
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
79 Chs


Kayle shook her head and shrugged. "What are you two doing? What's going on?" "This dainty little Demon here. Is the son of Samael." Kayle's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. She stumbled back. "Th-th-that's impossible! A human would explode if they even stepped within his domain. Let alone a baby absorbing his Mana." Zeke returned to normal. "My name is Ezekiel Chen. You can call me Zeke." "Well pup, what brings you to this side of Hell?"Rexgan asked taking a seat. "I'm looking for a Nephilim, and I was asked by Samael to find the Black Hammer." Rexgan snickered twiddling his thumbs. "That so. Hate to break it to you, but the Black Hammer ain't here. It's up there somewhere." "You're the Black Hammer aren't you." "Do I look black and blunt to you pup?" "No, you look like the asshole who threw me aside, when I literally yanked on your chain." He snorted rubbing his throat. Small smoke lines coming off his finger and thumb. "Gave me quite a jump, but yer like the rest of your shitty kind. Small and weak."

"Samael sent me to find you for a reason." "Aye, and what would that be?" "You're a blacksmith, and you're gonna make me a weapon." Zeke said firmly. Kayle gulped taking a step back feeling the tension rise. The Seraphim floated up to the window ready to leave. "That so, and pray tell what would make me do that?" "Because I can free you from this prison." Rexgan chortled before it turned into a cackle. He slapped his knee standing up and stomped over shaking the entire tower. "Do ya know how many have claimed that? Your precious number one promised he'd bring me my hammer and free me. Be it a Demon, Angel, Beast, or God! There is none that can free me from this eternal torment. Many have tried before you pup. So do not patronize me little Demon."

"I have an idea to free you. "I'll bring you your hammer." Rexgan threw his hands into the air. "Did ya not hear a word I just said!? Stronger cunts have come and gone, unable to bring me my hammer, without killing me." "If you let me explain, you might shut the fuck up and start getting to work!" Kayle gasped slapping her mouth. The Seraphim cowered behind the window. Rexgan took a deep breath. "Humour me. what is your grand master plan?" He asked sarcastically. "Have me make a copy? Tried that. Have someone try and fly me up? Spit on your hands and pull really, really hard?" Zeke glared back at him annoyed. "You're directly under your hammer-" "A fucking genius you are pup. What good is that information? Gonna try and dig Amalgam to me? Because I'll let ya know the lands here grow like an infection." "What makes these land float!?" Zeke snapped. Rexgan reeled back looking at him puzzled. "The way the lands are here. They float like the birds." "And yet, if I drop something off the edge, it falls down."

"What's yer point?" "You nor the hammer can be moved without killing you. So we don't move them. We bring the entire fucking island down to you." A coy smile stretched over Rexgan. "Now, that's an interesting idea. Go on." "You gonna listen and not interrupt me?" 'He has to be Samael's son. No one would be this crazy!' Kayle thought. "You have the floor pup. I'm all ears." Zeke stood over his chain. "No wait! Don't grab-" Zeke took the chain, his flesh sizzling and steaming. "It...." Kayle trailed off stunned. "That's a neat trick yer got there." "How hard can you pull on this?" "I've already tried that, did nothing, but make me tired." "You're gonna do it again on my signal. Even if you aren't pulling the hammer down, you're still closing the distance." Zeke said tossing the chain aside. He shook his hand red and stinging. "While you're doing that. I'll be up there bringing the island to you." Rexgan chuckled. "Forgive me pup, but doesn't look you got anything with that oompf to it." "And that's where you come in. Make me something strong enough to destroy anything in my path."

"What's stopping yer from running off the moment I make you said weapon?" "Nothing. I could leave the moment I get them, so here take this as my promise." Zeke summoned his Shadow planting it through the ground. "Until you're free, you can keep my only weapon." Rexgan lumbered over pinching the handle of Shadow from the ground. "You're just full of surprises ain't ya?" "I'm guessing you recognise that weapon?" "Aye..." He said marvelling at the blade. "How long has it been? Six? Seven? Maybe eight millennia, since I've seen Shadow in its original form." "Original?" "Shadow here, is a people pleaser." Rexgan cut his finger and Shadow morphed into a copy of Amalgam. Zeke took a step back. "Takes the form, that the user wants, but if it bonded to you in its original form. It must have liked something about your Soul." "The Soul knows what it wants right?" "Aye, but not your soul. This Soul." Rexgan said tossing Shadow back, as it took its original shape." Zeke caught Shadow looking at it. "Shadow has a Soul?"

Rexgan shook his head. "Figures a pup like you, wouldn't know. It doesn't matter though. If you want a weapon from you'll need to pay for it." "Your freedom not enough?" "Nay, not that. A weapon requires materials to be made. Do ya see any materials around?" He asked panning around. "What do you need?" "Two raw materials." "Name them." "One is your Mana. The other a piece of your Soul." "What?" Zeke asked. "Ahhhhh! I hate talk to you pups. Too damn dumb fer yer own good!" He yanked Kayle's sword free. "This is a sharp lump of metal being bathed in Mana, shaped like a sword." He yanked Shadow free from Zeke. "That's made from cloud metal. The lightest and sturdiest metal. Thank you very much." "This is a sword with a Soul and Mana, made from crude steel. Here's the difference between them." He said sticking them both into the furnace. Taking the both weapons out after ten seconds. Kayle's blade had disappeared leaving nothing but a molten hilt. She gasped with jaw dropping. Shadow was pulled out a gleaming blade before quickly returning to normal.

"No fancy metal or amount of Mana, makes up for imbuing a weapon with a Soul." "Alright, how do we begin then?" Rexgan smirked. "I warn you. This process can be quite...painful." "Wait! You're going to make this Demon a weapon and not me? I've been asking you for centuries!" She pouted. "Trust me little bird. This isn't something you want to go through." "What do you need me to do?" Zeke asked. Rexgan took a plate of steel and snapped it in half. He etched two magic circles onto it, handing the halves to Zeke. "Stick your hands into the furnace until the pieces melt." "What!?" Kayle exclaimed. "Is that what you wanted me to do?" "Did ya think the Arch Angels were handed their weapons? Nay pigeon they bled for it." "How long can these take to melt?" Zeke asked. "Depends on strong your soul is. Longest I've seen is six days." "Seraphim, tell Moon and Sunny to keep searching for Fiona at a safe distance. Tell Moon, Elizabeth Park. She'll know what it means." He said with a weary smile. Rexgan smiled seeing Zeke tear off his shirt biting down on it. He stood in front of the roar furnace. With his eyes closed he took a few deep breaths feeling the blinding heat. Zeke took short breaths psyching himself up before letting out a defiant scream and throwing his hands into the fire.

Kayle screamed and winced hearing his flesh sizzle away. Zeke gnashed down on his shirt. "Don't lose focus pup. The process cannot be restarted." He said placing a casting pot underneath Zeke's hand. "What...what if I need to eat or piss?" He asked through his teeth. Rexgan placed another pot between Zeke's legs. "Try your best to not miss. Little pigeon can feed you, if you don't want your girls worried about you." "I'm not going to feed him!" Kayle said proudly. "Rayiel would be more than happy to come to his aid then. Might even help him aim." Kayle ground her teeth glaring at Rexgan. "Fine." She growled. He peered into the fire seeing the metal still cold and blue. 'Samael, just what have you created?' Rexgan thought looking at Zeke's hands still intact but starting to burn. "Hurry...the fuck up..." Zeke snarled through his teeth.

Moon and Sunny were greeted by the Seraphim. "Where's Zeke? Is he okay?" Moon asked. "He is otherwise inundated." "Huh?" "Busy. It means busy." Sunny said. "Then just say that." "He instructed you both to keep scouting from a safe distance, and to tell you...Park Elizabeth. He said you would know the meaning." Moon dropped her head nodding. "We should get some sleep." "What does that mean?" Sunny asked. "The first week we ran away...we were starving and had no way of eating. So Zeke told me to wait in Elizabeth park, and that he would come back with enough food to last a year. He came back after a few hours with enough food to make a small shop." "He robbed a convenience store..." Moon nodded. "Reports leave out, that he left me alone for a week afterwards, so he could face the punishment by himself. If he's saying it...It means he doesn't want us to worry about him." "That's all the more reason for us to go check on him." "No it's not! Zeke doesn't want us to worry about him and I'm going to trust him. You should do the same." "I do trust him-" "Then we rest and search in the morning. Whatever Zeke is doing. He'll come back to us. For now we do our part to save Fiona." "Fine..."Sunny said entering into the tent. Moon locked eyes with the Seraphim. "When he said Elizabeth Park...did he smile?" "Yes." "Then all we can do is wait for him."

Moon and Sunny both awoke to the same eerie feeling crawling up their spine. Something watching them. Both opened their eyes, locking eyes with each other. "Have you been watching me asleep?" Sunny asked. "Was gonna ask you the same thing." The two sat up turning over to Rayiel sitting at the entrance of the tent, staring at with energy bubbling at the surface. "Umm....were you watching us sleep?" Moon asked. Rayiel nodded. "Why...?" "Zeke told us to watch over you." "That so..." "Wait us?" Sunny asked. "Mmmhmm!" The two locked eyes before slowly sticking their heads out the tent. An entire army of Angels floated around them. Adorned in armour and wielding their spears and swords, they saluted Sunny with a fist over their heart. "Good morning your grace!" They roared with vigour. Moon covered her ears. "Loud. Too damn loud this early in the morning." She said crawling back inside.

"Since, when do you all listen to him? He's a Demon isn't he?" Sunny asked. "He is, but they all changed their minds, when I told them him his real name." "What? Ezekiel?" She nodded keenly. "When the soldiers heard that they had been saved by Ezekiel, they thought it a sign from the Creator." Sunny took a deep breath. "Rayiel, I need a lot more context here." "You don't know your grace? Ezekiel was once a-" Amalgam slammed into the ground startling everyone. Moon crawled out of the tent. "Eugh...Can't get a good shower or bath here, and now this shit?" "You can fly through those clouds and take a shower that way?" "Ha. Ha. Go talk with your little birds. I'm gonna go find a way to break that shield." Moon said walking off. "Good luck with that. I see you've chosen the path of a dumbass!" She called out. Moon flipped her off summoning Iziel and Soul-Taker. "You aren't going to help her?" "Nope. I know my limits, and that thing up, isn't something any of us could break. Now you were saying something about Ezekiel?" "Yes, he-" Amalgam slammed into the ground once more. "GIVE IT A FUCKING REST!" Sunny snapped storming off.

Stomping towards Zack and his group of Hunters the Angels followed behind her. "HEY! If the first attempt didn't work, what makes you think the next fifty would?" All of them looked at her askance and annoyed. "Look lady, it's not us. Things been moving on its own. Like something on the other side is pulling on it." Zack said. "If you wish for a sense of peace and tranquillity your grace. We could find proper accommodation on any of the levels." "Yeah, let's do that. I'm sure that would get Moon to stop complaining as well. Go find her and let her know." "Right away your grace." Rayiel bowed. The Angels nodded at her and took off after Moon, soaring through the clouds.

Moon hovered in front of the shimmering shield. "Any ideas?" 'Try hitting it really hard.' "Really? You're an ancient Dragon, and you're best plan, is to hit really hard?" 'Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one.' Moon shrugged. "Maybe Zeke just wasn't hitting it hard enough." She flew back for distance, flying in at max speed with Soul-Taker loaded. Swinging with all her might Soul-Taker bounced off the barrier and rocketed out of her hand. Moon sucked in her lips reeling back. "FUCK! THAT HURT!" She screamed shaking her stinging hands and arms. "Great fucking plan!" 'We all make mistakes, don't forget I'm feeling the same pain as you.'

Moon banished Soul-Taker calling it back to her hand. "Alright, you piece of shit. Round two!" She raised Soul-Taker high above her head. "SHADOW SLASH!" Moon smirked as it connected with the barrier. Her smirk disappeared seeing the Shadow Slash barrel back towards her. "OH SHIT!" She screamed narrowly avoiding it. "God! What the fuck is that thing made out of?" 'It reflects our attack, perhaps a gentler approach maybe best.' Moon summoned Spark flying towards it. She placed the tip into the barrier feeling no resistance. She nodded impressed and surprised. "Alright, not bad. Let's try and push through." Applying more pressure she felt it push back. 'Keep going, there has to be a limit.' Moon grit her teeth pushing even harder. The rejecting force made Spark bend and warp along the shaft. She let out a scream pushing with all her might. Moon slipped forward feeling all her weight topple over. The shimmer ripped Spark out of her hands, sending Moon plummeting downward. The Angels caught her in the air. "Fucker! What was that!?" 'The shimmer. There is a gap in his ultimate defence. We should reconvene with Sunny and discuss what to do next. We have gathered what information we could.' "Fucking shield." She spat.

Moon was led back to a pristine villa made of white marble. She found Sunny emerging with a towel wrapped around her waist. "Really?" "What? They offered to give us proper housing. If you want to stick to that tent, next to the dropping hammer and the dude who kept trying to fuck you. Be my guest." "....Get out of my way." Moon said walking into the bathroom. "Holy fuck! This place is better than our home!" "It's Heaven. What'd you expect?" "Given the racist assholes here. Nothing." Moon said slamming the door shut. Sunny sat down at the kitchen table with a piece of parchment. Rayiel sat across from her. "Your grace, may I ask what you are doing?" "Writing down the information we have."

She took the quill in hand. "One day, we'll bring pens over, but for now. Problem one, the barrier. Problem two, Former world rank number 8 inside. Problem three, Hunters and sealing runes inside. Problem four, no information of the layout, and how many are inside. Problem five. Location of Fiona Linette still unknown." Sunny reeled back rocking on her chair. "May I asked how that helps?" "Isolating problems, helps with seeing what you can solve and what can't be solved." "Oooh, and what can you solve?" "Not much...problem one pretty much fucks with all the other problems, without a way inside that barrier, we can't do much." "We might have a way to get inside." Moon said wearing a bath towel. "That was quick." "I'm waiting for the water to get hot." "The bath tub was already hot." "Yeah, but it's got your juices in there, and I don't want any of that." "Really? After what we've done?" "Zeke was our buffer. He's not here. So yeah, not happening." "Go on." Sunny sighed. "What's your idea?" "There's a gap in the barrier. Felt it when I tried to break it." "There's no gap. The soldiers have already checked, there was no gap." Rayiel said.

"There is a gap. It's the shimmer." "You mean that nanosecond? What good is that?" Sunny asked. "It's a gap, and it means I can slow it down. Enough for one of us to sneak in and out." "You can slow down time?" Rayiel asked. "Kinda." Moon a cup off the table throwing it into the air. She held her left hand raising a barrier. The cup froze in place. "That is amazing! You can stop time!" "Look closer." Sunny said. Rayiel lurched forward seeing the cup spinning at a snail's pace. Sunny took the cup out of the air. "Your power only works on inanimate objects." "Not true. It works on people just...not as well, but there's nothing to say it won't work on his barrier." "We'll have to test it, before we can do anything." "Gladly, and if it works. You're going inside to scout." "I don't think Zeke would like any of you being in danger like that." Rayiel said. "Then who would go in?" "One of us would." The Seraphim said behind them. "Jesus!" Moon and Sunny jumped. "Do not call me that embarrassment."

"Are you sure?" Moon asked. "Yes, I am legion if one of me dies. It is negligible." "We're not going to sacrifice any piece of you. Ezekiel wants to stop the loss of life up there." "I do not see of any other way. He will not allow you two, to be placed into such danger. No other Angel would risk being captured. Losing one of me is the most acceptable risk to take." "We still need to test if Moon can even get you inside." "Then I shall wait till you are ready." "Wait! Is Zeke doing okay?" "Did he say anything to us?" "He is...hanging in there as he says." "Do you have an idea of how long he'll gone for ?" Moon asked. "I cannot confirm anything at this stage. However he asks for you two to get along while he is gone." "We're doing that right now." "Totally are." Sunny said. "Hmm...Is he perhaps clairvoyant as well?" "Why? What did he say?" Moon asked. "He said that would be your responses, and said that if you don't get along. He will call Sakura when he gets back." "That cheeky cunt." Moon pouted. "Tell him we're getting along swimmingly." Sunny said. "Yes, your grace."

Rexgan sat on his bed. "How are you holding up pup?" He asked with a grin. "Just....just fine..." Zeke panted. The skin on his arm had peeled off and every second felt like a thousand needles prodding his skin. His legs trembled and quivered. Sweat beads trickled profusely down his face. "Can...can I get some water?" Kayle stood next to him amazed at his resilience. "A cup or-" "Whole thing...please..." She dumped the bucket of cool water onto his head. "Th...thank you..." "You still got yer manners. You are starting to impress me." He said lumbering over. He peered into the fire looking at the pieces of steel. 'The metal is still cold...let's see if you can handle the process.' "So...so tell me...do you have to this for every weapon you make?" Zeke grunted, trying to catch his breath. "No, normally I can merge a Soul by hitting you with Amalgam." "Wait what? Is that actually you're process!?" Kayle exclaimed. "Aye, it is. This is a different approach." "It fucking sucks..." Zeke groaned.

"Keep it up pup. Kayle bring us some food will ya?" "A please goes along way Rexgan." "Kayle...could you please get our food?" Zeke asked forcing a smile. "Very well, but don't think your manners are fooling me. I know deep down you're still a Demon." "Great...could you please bring these ingredients." "Ingredients?" The two of the asked looking at Zeke confused. He gave them a wry smile. "You want to eat something other than roasted chicken, and I want something to....fuck!....keep my mind off this. Let me teach you how to cook." "I don't cook pup." "Then you can keep eating the same shitty bland roasted chicken then." Rexgan paused. "Does your recipe taste good?" "Only...one way to find out." "Fetch the ingredients Kayle. Let's experience a Demon's recipe together." She frowned at him folding her arms. "Please?" "Mmm, that's as good as it will get." Kayle said flying off. Zeke's knees buckled and he slumped over. He forced himself up right. "Ya can let go at any time pup." "I'm fine! I just...haaaaa...lost my balance..."

Rexgan stood up lumbering over to his bed. He tore the cloth off tying the strip under Zeke's pits and strung him up to hang in front of the furnace. "Thanks..." Zeke wheezed slumping into it. "Never met a Demon capable of withstanding Arafel's fire this long. Or at all honestly." "Heh...I caught some flaming sword from Astarte. That felt kinda worse." "You caught Polaris?" Zeke nodded. "What'd you do next?" "Threw it back at the bitch." Rexgan cackled slapping his knee. "That bitch has a lot coming her way." "Out of curiosity... who or what took six days to melt their steel?" "A former Arch Angel." "Former? What happened? They..." Zeke chuckled weakly. "They forget to make a cross before eating dinner?" "Nay. He forsake his duty for love." "They kill him?" "Not sure. Been locked up in here when it happened." "What was his name?" "Gonna keep yammering on at me?" "Need something...need something to keep myself busy. And....and you could use the company." He said with smirking at him. "His name was Ezekiel."

Rexgan looked at Zeke confused as he broke out into laughter. "Something funny about his name?" Zeke shook his head. "Figures...My father would name me after an Angel that forsake his duty and rejected Heaven." "Ezekiel was one of the only pigeons I liked." "Is that why he helped lock you up?" Zeke asked staring at his collar.

"Eight chains. I'm guessing one for each Arch Angel right?" Rexgan nodded. "His betrayal hurt, but I do not hate him." "Why the fuck not?" Rexgan pinched each chain. Each of them sizzled and burnt his fingers except one chain. "He visited me every day in here, giving me food and drinks, stories from the other realms. Till he disappeared." "You know anything about his love?" Rexgan shook his head. "Whoever it was. She must be the most amazing thing to snag those wings." "Maybe...you can go visit him, once you're free..." "If I am freed." "Don't doubt me so quick..." "Your arms will disappear before that steel melts." "Metal and I have to be kept in there the whole time. What if I do this?" Zeke summoned his Spectre letting it take over as he took out his hands to recover. He reeled back billowing a cold smoke of relief. "Aye, that works. Quite an impressive power." "Thanks....Doesn't change that this still hurts like fucking shit." He strained. "How much longer do you think this is gonna take?" Rexgan leant over. "At your rate. A few more days." Zeke slumped forward.