
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasie
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79 Chs

Reserve Member arrives

Moon and Brianna landed at sunset, they queued together with over fifty Hunters. Dropping their phones off, and civilian clothes, they were given cheap cotton clothing and worn leather boots. Moon pouted at putting them on. "I should have invested in some better clothing." "Just be glad these don't have bed bugs or lice still in them." Brianna said. The two stopped in front of the green Rift, with a man holding a clipboard. "Names and role." He said apathetically, without looking up at them. "Brianna White. Tank." He crossed her name off. "Moon Kim...umm..." He glared at Moon annoyed at her stuttering. "She's a reserve member." Brianna said, smiling at him. "Mmm. Go on through." She held Moon as they approached the Rift. "Thank you." She whispered. "Not use to doing this without Zeke. He normally handles all that stuff." Moon nervously chuckled. "Well, it's gonna be okay. I've done plenty of these contracts. Three month adventure in and out." Brianna reassured, hugging her.

The two crossed through, entering into a large convoy already set up for camp. 'Ahhhh, what delightful air to breathe.' Iziel said. "Woah, we got here real late." Brianna said. "Really? Where are we?" "Not sure, but we've already set up the convoy to move out. Come on, we should go meet the captain." Brianna pulled Moon through the camp. She spotted several groups of three. 'Don't ever leave Verdancia. I refuse to go back and breathe your Mana-less air.' 'Shut up Iziel. We're going back after three months.' The two stopped in front of the captain. A blond man with piercing blue eyes, with a bone structure that could chisel diamonds. He wore a sleek suit of silver plate armour, with an azure cloth underlining it. His golden hair blew with the gentle breeze. 'Now there's a man you should be after.' 'Will you shut up Iziel? We're going after Zeke, and you're gonna love his Demon nature.' "Captain Drake. I'm glad to know you'll be helming this contract." Brianna said with a smile.

"Bree!" He said overjoyed giving her a hug. He spoke with a charming yet rugged voice. "And please, it's just Gordon. Good to know, you'll be doing this contract." Rolling his eyes. "If I get another Tank running off, because they can't handle a spider. I'm going to kill myself." 'See, he's not afraid of a stupid spider either.' 'I know it's stupid that Zeke is terrified of spiders, but I don't care. Now shut up.' "This is Moon Kim. She's-" He looked at her up and down, looking at her askance. "Where's your...friend?" "Zeke isn't coming on this job. He's got a....thing against spiders." "I was told you two were a packaged deal." She shrugged at him. "Not this time I guess." "Good, I'm only interested in having you here. Bree's an amazing Tank. Now, we're just waiting on a few more Hunters to cross. Once they've checked in, we'll do a briefing and discuss what role you need to do, and what the job is looking like." He rubbed her arm. Moon did a small bow and walked off. "Was he hitting on me?" Moon asked. "What gave you that impression?" "The arm thing?" "You're reading into it too much."

'I want to fly.' 'What? No. We need to wait for everyone and be briefed.' 'They're still coming. Just fly for a little bit.' 'No, I promised Zeke. That we wouldn't cause any problems for him. Now stop asking.' 'Fine, guess I'll do this then.' 'What are you going to-' 'LALALALALALALALALA!' Brianna jumped seeing Moon frown at nothing. "Fine! Two can play at that game." "Two can play at what game?" 'AH! THAT'S DISGUSTING! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK OF THAT IMAGE!?' Moon's face changed to a deranged smirk. Brianna took a few steps back looking at her concerned. 'Because I can! Now be quiet in my head, or you'll see even worse.' 'There cannot possibly be anythingAHHH! WHY!?' 'That's just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to see the rest, you keep going.' 'Fine. I'll be quiet.' "Uhhhh Moon are you feeling okay?" "Yep, never better. Say how long we gotta wait around for?" Gordon placed a hand onto Moon's shoulder. She jumped. "Oh sorry! Did not mean to scare you." "No it's fine..."

"Well to answer your question, we're going to have to camp the night. Got a few stragglers that don't understand scheduling." He growled annoyed. "Um so when's dinner?" Moon asked. "Well not for a while, but in the mean time, could I get to know you better?" He asked smiling at her. Taking a few steps back Moon shook her head. "Sorry, I have to umm..." 'Stretch your wings.' Iziel said. "Stretch my wings." Moon summoned her armour, making them both stumble back. She shot into the skies with a single beat of her wings. 'Ahh, feel the wind under us. Isn't it wonderful?' 'Ah huh...' Moon glanced down at everyone feeling Gordon's gaze on her. 'You're uncomfortable why? Are we flying too high for you? We've barely reached the clouds.'

'That guy...there's something off about him.' 'Don't worry about him. I can smell his Mana, he's weaker than us. For now enjoy the wind.' Moon shook it off, soaring in and out of the clouds. Gordon smirked at her. Coming back down, Brianna found Moon, handing her a bowl of soup. "What's this?" Moon asked confused at the cloudy soup with potatoes and carrots floating. "Dinner? Are you okay? Or is this what you're like without Zeke?" "No...I'm fine. It's just...where's the meat?" 'Yes, I agree. Ask her again. Where's the meat?' "You remember those people who didn't come?" "Ah huh..." Moon said stirring her bowl. "Well they were carrying all the meat." "Oh no." Both Moon and Iziel said mortified. "And, they didn't make it before the Rift was closed." Moon and Iziel gasped. "Do you mean..." "There's no meat. We're doing a vegan trip for the next three months." Brianna said with a nervous smile. 'We need to leave right now.' Iziel said. "What if we hunted something?" "I mean sure, but are you going to fly out alone in the dark?" 'Do not lie to me right now, and tell me that you're afraid of the dark. I refuse to believe I bonded with someone afraid of the dark.' "We're going hunting tomorrow." Moon sulked.

'Are you serious!?' 'It's one meal. How bad can it be?' Moon took a sip of the cloudy soup. Luke warm and bland, it coated her mouth in a thick starchy paste. "So how is it?" Brianna asked. Moon summoned Iziel. "I'll be back in an hour." Moon and Iziel spat flying through the air, frantically soaring above the trees, with the sun disappearing over the horizon. "Do you see anything yet!?" 'No! Look harder!' Iziel shouted. Gordon appeared in front of her. The let out a startled scream. "Please stop doing what you're doing." "How...what? Why?" "Please come down and we can talk." Moon waved her hand through his head. 'Tsk, an illusionist. I detest his kind the most.'

Moon landed in front of Gordon. "Why don't you want me hunting?" "Only thing you could possibly find is a mountain goat, or some wild game." "Yeah so what? Those won't taste bad after being grilled." "Are you going to find enough for everyone to have their fill? Because if you're the only one eating meat, well that's going to cause fights. So you're going to have to share, and there won't be enough to share around, which will then cause fights, because someone got a better or bigger piece. Now I know it sucks, but I would rather not have to quell a riot, because you found an animal to eat." Moon bowed her head. "Sorry..." He chuckled patting her shoulder. "It's alright. Bree told me this is your first time doing a contract solo. I'll show you ropes tomorrow. For now, let's enjoy our delicious soup." Moon looked at the cloudy bowl of soup unpleasantly. 'Girl forget him, and let's go hunting. I'm sure we could at least find a rabbit to grill or a bird.' Moon took a deep breath slugging back the soup. 'Why do you hate us?' Moon gagged clawing the starch off her tongue. "Eugh...tomorrow morning we hunt something in secret."

Moon stared at her dingy and run tattered tent. She turned to Brianna. "What? Were you expecting a hotel room?" "Why don't we have a cabin like those guys?" "Did you pay for one?" "Well...no, but-" "Do you own a tent?" "No, but-" "Are you willing to fuck one of those people inside for a relatively nice place to sleep?" "Of course not!" "Then you don't get to complain, now get in. It gets cold at night." Brianna said crawling inside. Moon pouted and begrudgingly crawled inside. She placed a sleeping mask on, and hung a black eyeball charm at the entrance. "What's that for?" Moon whispered. "Detection charm, when one of these assholes tries something we'll know. Anyway. Good night." Moon's jaw dropped and she frowned at her. She shook Brianna. "Hey!" She hissed. "You mean IF right?" "Moon, you're a incredibly hot beautiful woman. There are no cops or law enforcement outside of the kingdoms. And plastic or fossil fuels can't be brought over. It's like prime time for perverts and rapists."

*YAWN* "Anyway, good night." Brianna turned over curling into a ball. Moon looked at her mortified. "Oi!" She hissed nudging her. "You can't just tell me that then go to sleep!" Brianna let out a chainsaw engine like snore, startling both Moon and Iziel. 'She should go visit a healer, to see if that can be fixed.' Iziel said. 'I can't trust this thing. I mean how does it even tell us that someone is even coming?' 'The craftsmanship isn't the worst I've seen. Clearly made by a human with how bland it looks.' 'Yeah, but how does it alert us?' A shadow approached their tent. The eyeball split open, revealing razor sharp teeth and wicked shaped tongue. It let out a blood curdling scream. Moon and Iziel scurried back terrified at the sight, as Brianna woke up grabbing a dagger from under her pillow. The flap opened up to Gordon, cocking an eyebrow at them. "What have I said about using these Bree? "Use them?" "No, the eye goes the other way. Otherwise it scares the person inside." Moon sat against the foundation of the tent clutching her chest. 'I fucking hate your kind.' 'Yeah...me too...'

"Anyways. Here, forgot to give you guys these before." He said handing them each a rolled up scroll. "What's this?" Moon asked. "Orders from the Grand King of Verdancia. If you get lost, show the locals that document, and they'll know you're here on orders to kill a Broodmother." 'That's what we're here for? HA! We will be done in a few hours.' Iziel said confidently laughing in Moon's head. 'Was that in your body or mines?' Her laughter stopped. 'Iziel?...Iziel? are you there?' 'Leave me alone, and let me sleep.' She sulked. "Alright goodnight ladies." "G'night." Brianna said quickly falling asleep. "If you want to share my caravan, you're more than welcome Moon. I know it can be a bit rough to sleep in these-" "Goodnight." Moon said coldly covering herself. "Oh...okay...good night." Gordon left saddened. 'You're right, he is trying to sleep with you, and he's doing a terrible job at it. He could at least you some meat as well.' 'I think he was...'

Brianna woke up with a pleasant smile across her face. Hearing the shuffling and shambling of the convoy packing and sorting everything to be moved. She nudged Moon. "Hey wake up, we YAH!" She jumped seeing Moon's bloodshot eyes, with heavy bags. "Are you okay? What happened?" "I didn't sleep." "Why not?" "YOU!" Moon exclaimed. "How does Edelgard sleep next to you!? You snore like a damn chainsaw fuelled by cocaine and steroids!" "Well, I normally put her to sleep first if you know what I mean. Eh! Eh!" "I'm sleeping on the way there." "You can sleep walk?" "What?" Moon growled. "Well, we don't own a caravan. We gotta walk to our destination first." Moon took a deep breath composing herself. "How long is our trip?" "Let me quickly ask." Brianna left and came running back. "One month." "One month!? Where the fuck are we walking to!? Mount Doom?" Brianna shrugged. "We got an unlucky Rift. It placed us on the opposite end of Verdancia. It happens." Moon bowed her head letting out an exasperated sigh.

Moon trudged grumpily beside Brianna. Gordon appeared beside Moon. "You look like you slept well." Moon glared at him. "Woah-hoo...just joking." 'Girl, make him tell us where Broodmother's location on a map is.' 'Why?' 'Why else? We'll be able to fly there and kill it. Then we can return and eat that meat that Demon boy makes.' 'You like Zeke's cooking?' Iziel sighed. 'Yes, as much as I hate to admit it. That boy does make delicious meals.' "Umm Bree... is she okay?" Gordon asked as Moon stared off into space, walking robotically. Brianna shrugged. 'What about being here? I thought you like the pure air?' 'Bleh, no amount of Mana can make me stomach eating that bile again. Be done with this task and take us home.' 'What food do you actually like?' 'That crunchy chicken, made from that Colonel. That is a delicacy I cannot have enough of. I also did not believe you, when you told me it was made by a military leader.' The two watched as Moon wiped her saliva. 'Oh my god! I could totally kill for Zeke's fried chicken.' 'Is it better than the Colonel's?' 'Better! He makes all these sauces to coat the crunchy skin on. Spicy, tangy, salty, and there are so many sides he makes as well!' 'I want that chicken now!' Iziel said excited.

Moon turned to Gordon . He looked at her askance. "Are you okay?" "Perfectly fine. Could you tell me where this Broodmother is on the map?" "Uh sure..." Walking side by side, Moon held the map of Verdancia. A long diamond shaped continent triple the size of Pangaea. Pointing at the south west quadrant of map, Gordon ran his finger across 'accidentally' brushing Moon's breasts. She ignored it. "We need to get there and meet with the camp to do the changeover." 'Ask him why it's taken so long to kill one Broodmother.' 'Maybe they're just weak.' 'They have orders from the king to deal with it. It means it has been around long enough to become a threat.' "How long have you guys been trying to kill this Broodmother for?" "Orders say it's been about a few months, but that's because its spiderlings have causing some problems." 'Something is wrong. There's no way this many Nephilim would have trouble killing one Broodmother. He's hiding something.' "Anything else you can tell me about these spiderlings? I mean there's a lot of us coming.'

"And here I was told, that your partner was the perceptive one. Well any other Broodmother would have a few thousand spiderlings, and we could snuff them out with some firebombs. But these ones aren't normal. They've got an immunity to fire, and their exoskeletons are tougher than regular steel. Not to mention they are spawning faster than we can kill them." "Ah huh...it's a good thing Zeke didn't come. He'd be a wreck right now." Brianna said. "Is there a reward for killing the Broodmother yourself?" Gordon chuckled pulling Moon in for a hug. "Oh you're funny. We've got a few A grade Hunters leading this operation, and they haven't broken through, but that's alright. We got four months to kill this thing." Moon shoved him away. "What do you mean four months!? Contract said three." "Uh well it's subject to change, and because of how far we are..." "No. No. Contract said three months, then I get paid and get out." "Three months of working. You aren't working yet. Contract starts when you kill your first spiderling."

"No I'm leaving after 3 months." "If you don't fulfil your contract, you don't get paid Moon." Brianna said holding her back. "I also fulfil this damn contract, if I go and kill the Broodmother don't I?" "What's the big deal? You can always reschedule plans." Gordon shrugged. "You can stay and enjoy the beauty of Verdancia." He said patting her arm. Moon threw her shoulder back, summomning Soul-Taker and raising it to his throat. She held it like a rapier startling everyone. "Moon! What are you doing!?" Brianna hissed. "You always touch women you don't know? Or do you just like asking to die?" Gordon stepped away with his hands in the air, taking a gulp. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" "I'm not missing Zeke's birthday. He hasn't ever missed mine since we were five. I won't miss his. Now I'm going to finish this damn contract by myself." "Moon wait!" She snatched the map and flew high into air, soaring above the clouds. 'Now that's how a woman should act. In power and in control.' 'That creepy guy was trying something.' 'Like what? You saw his fear. You could smell it in his pants as well.' 'He might have something to manipulate people's emotions by touch.' 'Hmmm he's an illusionist, I wouldn't put it past him to try and manipulate your mind.'

'Can you read this map? Because I have no idea, if I'm going the right way.' 'Of course. Let's finish this and return home.' 'Home?' Moon asked slyly. 'A place where there is deep fried chicken. That is all.' 'Then let's make this quick.' The convoy froze looking to the sky. "She's uh...new to this..." Brianna said awkwardly. "You don't say." He placed a hand on her shoulder. Brianna's eyes glazed over. "You want to fuck me later tonight." "Yes...master..." She said in a trance. 'Hmmm...how is she immune to me?' Releasing his grip Brianna returned to normal. "Hey, could I sleep in your caravan tonight?" "Of course!" Gordon said with a cheery smile. As Moon flew through the skies, Iziel gave her advice on how to use her new wings. 'Beat your wings rapidly and gain altitude, then let them catch the wind. You'll fly further and be less tired. Close your wings and tuck your body in, and let yourself fall, as close as possible to the ground for maximum speed and updraft.'

'What about hovering? How do you guys do that? Or do I have to beat my wings every time?' 'The easiest way to hover in a spot is to beat your wings with each breath. We can practice that later. For now we should rest for the night. The sun is starting to set.' 'Holy crap! How long have we been flying for? I don't even feel that tired.' 'It is easy to lose track of time, when soaring through the clouds. My siblings and I would often lose days, trying to catch each other.' 'I didn't know you had a family.' 'Of course I would. Dragons lay eight to ten eggs every century. More if they're active.' 'Oh wow. How many siblings do you have?' 'I don't want to talk about it. Forget I said anything.' 'Iziel, we're bonded. We should at least act like it, and get to know each other. You don't need to know my family. Just know that I am the strongest and most powerful.' 'Okay...but when you say that. It tells me that you're the runt of the litter.' 'I AM NO RUNT!' Iziel disappeared. Moon plummeted to the ground. "AHHH! IZIEL! WHAT THE FUCK!"

Falling closer to the ground. Moon stuck her hand out. "ATHENA!" Flying through the air, she swooped underneath Moon carrying her safely to the ground. "WHAT THE FUCK IZIEL!? HEY! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" 'Leave me alone!' "I need you to fly to a camp!" 'Use your familiar. That's what they're for.' "She's not some kind of pet or stead. She's...." Moon trailed off seeing the horrific change to Athena. Her talons had grown in size, two wicked stag antlers sprouted from her head, and her eyes were sharp and snake like. "AHHHH! Athena! What happened to you!? Why do you have these in your head?" Moon tugged on them, making Athena roar in pain. Moon stumbled back stunned. "Was that a roar? Why did you roar!? You're an owl! You squawk or chirp. You can still chirp right?" Athena let out a low growl. "AAAAAA! IZIEL! EXPLAIN!" She appeared over Moon. 'Hmmm...it seems bonding with you, also meant I bonded with your familiar.' "Change her back!" 'How am I supposed to do that?' "Well!...Is she gonna get any worse?" 'I don't know. I've never known any Dragon to bond with a Nephilim before.' "Mmmmmm, go home and rest Athena." She nodded and left through a Rift.

"Are you going to disappear on me again? Or can we keep flying?" '....Only if you do not pry into my family.' "Deal. Now let's get there before it gets dark." Flying late into the night, Moon found a large war party of Hunters camped at the base of a mountain range. Giant tents, caravans and camp fires were scattered across. She crashed into the ground panting, and gasping for air, drenched in sweat. Other Hunters came rushing to her with weapons drawn, holding torches in the air. Dismissing Iziel, Moon stood up holding her hands into the air. "Friendly...I'm a friendly...Just gotta...woooo! Catch my breath here...Here's my document..." She collapsed onto the ground holding the scroll into the air. A Hunter took the scroll from her hand, holding the tip of his blade over her face. "She's legit...but the replacement team isn't meant to be here for another month." She gave the Hunter a big grin. "Luckily for you...I'm here now. One lucky Hunter gets to go home. Now do you have anything to eat? I'm starving and need a bath." "Sure....We'll have to take you to Captain Sutherland first. He'll want to know how you got here so fast." "Cool...Do you guys mind carrying me there? I am fucked right now..."

Two Hunters dragged Moon into captain Sutherland's tent by her pits. "Uh captain Sutherland, a member of the replacement team is here." Captain Sutherland was a ken-doll of a man with flowing mahogany locks. Perfectly dishevelled hair that covered his intense gaze. He wore a heavy set of plate armour, with a long golden lance across his shoulder. Turning around from his bench, he looked at the Hunters confused, before looking down to Moon still catching her breath. "The replacement team is still a month's trip away. Are you telling me you crossed a month's trek, in the matter of hours?" Moon nodded, sitting up to chug on a water flask. "You did that why?" She wiped her mouth, shakily standing up. "I'm on a deadline to be done here in three months, not four. Also that Captain Drake guy SUPER creepy." "Hmmm...what was your name?" He asked unfurling a scroll. "Moon Kim....Sir." "The reserve member...Do you have designated role?" "No..." "Hmm your partner has listed you as a versatile backfill. Warrior or Spellcaster. Also specified you are to not be a Tank." "Awww Zeke. Always looking out for me."

"Hmm. We could use all the help we can get at this point. Give her some food, and prepare her a bath. Come see me, first thing, tomorrow morning. Got it?" Moon nodded and saluted him. He spoke with a powerful authority. He reminded Moon of Zeke, whenever he hatched a plan. In control with an intense stare. "Oh before I go. Can I ask why this contract has taken so long? I just heard that these spiders are fireproof and crunchier. Can't you just step on them?" "Show her what we're dealing with." Moon was escorted through the camp, and brought before the corpse of a spiderling. Her eyes bulged with terror and her jaw dropped at the sight. She felt a small sense of relief, knowing Zeke did not see this, as his heart would explode. The dead spiderling, laid on its back. Eight crimson skinned legs with ember tips, curled into the centre of its abdomen. It's corpse nearly the size of a full grown elephant. "UM....are they all supposed to be this big?" "Spiderlings are normally the size of a cat. A Broodmother grows to this size." The Hunter said. 'Iziel...thoughts?' 'I have made a miscalculation at how easy this task will be.'