with intricate tunnels, grand halls, and forges that churn out legendary weapons and artifacts.

3. Dragon Realms:

Continent Name: Drakonisia

Ruling Race: Dragons

Description: Drakonisia is a land of soaring peaks and vast deserts, ruled by majestic and powerful dragons. These colossal beings govern with wisdom and strength, their cities blending seamlessly with the natural formations. Magic here is intertwined with draconic power, and ancient secrets are guarded by the ever-watchful eyes of dragon sentinels.

4. Mechanical Wastes:

Continent Name: Gearscape

Ruling Race: Gnomes and Constructs

Description: Gearscape is a land of perpetual motion, where gears turn and steam rises from the ground. Inhabited by gnomes and sentient constructs, this continent thrives on technological marvels. Cities made of gears and machinery stand as a testament to their ingenuity, and the air is filled with the hum of inventions.

5. Feywild Isles:

Continent Name: Sylvan Archipelago

Ruling Race: Fey Folk

Description: A collection of floating islands adorned with vibrant flora and luminescent fauna, Sylvan Archipelago is home to the whimsical fey folk. These enchanting beings govern with capriciousness and magic, their cities built upon massive leaves and connected by bridges of woven vines.

Aside from these other races Humans occupy a central continent name Prime, This continent don't have any particular habitat instead is amalgamation of many habitats, The biggest landmark is the the Celestria Academy where only the elites could enter and learn.

There are also many various minor number of other races also like Vampires, witches and werewolfs.

The continents of Celestria, each ruled by a different race, create a world of wonders, challenges, and endless possibilities. 

Your journey will take you across these continents, where you will encounter different races, forge alliances, and uncover the secrets hidden within the realms of both magic and technology. As the chosen one of the Cube, you possess the potential to leave an indelible mark on the course of history in this fantastical world.]

"Woah, there is a lot to discover in this magnificent world" Max exclaimed after Nexus finished speaking.

[yes there is ]

"By the way did you already created the system?" Jake asked looking at the blue screen floating in front of him.

[No it's just the basic Screen projection ability of system, I am still creating it] Nexus replied.

"Hmm..." Jake paused when suddenly he heard footsteps approaching him.

Turning his head to the side, he saw a lady with beautiful violet hair and eyes, possessing a perfect figure. She came near him and gently lifted him up. "Oh~~~ My baby is awake. Are you hungry?"

The lady cradled him in her arms and moved to a nearby cozy corner. There, she carefully sat down and began to feed baby Jake, humming a soft, soothing melody. The atmosphere was warm, and the scent of enchanting flowers filled the air.

Jake continued to gaze at the lady, whom he assumed to be his mother. As she settled down in the cozy corner, she began to lift the cloth covering her breast and gently guided the tip toward Jake's small mouth. The act of breastfeeding created a tender connection between mother and child, and the soft hum of the lady's melody continued, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. In this moment, a bond was forming, uniting Jake with the nurturing embrace of his newfound mother in this extraordinary world.

'I guess this is how mother love feels' Jake thought as he kept sucking the sweet nectar, he was an orphan in his previous life devoid of any parental love.

'I don't know how my journey will unfold but I promise to always protect my mother and father or siblings if I have any' Jake thought determined, The cube granted him the wish he always seek in his previous life, the feeling of parents love and he will cherish his new family even if he has to go against the world.

After some time when Jake felt full he released his mouth from his mother breast. "have you had your fill?" The lady chuckled as he caressed baby Jake face lovingly.

"Sera, is Jake awake?" A heavy voice resonated as a black-haired man entered the room.

"Yes, he is, dear," Sera, Jake's mother, replied.

"Hahha, give me my baby boy!" The black-haired man laughed joyfully as he lifted Jake high into the air, reveling in the pure delight of fatherhood. Jake, held securely in his father's strong arms, observed the world from a new vantage point, surrounded by the love and laughter of his parents.

giggle giggle

Baby laughter started echoing in the small room as Jake also started laughing , the room was filled with the laughter and love of small family.

Jake's early years unfolded amidst the magical landscapes and diverse cultures of the continents. From a baby cradled in his mother's arms to a curious and energetic six-year-old, Jake's journey was a blend of wonder, discovery, and the unconditional love of his parents. From these 5 years Jake also learned his normal looking parents are anything but normal.

As an infant, Jake's days were filled with the comforting melodies sung by his mother, Sera. The vibrant hues of Eldoria's forests and the gentle hum of magic in the air became the backdrop of his early experiences. His father, the black-haired man whose name was yet to be revealed, would often take him on walks through Stonehearth, showing him the wonders of the dwarven craftsmanship

As Jake started to toddle and explore, Gearscape's mechanical wonders fascinated him. The clinking of gears, the hiss of steam, and the gleaming inventions of the gnomes and constructs became a playground for his boundless curiosity. Sylvan Archipelago, with its floating islands, provided a dreamlike environment where Jake's imagination soared, influenced by the whimsical fey folk who filled his days with laughter.

As Jake grew into childhood, his magical abilities began to manifest. Whether it was a spark of arcane energy or a fleeting glimpse of telekinesis, the Cube's influence within him started to unfold. His parents, were unaware of this change as Jake hid them, in this world one can only wield Mana when they awaken their Mana core at the age of Six. The dragon realms of Drakonisia became a place of legends and bedtime stories, inspiring Jake's adventurous spirit.

Through these formative years, Jake's home became a sanctuary—a harmonious blend of Stories. The love of his parents, the guidance of Nexus, and the influence of the Cube set the stage for a destiny that awaited him as he continued to grow in this extraordinary world.

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