
Chapter two

Hardly anyone knows Mr Rez. Hardly anyone knew the Code name Grim. And hardly anyone knew the true rank one. But the people knew the Copyright Killer…

"Catch!" Mr Rez called out to Tobias, throwing him a blade he found on the floor. The blade shimmered in the moonlight. Encarved with the wordings: 선배. It had a blue and white grip and the blade was in gold.

Tobias snatched the blade and cackled. An enormous purplish aura grew and covered him through. Then, he was gone. Or was he?

Engulfed in flames, Burn walked out like burning in fire was nothing and started shooting beams of fire all over the village. Everyone in the village was nowhere to be seen.

Mr Rez felt his blood boil. His skin turned pale and his eyes turned red. As if his eye was going to explode, it did… His eyes glowed in a dark red and his hair shot straight up. His pupils were not to be seen and his shirt shredded into pieces.

This boy isn't normal. He has fire in his veins and ember in his eyes. All accumulated from the sight of blood, tears and despair he has seen.

Everything they said was true.

Sparks crackled in the whites of his eyes; his raven hair flying along the winds.

"Now, Burn, choose how you'd like to die. I'd like to be as merciful as Grim."

His words and tone bore so much confidence, it was almost intimidating. Anyone would wonder how strong the first ranked assassin was, but no one in their right minds would challenge Burn, the Killer of Life, and declare his death.

Insanity, indeed.

Burn showed pure fear on his face for the first time. His eyes widened.

"Fool! I'm not going to lose to you, Grim Reaper—" he began to shriek, shrieking loud like a fool. A fool who was desperate, a fool who thought he stood a chance against the first ranked assassin.

His head flew off.

It thudded onto the rocky ground as Mr Rez sighed. "That's unfortunate. It would have been more graceful if your head was still intact, you know."

And his body, along with his head, burned up in flames.