
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasie
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79 Chs

Return to Mystara.

Moon woke up to screams ringing out. Her eyes shot open, and she leapt to her feet summoning Iziel, Soul-Taker and her spear. She sprinted out of the tent she was in, towards the screams. Selena was stripped of her armour and being held down by several Hunters, with a gag in her mouth. Violetta was tied to a post, with her arms bound around it. "Talk Drow!" Zack ordered, driving his spear tip into Violetta's shoulder. She gnashed her teeth with Selena growling through her gag, trying desperately to rip herself free from their grip. Moon snatched a Healer from the crowd tossing him into the centre. In the confusion she leapt in cleaving the spear shaft in half. She blasted everyone away tossing Soul-Taker to Selena and flourishing her new spear. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL DOING!?" Moon roared. Selena helped Violetta to the ground, ripping out the spear. "These two are the reason that thing is finally fucking dead!" Zack stood forward scowling at her.

"They attacked us." Moon raised her spear to him. "Bullshit." She called out before Selena or Violetta could respond. "They hate us, but they wouldn't attack unless provoked." "You know these two?" "Yeah I fucking do. They're my friends. Now heal her and everybody back the fuck up!" Moon ordered. "You're not in any position to give orders. Now stand down." "Fuck you!" Moon spat at Zack's feet. "If it wasn't for us that spider would still be alive. Now back off!" "You went and took all the glory. The king isn't going to pay us and-" "Keep the fucking reward. I want nothing to do with you all. You can all tell the king and queen that you killed it, but you will heal her and let us leave with all meat you have." Zack raised his hand. "Why are you siding with Drows? They're nothing but-" Moon cut him off thrusting her spear, and slicing his face. "I'm sick of hearing you talk. Return their belongings. Take the credit and the money. You will let us leave and share it with Brianna White. Got it?" Zack scoffed. "Fine, I can live with that."

The Healer closed Violetta's wound, and the other Hunters returned Selena's armour and sickle, with the staff and Grimoire. "I will have to write you up for this Moon. Although all could be forgiven, if you take me up on my offer." Zack said with a smirk. Moon smiled back, caressing his face and rubbing his broad shoulders. She drove her knee straight into his testicles. He retched falling to his hand and knees, gasping and coughing for air. His eyes bloodshot and strained. "You're a cunt, and if you ever cause me or the Drows any problems. I'll kill you myself." Violetta made a black Rift quickly leaving through it first with Selena dragging an entire wagon of meats through it. Moon followed after flipping Zack the bird on her way out. 'This is Mystara...The land of the Drows. It sure is bland for a hidden realm.' Iziel said. "Thank you Moon." Selena said solemnly. "Think I owe you a thanks. I was not gonna kill that thing by myself. Although I have to ask. How did you find me? Or were you also coming to kill the Broodmother?"

"Yep. Just there to help you kill the Broodmother." Violetta let out a snort. "HA! I told her that I sensed Soul-Taker, and she rushed me to make a Rift." "Ahahaa...Vi, could you shut up now?" Selena said in Quenderin. "Fine, but you should tell her the reason we came." "What was the real reason?" Moon asked in Quenderin. The two froze sharing a glance before looking at Moon. She smiled back at them. "It was to check if Soul-Taker was okay. That's all." Selena said firmly. "She thought Zeke was with you, and wanted to have him again." Selena let out a groan. "Oh...um...well I wouldn't be okay with that anymore." Selena looked at her surprised. "I thought you two did not have that kind of relationship." "Well things changed, and he's mine now." Moon said proudly. 'Let Zeke know that as well, before things get awkward.' 'Shut it.' Selena let out a sigh. "Maybe I could borrow him the next time he visits?" Violetta face palmed. "Have some self respect sister. He may have introduced us to meat, but he's still a Demon."

"Virgin." Selena muttered. "HEY!" Violetta snapped raising her staff towards her. Moon sniggered. "She's just trying to wait for the right person. Like I should have." "See! The Dragon Knight gets it." "You're two centuries old." "TWO CENTURIES!? NOT ONCE!?" Moon shouted. Selena shook her head. "See, the Dragon Knight gets it." "Oh shut up!" Violetta blushed. "Wait...Dragon Knight? Is that me?" The two looked at her askance.

'Long ago, my kind use to bond with knights. Bestowing our power onto them to help defend against the invading Demons and Angels. It is a dead practice though.' "Forget I asked." The two knelt in front of her. "What's happening? What are you two doing?" "Oh great Dragon Iziel. The Drow will serve loyal to your cause." Violetta said. 'It's about time I've been given some respect.' "Moon, does Iziel speak to you?" Selena asked. "Yeah...she's in my head." The two let out a sigh of relief. "Thank the creator, a Dragon still lives." 'What does she mean by that?' "What do you mean by that?" Selena gulped. "Since your imprisonment...there has not been a Dragon sighting in over two decades. Your kind was declared extinct by a Nephilim called Alistair." 'That's impossible! I've been imprisoned in this armour for two decades!?' "Uh, she's just learning that, she's been imprisoned for twenty years." Moon said awkwardly, hearing Iziel still trying to process the information. "She wants to know, if there was any information of what happened to the other Dragons." "The elders will be able to tell you."

After walking for a few hours they found themselves on the outskirts of Mystara. "I forgot how long that walk can be." Violetta said huffed. "I could carry you?" "No! I mean...please do not trouble yourself with me." Moon looked at Violetta confused. "Are you being nice to me, because I'm bonded with Iziel?" "She still believes in the old legends." "Some of us still have faith." "This legend would be?" "That a Dragon Knight would lead our people to salvation." Moon stopped in her tracks laughing and shaking her head. "You think that's me!? I can even schedule my own day, let alone an entire race." "Like I said. She still believes in fairy tales. Moon is not our saviour." "And you're never gonna have sex with Zeke again. There. Now we're both sad." Violetta pouted, stomping off. "Are you sure, I can't just borrow him?" "Yes." Selena rolled her eyes. "Why wasn't he with you anyway? I thought you two were inseparable."

"You didn't see the gigantic army of spiders? He would have died at the sight of them." "Is that why he's letting you borrow Soul-Taker?" "....Borrow?" Selena cocked her head to the side glaring at her. Moon gave her a nervous smile, summoning Soul-Taker on command. "You bonded with it..." "I did..." "Why?" "Uh...welll...um...you see...ahaha..." "That weapon was for Zeke! Why are you using it!?" Selena snapped. Moon winced. "Well I only just assmed, and Zeke said it wasn't his style, and, and, and..-" 'He has Shadow.' "Right! He has his own weapon. A sword called Shadow. It's totally his style." Selena let out a low grumble stomping off. Moon let out a sigh of relief. 'It is a fine weapon, but my brother's soul will help us.' Moon summoned the spear. "What should we call him?" 'Farazion. What else?' "Yeah, and if people start asking, why I named my spear after a dead Dragon that Alistair hunted. He's gonna come hunting us." 'Hmmmmm...fine. Spark. He always enjoyed making sparks dance in the night sky.' "Spark, it is."

Moon jogged after Selena and Violetta, being greeted by the other Drow. They wore nice cotton shirt, blouses and trousers, with proper footwear. Their gaunt bones now had some meat on them. They froze and gawked in awe at Moon wearing Iziel. 'It's finally nice to be respected again.' 'I respect you.' 'You summoned me, while eating, so you wouldn't stain your clothes.' 'And weren't those chips amazing?' '....yes.' Iziel said begrudgingly. "Everyone looks a lot...healthier." "Yes, Weaver and Edelgard's wagons of produce, have kept us full and hearty. This wagon will also help." Selena said. "May I ask, why you did not release a Shadow Slash at the Broodmother?" "Why didn't I do what?" "A..Shadow Slash...you do know you can do that with Soul-Taker right?" Moon's eyes darted away for a second. "Yeah! Totally!" She scoffed. "I was just joking...on a completely unrelated note, how do YOU release one?" 'You're a terrible liar.' 'Shut up.' Selena let out an exasperated sigh. "Fill the weapon with Mana, and cast the invocation, and then swing in the direction you want to release."

Selena walked off first dragging the wagon behind her. Moon summoned Soul-Taker covered in black fire. 'Not here!' Iziel scolded. "I wasn't going to! I was just curious! God!" Moon banished Iziel and sulked to the audience chamber. She stood between Violetta and Selena before the elders. "Violetta. Selena. Why have you brought this one back to Mystara?" "I think it has something to do with this." Moon said summoning Iziel. Gasp rung throughout everyone watching. "How is this possible?" 'Enough of their gawking. Make them tell us what we need to know.' "She wants to-" An Elder cracked a staff over Moon's head. "AHHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!?" Moon screamed. She let out another scream seeing Iziel's head floating above her as a spectral image. "AH WHAT THE FUCK!?" The Drow kneeled at Iziel's presence. "Oh great Dragon, we are humbled by your presence. Please tell us, what is your command?" Iziel spun around looking at everyone. "I want to know what has happened to my kind." A dower expression spread amongst them.

"The Dragons...they were hunted one by one. By a trinity of Demons." "I know that already!" Iziel roared. "What has happened to my family!?" "We do not know...The Dragons disappeared. No one knows if they went into hiding or were hunted to extinction, but we have not seen one since your..." "My imprisonment. Who was the last Dragon to be seen?" "Xenozoz." "What has happened to him?" "It is unclear. Our last known whispers, say that his wings were found to the north." "Then he is dead...I need to be left alone." Iziel bowed her head disappearing. Everyone stared at Moon. She awkwardly waved back. 'Hey Iziel...are you okay?' 'How would you feel knowing everyone you love and cared for could be dead?' Iziel barked. 'Alright...I'll be here, if you want to talk.' 'Leave me alone child.' Moon took a seat blowing a tired raspberry. Selena took a seat beside her. "What will you do now?"

Moon rubbed her face. "I don't know...I need to make at least 150 chips to bring back, and get Zeke a present." "A difficult task?" "Well I have nearly three months to do it. So that's a bright side." "Hmm...I may have an idea that would be mutually beneficial." "Go on..." "You're not honestly thinking of making the Dragon Knight join us?" Violetta asked. "If she decides to join us, you can finally get a good night sleep." "Please join us. Please. Please." "What is this task?" "Assassination work." "Oh...um..." "They're mostly slave traders and sex traffickers." "Oh! Count me in, but how does this make me money?" "They tend to carry 50 to 100 chips after every sale." "Sooo...we're robbing them?" "Think of it as, a tax on illegal...alright we're killing and robbing them. Will you help us?" "Sounds simple enough. Hey wait! Was that the reason we met? Were you going to free me?" Selena's eyes darted away for a second. "Mmhmm...I was there to free you." "Of her life. You were there to murder them, until you broke your back." "Oh shut up. You were too busy crying about how you lost the Grimoire." "I've been meaning to ask, how did you lose that thing?" "Not important. Will you help us?" "I will if you tell me."

Violetta took a deep breath. "I got drunk at a tavern, and used it as a pillow. When I woke up, I rushed home and forgot it wasn't in my bag." Moon pursed her lips trying not to laugh. "So will you join us?" Selena asked holding out her hand. "Yep. It will give me some time to practice with Spark and using Shadow Slashes. Oh and maybe one of them will have something for Zeke! Hmm, I should probably get him something that wasn't stolen. Or definitely killed for...Do you guys know a place I can get him a gift?" "Um...what does he like? Because I know a Drow you can offer him." "That is an option." Selena nodded. "Not that." Moon said annoyed. "Hmm...he likes...practical things, and nothing he already has. He hates have duplicates for no reason, and....and...women with silver or white hair." Selena cleared her throat. "Again. No." Moon said firmly. 'Get him a magic spell. Then he'll be one step closer to be your grade.' Moon leapt up to her feet. "That's a great idea!" "We didn't...say anything?" Violetta said confused. "We'll get him a magic spell! The best we can find!"

Moon glumly scratched her head pursing her lips. "Wait...they probably cost like something crazy, and I don't want to get him something stolen...Hmmm, where am I gonna find him a Magic spell?" "We can sell or trade, what we find and return to Zeke with something." Selena said. "Ooh that works. When do we start?" "Tomorrow at dawn. For now we eat and then sleep." "I could use some of that."