
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasie
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79 Chs

Hell Arc The Ninth Monarch

Continuing onwards a musk permeated the air. Gemini became on edge with his fur sticking up. Moon, Sunny, Weaver and Zeke sat atop Gemini carefully scanning their surroundings. "How many can you sense?" Weaver asked. "Hard to tell. The multiple heads are throwing me off." Zeke said. "How are you even able to sense them?" Moon asked. "He throws his threads around and if they hit a vibration, he'll be able to tell." Sunny said. "A excellent deduction." Sunny gave Moon a smug grin. Walking along the area around them began to change with mounds of shattered bones scattered about. "We're getting close." Weaver said. Gemini nearly fell stepping into a ditch, startling everyone. Backing away, they realized what had happened. Gemini had stepped into a paw print. One that made him seem insignificant to its size. The four shared a concerned look. "Be on alert."

Entering into a plateau, filled with various pathways, they passed cave structures filled with mounds of skeletons that were misshaped. Lurking within were glowing red eyes. The sound of snarling around them grew louder. As Cerberus after Cerberus prowled out behind them. Zeke gave Gemini a pat, reassuring him. The sisters held each other terrified and trembling at the sounds around them. Sunny held her daggers tightly taking shallow breaths. Moon's hands trembled ready to summon Soul-Taker. Weaver's finger twitched and flexed releasing his invisible golden threads. Zeke stared ahead sitting calmly between Gemini's heads. A thunderous snap made them flinch. Sunny leapt to her feet drawing her daggers and summoning her wings. Moon did the same bringing out Soul-Taker and Iziel. The two panned around seeing a horde of Cerberuses following them. They drooled snarling behind them. Weaver continued to shift his gaze back and forth. Another thunderous snap rung out. They flinched again except for Zeke. Entering into a vast clearing, they were confronted by the source of the snapping sound.

King Cerberus sat before them. Towering over the others, with thick bloodstained fur, he chewed and crunched on a bone the size of Gemini. His left head blew out a cold chilling air, the right blew plumes of fire with each breath, and the middle crackled with violet lightning. He perked up looking at them. Gemini lowered himself into a defensive position growling, his tail tucked between his legs. Sunny and Moon froze on the spot at the terrifying sight. Weaver stood up. "Get ready to run." He whispered. "You dare enter my sovereignty mutt?" King Cerberus bellowed. His voice rumbled and rattled their bones. Zeke stood up summoning his suit. "We're here to speak with the Bone Monarch. Move aside and feed my steed." "YOU DARE GIVE ME ORDERS NEPHILIM!?" He roared. Moon and Sunny fell back down their entire bodies trembling and their muscles locked. He approached them with each step shaking the ground. The other Cerberuses backed away, bowing at his presence.

"I WILL SEAR AND RENDER YOUR FLESH. I WILL FREEZE AND SHATTER YOUR BONES! YOU WILL FEEL THE POWER OF MY-*Sniff* *Sniff*" He stood over Zeke taking a few whiffs. King Cerberus let out a whimper leaping backwards, stumbling over and crying out like a puppy. "Huh?" Moon and Sunny said confused. "Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-YOU'RE A CHILD OF SAMAEL!?" "I am!" Zeke yelled. He activated his Demon's Blood turning to the blood thirsty creatures prowling around them. He turned to King Cerberus with his Spectre. "I requested nicely to be given passage and food for Gemini, but you raised your voice to me." Zeke's voice echoed with malice and aggravation. King Cerberus leapt up bowing before him. "Please forgive me! I did not know!" He reeled back letting out a roar making the others disperse and scatter. "My pack will clear a path for you." "And the food for Gemini?" "Name what you desire." Zeke looked down to Gemini. "Point to what you want to eat." Gemini scanned around finding the perfect succulent bone. "Give him that." "Uh, that's my favourite-" Zeke glared at him. "Right away!" He squeaked, rushing to grab the bone. Gemini giddily chewed on the bone from both ends. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" Zeke said nothing giving Gemini a pat and the signal to venture onwards.

Walking into another barren wasteland of white sand, the horizon was filled with the silhouettes of white castles. Moon and Sunny stared at Zeke as he returned to normal. 'How are you so brave?' They thought. "We're in the clear." Weaver said. Zeke let out a sigh of relief falling back down. "Ahhhhh! Holy shit! That was fucking terrifying!" He exclaimed holding out his trembling hands. Their thoughts disappeared in an instant. "Seriously, did you see how big he was!? ARGH! Fuck me dead, we are never coming back here again!" He shuddered rubbing away his bumped skin. "Are you gonna get that big?" Zeke asked. Gemini looked up and shrugged. "Shit! Never again!" "Well, bright side, I doubt there's anything scary in those white castles up ahead." Moon said. "Hmmm..." The three of them turned to Weaver. "Oh dear fucking god, what's up there?" Moon asked terrified. "We've arrived at the Ninth Monarch's sovereignty."

Weaver held his hand out holding some of the white sand. "This isn't sand. This is powdered bone. Listen to me very carefully. Other than Zeke, do not touch him, or vice versa." "What's he like?" Sunny asked. "...Aggravating. Simply put. Once Zeke grants me an audience, stay back until I am done. Then we will take the return Rift home." The three nodded. Gemini sauntered onwards happily chewing on his new found bone. The sun started to set over them. As they grew closer the structures became clearer. They were intricate castle walls with an extravagant and beautiful city all made from various skulls and bones. The three stared in horror with bulging eyes. "This is the most fucked up thing, I've ever seen." Zeke said. "Holy fucking...shit..." Moon said. "This is a waking nightmare." Sunny said. "That's another Monarch." Weaver said. The three turned to him. "What? We're in Hell, did you really think they're wouldn't be a Monarch of Nightmares?" "Please tell me you're joking." Zeke said with a wry smile. Weaver said nothing turning forward. "Weaver? You're joking right? Right?" Moon asked deeply troubled. He cleared his throat looking to the distance. "Sunny, don't you think that structure over there looks like the Empire state building?" "Ezekiel, never make me come back here again." Sunny said. "I never will."

Gemini trotted along happily playing with the bones under his paws. "At least he's happy." Sunny said. "How do we even know where to find him?" Moon asked. "Well he's a Monarch, so I guess we look for a castle of some kind." "No, we make ourselves known." Weaver made a fist and the loose threads in the air became a taut ball floating in the air. Holding the thread in his teeth, he took out his lighter. Lighting the thread, the ball of threads exploded in a fire ball. The three ducked and winced for cover terrified of what was coming. In the distance a building resembling Olympus started to shake and rumble. Moon and Sunny held onto Zeke, all of them standing behind Weaver. The building exploded with bones flying out as shrapnel. They were blown away with Gemini tumbling around. Zeke threw Moon and Sunny into the air, before being pinned under Gemini, with Weaver leaping out of the way to pull the sisters to safety. Gemini was buried under a mound of skeletons, with Zeke struggling to pull himself out.

"HELL-LOW!" A voice bellowed with a light hearted and giggling tone. The voice echoed around them. Moon and Sunny flew to Weaver standing behind him, with the sisters coming of the destroyed wagon. Gemini laid on his side with bone fragments jutting out of his fire side. They watched as the giant mound of bones began to rumble and shake. Moon and Sunny held each other, trying to anticipate what would emerge from that powerful blast. The shaking became violent and explosive with bones flying left and right. Moon and Sunny held their breaths, when a singular human skull emerged, followed by the rest of the skeleton. It wore a tattered purple robe. "Bone-jour!" He bowed, using a mandible as a cap. The two stared at him confused. He was no larger than a regular man. "Oh wow! What a diverse group. Three Nephilim and three vampires. Now which pun was a better introduction? I feel like Hell-low only works on those visiting Hell, and I don't really get a lot of those, but Bone-jour sounds way funnier." Moon and Sunny's jaws dropped looking at him confused.

"Hello?" He waved at the stunned group. "What? Are you all deaf? Still processing which one is better?" "You're...You're the Bone Monarch?" Moon asked. "Don't be ridiculous! I'm the Skeleton Monarch. I can't be the Bone Monarch, when I have nothing to...Bone with. AH? Get it?" The group was silent. He lifted his robe showing his pelvic bone. "Really? You guys don't get it? Bone as in to bone someone?" He scratched his head. "Geez tough crowd." "I've brought-" "Oh! You're an Angelic Nephilim. What are you doing down here? Boy are you...boned. AH!? Come on you have to get that." Sunny looked at him up and down absolutely baffled. "Come on, one of you have to throw me a...?" He waited for their response. "A....?" He gestured with his hands pointing wildly around him. "You have to throw me a?" "Bone." Weaver said. "AHHHH! This guy gets it!" Before any of them could react, he had already pulled Weaver into a headlock, giving him a noogie.

They stared in horror. Weaver thrashed trying to push him away. "Sheesh! What happened to you? Broken bones, from your arm down. Ribs on the verge of shattering. You need some milk." Weaver pulled himself free. "Want me to fix-" "No!" He snapped. The Bone Monarch pulled his hands away acting shocked at the outburst. "I'm only trying to be a Brone. AH?" He asked with a smile. "I'm going to fucking kill him if he says another stupid pun." Moon growled. "Me too." "Oh, don't be like that. Puns are fun! The only issue is that bone, is pronounced weirdly. Like why isn't it pronounced like bun? Then I could say you should bun for your lives. Or something like your buns and done." "Please stop!" Eleanour snapped. "Alright alright!" He threw his hands up annoyed. "If you don't want to hear my great puns, why don't you stay in the hehehe...." He pointed behind them. They turned to a cone shaped building. "Don't you say it. Don't you fucking say it." Ordelia threatened. "The bone of silence. AHAHAHA!" Their eyes glazed over each of them letting out a groan. "ENOUGH!" Weaver snapped. "You're a real BONER killer." "YOU CAN'T EVEN HAVE A BONER!" Moon snapped furiously. "WOW! HURTFUL! Do you have some kind of..."

Moon and Sunny seethed. "Buh...buh...come on I believe in you guys. You have some kind of Buh....Buhh..." He sounded out. "We're getting off topic!" Weaver yelled. "The answer was bone." Moon summoned Iziel and Soul-Taker. 'Kill him.' Iziel growled. "OI YOU CUNT!" Weaver yelled. Everyone froze at Weaver's accent coming out. "I've come to hold up my end of the deal. Now give me the answers I want!" "We had a deal? Who are....OOOOOH! You're that weak little Nephilim asking about Convergence. AHAHAH! Come back for more aye?" "No, I've brought you a Child of the Nine." "Wait are you serious? You actually brought a Child of the Nine?" "YES!" They shouted. "Well? Where is this magical child?" They all looked around finally realizing Zeke was missing. "He was riding the Hell hound with us." Weaver said. "Oh, I can sense that thing dying right now. Here let me bring it out."

With a flick of his wrist, Gemini was flung violently from the pit. He landed with a thundering crashing, with his new bone still wedged firmly between his jaws. He scratched his head. "Huh. Never seen a Hell Hound get this big, or have two elements." He flipped Gemini over, his wounds deep and bleeding profusely. "Hey! Are they inside of this thing? Because this thing is totally BE-ONED!" They cringed and groaned, as he let out a cackle at his own joke. "Hey! I recognise this! I made this for Chompy." "King Cerberuses name is actually Chompy?" Clara asked. He snatched the bone kicking Gemini across the ground. He let out a pained whimper. Moon summoned Soul-Taker and Iziel with Spark in her right arm. She flew in hurling Spark. The Bone Monarch raised his hand shifting the bones around him into a wall. Moon flew around the wall with Soul-Taker becoming engulfed in a black fire. He turned to her. "SHADOW SLASH!" Engulfed in the black wave, it tore through the barrier. "Impressive weaponry and attack, but..." He gave Moon a gentle flick. Iziel shattered into pieces and Moon was blown away, buried into a building.

Sunny flew in, encircling him. With a blinding flurry she ran Rend and Tear all over him. He reached out grabbing her by the throat. "Alright those sting, but seriously, what was your plan? Chip away at me?" The powdered bone flew around him healing the chips. "Look at what I am, and where we're standing. What did you think-" Sunny drove both dagger into his eye sockets. "Eugh...." He let out an exasperated sigh. "Aren't you going to help them!?" Clara yelled. "The only person who can help isn't angry yet." Weaver said looking over to the side. Zeke thrashed and pulled in the mound of bones, feeling something dragging him down. 'Come on. Make them scream.' Moon flew in covered in blood with a broken nose. Iziel slowly reforming over her. "YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING DIE FOR THAT!" She roared. He glanced over to her, with the daggers still jutting out of his skull, and Sunny firmly in his grasp. Soul-Taker cleaved through his spine.

His body went limp and Sunny fell down gasping and coughing for air. Moon brought Soul-Taker down with all her might smashing the skull into pieces. "OH NO! MY ONE WEAKNESS!" His voice echoed out. "MY BONES WERE DESTROYED! WHAT EVER WILL I DO?" Sunny grabbed her daggers and blasted indiscriminately. "Ohohoho! Almost got me! I'm the skeleton to your left." Moon joined in hurling Spark and recalling it to her. "Okay, it was fun at first, but now it's just sad." He appeared behind them grabbing both of their napes. They both loss control of their bodies, feeling their muscles pull and twitch, but their bones locked into place. "Now I heard from one of those Nephilims' that if you remove the 11th and 12th ribcage. You can actually suck yourself off. Is that true?" Moon and Sunny tried to attack. "Well time to find out." They let out a blood curdling scream feeling their ribs shift and contort. A scream rung out with the entire area being covered in a layer of frost. Weaver shook his hand breaking the frozen threads on his finger tips.

"Oh people today." The Bone Monarch sighed. He turned around to see Zeke emerging from the mound with his suit and Shadow out. The Spectre looming over him. The four crimson blood eyes glaring at him. "OH MARY MOTHER OF NAZERUS!" He shrieked throwing Moon and Sunny aside. His jaw literally fell off hitting the ground. He clamoured along the ground, terrified out of his mind. "JESUS TITTY FUCKING CHRIST! NO! NO!" Zeke leapt towards Moon and Sunny, he inspected their wounds, before looking at Gemini still whimpering and wheezing with each breath. "You're not real. You're not real. Oh dear fucking Creator! You're real." "HEAL THEM!" Zeke roared. "Of course! RIGHT AWAY!" He saluted at Zeke. Crawling over the floor and tripping over himself, he clamoured to attach a new jaw with his bones rattling like maracas. Moon and Sunny were engulfed in a black aura. They both sat up completely healed and energized. "SEE!? All healed! No problems here!" Zeke snarled at him, looking at Gemini. "Right! Right! The pup! I got him. I got him!"

Bone fragments flew out of Gemini. He let out yowl. "SHHH! SHH! I'm trying to help you!" He hissed at Gemini. He turned back to Zeke approaching him. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Please heal up. Please heal up!" Gemini leapt up to his feet and sprung away from the Bone Monarch snarling at him. "TADA! All fixed! Please don't hurt me." "GIVE ME A REASON TO!" Zeke roared. "I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!" He squealed cowering in fear. Zeke turned to Weaver. With his back turned the Bone Monarch leapt up to his feet, summoning a colossal sized spear tip with the bones. It rammed Zeke into the ground. "AHAHA! I KNEW YOU WEREN'T REAL! NO HUMAN COULD EVER HANDLE SAMAEL'S....Eh?" The Spectre wrapped its hands around the spear shattering it into pieces. Zeke stood up letting out a long sigh, with a cold smoke forming. The Bone Monarch dove into the pit of bones. "GOOD LUCK FINDING ME!" Zeke stood motionless, however his Spectre panned around constantly, it was locked onto the Bone Monarch.

Zeke dashed in, using his Spectre to grab him. Phantom blades flew in stabbing the Monarch. He cried out in anguish as the frost formed around his ethereal form. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE-" Zeke impaled him through the gut with Shadow. The entire kingdom screamed with him. He rammed the blade through his spine pinning him to the ground. "Sit and be quiet." Zeke growled. He nodded. "He's going to ask you questions, and you're going to answer. Am I clear?" "Crystal clear. Please take this thing out of me." He groaned. Clara took Weaver's wrist. "You put them in harm's danger on purpose." He pulled his wrist free. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Remember the reason why you're alive right now." Shrugging her off he stood over the Bone Monarch as Zeke returned to normal. "Ready to talk yet?" He took Zeke's wrist engulfing him in a black aura. "It's over for you now, son of Samael! All your bones will..." Zeke looked back at him annoyed twisting Shadow. "Yep. Ready to talk." He groaned.

Moon and Sunny stood behind Zeke and Weaver. "What do you want to talk about? Is it how the xylophone should be called the xylobone?" Zeke tugged on Shadow. "AH! Okay! Ask." He winced. "You're going to tell me everything you know about Convergence." "Are you serious!? That's what this was all about? You shouldn't even know what that is!" Zeke twisted Shadow. "Answer him." "No! I'd rather die and be tortured by you, instead of face Samael." "What is Convergence?" Moon asked. "Great! Now you got the weaklings involved. I hope you're happy." Zeke dragged Shadow up, splitting another vertebrae. "I won't talk!" "Then who will!?" Zeke yelled. "Lilith! She's the only one crazy enough to both literally and figartively fuck with Samael." "The Lilim is on the other side of Hell. It will take months to reach there." He looked at Weaver confused, before turning to Zeke. "Make a black Rift, and you'll be there in a second." Zeke and Weaver locked eyes. "You are able to make a black Rift right? I mean you're the son of Samael." "I am not his son. Call me that again, and I'll start carving more bones."

"Kid, you need to look in the mirror. You have most vile and twisted Mana, I have ever seen. You're not any kind of Demon. You're the spawn of the strongest Demon in Hell." "If you hold me in such high regard. Make us a black Rift." "I would love to, but as you can see. You have lovingly rammed a two metre katana into my spine!" "I'm going to pull this out, and you're going to send us to the Lilim. All of us." "Zeke, we can't trust him to do that." Weaver said. "Wait did we come all this way to be stuck!?" Moon exclaimed. "No, I have an idea." Clara said. "Oh? What's that gonna be leech?" The sisters exposed their back, revealing bite marks all over. "So you're kinky in bed. What's that meant to mean, to me?" Clara covered herself. "Those are bite marks from Lord Dracula. Whom Zeke, saved us from his wedding." "Oh no. Don't tell me." "Yes, Lord Dracula is aware of his presence, and our whereabouts." "SHIT!" He screamed trying to free himself. "Wait, you're afraid of Lord Dracula?" Sunny asked.

"You stupid bitch! I ARGH!" Zeke split another vertebrae. "Don't call her that." He growled. "Fine. She's ignorant!" "Hey! I am not-" Zeke turned back to her. "Well I'm learning alright." She pouted. "I'm not afraid of Dracula." "He's afraid of who he's sided with." Clara said. "And that would be?" Moon asked. "Invahazen the Conqueror." The Bone Monarch said. "Tsk, so what. What does it matter if you're here?" "Invahazen has only ever needed the tiniest reason to wage a war. What do you think is gonna happen if he thinks you're trying to kill Samael's son?" "Alright! Alright! Take this fucking thing out of me and I will send you to the Lilim."

Clara nodded at Zeke. He ripped Shadow out. Leaping to his feet, a storm of powdered bone enveloped him. "Fucking Christ! I just wanted to work on my trombone today, and now I gotta deal with this shit." He angrily mumbled, sticking a few fingers together. "What are you doing?" Moon asked. He attached two spindly fingers over his eyes. They moved like eyebrows turning into a frown. "I'm expressing my annoyance first. Now you idiots will need to stay here." Zeke placed Shadow under his chin. "That's not gonna happen." "I'm not going to hurt them. I don't want that trouble, but if I send you all directly to the Lilim. Only you would survive." "What are you talking about?" "You're going to meet the Queen of the Succubis, surrounded by her greatest guards. Your little girlfriends here, would be fucked into a drunken stupor, and be milked of their Mana till they wither and die." Zeke lowered Shadow. "Your friend there, would have to put his penis in a wheelchair if he's strong enough to escape." He looked to Gemini. "And you don't even want to know what they would do to little pet there." He let out a disgusted shudder.

"I have no insurance that you'll keep your word." "Look. If I kill them. You're gonna get angry. Then Samael is gonna find out, and then I'm gonna live in eternal agony. Now do you want to take months to reach the Lilim on dog back, or get there now and ask a few questions?" Zeke looked to Weaver. "It would solve our problems." "I'm not going to leave if you can't keep them safe." "Um could I interject here? I want you all out of my place A.S.A.P. So walk through the Rift, and come back in like twenty minutes. Then make a return Rift home, and everybody is happy." "Fine. Twenty minutes." "Great." He clapped his hands together, the bones swirled and combined into a gateway. Filling with Mana a black Rift materialized.

"What do you want to know?" Zeke asked. "Everything and anything about an event known as Convergence." Zeke looked back to Moon and Sunny. "Don't get hurt. I'll be back." He stepped through the Rift. Ordelia and Eleanor took a whiff. "Did you two just get turned on?" "No!" They both exclaimed. Clara took a whiff as well. "Stop smelling us!" Sunny yelled. "You're blood and temperature went up." "Maybe hers, but not mine." Moon scoffed. "Wait, I was kidding about you two being his girlfriend." "I'm the only one he dated. She wishes that she could date him." Sunny said. "Really?" Moon said throwing her hands in the air. "You know I've basically been dating him since we were kids right? Everything you did with him, I've done first and more of." "Oh snap." The Bone Monarch said making a throne. "Yeah, and which of us is actually considered being in a relationship with him?" "Wow you two must really like him." "She likes him. I love him." "I love him as well. Why do you think I'm even here?" "Do you not even see me? I'm here in Hell as well."

"Now I just feel bad." "For what?" Weaver asked. "Because he's probably just met Lilith and is currently being milked like a cow." He chuckled. "He's probably not even conscious at this point.." "They can't be that seductive." Sunny said. He raised his robe showing his empty pelvic bone. "See how there's nothing there?" They looked away uncomfortable. "Yes, but can you please put it down?" "Yeah, well the last time I was with Lilith at a meeting. Let's just say I had to change my robes multiple times." They all groaned. "Well, Zeke isn't like that alright?" "He's what? Not a man that loves to have sex?" "Will you shut up!?" Moon and Sunny shouted. "Look, I'm sure they'll be done with him in twenty minutes and throw back a shrivelled empty husk that will never experience euphoria again." "That's not helpful!" "Wasn't trying to be helpful." "Well, try before this gets worse for you." Weaver said. "Um...if he Marks a Succubus, she'll be the only one to fuck him." "How is that helpful!?" Sunny yelled. "Well it's only one of them?" "Wait...what do you mean by that?" Moon asked anxiously.

"Well as his property, it will fall onto her to please him in every way possible, and with his status. I'm sure Lilith would give em some kind of aphrodisiac that makes his penis explode." "Make me a Rift right now!" Moon ordered. "Um no?" "I said make one now!" "What? What's wrong?" "After our fight with Damien, Zeke branded a succubus named Akasha, and she-" "OOOOOH! That was HIS succubus? OOOH boy! He's in for a wild treat." The two shifted a cold evil gaze to him. "She got given some Mana by Samael himself, and now she's one of Lilith's top milkers. That guy is gonna see Heaven. Well, a form of it." "Open a Rift! Open a Rift! Open a Rift!" Moon and Sunny ordered. Weaver waved his hand binding the two of them in webbing. "Calm down. He's only been gone for 2 minutes." "I bet you he's finished at least 12 times." The two thrashed in their restraints. Weaver rolled his eyes. "Ask him about anything else, other than Zeke and take your mind off of him." "Because the Creator knows he's brain has been blown out a while ago."

Moon immolated herself breaking free. "What kind of question would even do that? The love of my life is being raped to death." "It's not rape, if he enjoys it." "You shut up!" Moon snapped. "Something like this. How are you able to tell Zeke is a child of Samael?" Moon paused. "Yeah, how are you able to tell?" "Really? You guys can't tell?" "MMM!" Sunny screamed through her restraints. "A real S grade Hunter could break out by themselves." "MM!MMM!" "Yes, we can't tell. Because your pet Chompy, couldn't tell he smelt him. The Drows could tell just by seeing him, but they didn't know he was Samael's child." "Mana affects all five senses, some of us have more heightened ones." Sunny pulled her dagger ripping herself free. "AH! You could have just untied me." "You were joining her downward spiral." Weaver said. "But what makes his so different? I mean you and Dracula ran like a little bitch seeing him." "Hey! I ran from what his daddy, not him. I could have easily killed him. It's why Dracula ran as well. He's just as strong as me."

They froze. "Wait, he's just AS strong as you?" Moon asked. "Yes. He's the top Vampire. Only reason I got given the title of Monarch, was because of Samael. He said, and I quote." The Bone Monarch puffed out his chest and deepened his voice. "You are the strongest and biggest rat. You may join our ranks but you will remember your place as nothing than a rat." He cleared his throat. "Well Dracula didn't want the position if he wasn't considered an equal." "What happened then?" Sunny asked. "What do you think happened? Samael whooped his ass so hard, he shit and pissed himself." "Really?" Moon asked. "No, but it was pretty bad. Didn't think Dracula was walking about. At least enough to try and marry three women. Must have been real thirsty for some blood. Eh? Get it?" He nudged Weaver. "Because... you know..." The five women shot him deathly cold stares. "Wait. Why am I scared to finish a joke? I'm stronger than all of you combined. Because periods." He let out a sigh of relief.

"Hang on you said, you were given this position. As in, you're voted into power?" Sunny asked. "Well there was a Monarch before me. Real scary one. Forget their name though." He said scratching his head. "Four legs...real hairy...lots of fire...Why can't I remember them!?" He snapped getting frustrated. "And this Convergence. Why aren't you allowed to say anything?" Moon asked. "Because I don't want to die. What else?" He threw his hands up confused. Sunny gestured her hand up and down scanning him. "But..." "Wow, okay. I'm a Necromancer classified as an Undead. I can still die. Sheesh, are you always this insensitive?" "What? No this was a first." Her eyes darted back and forth rapidly."ARGH! How long has it been?" Moon growled rubbing her head frustrated. "Three minutes." "Fuck!" She screamed reeling back.

Zeke entered into the keep of the Lilim. He scanned his surroundings, his eyes bulging at everything. The room was covered in a thick pink haze, from the burning incense littered around. The room was decorated in fine silk, with a spacious and luxurious bed fit for twenty, placed in the middle. Surrounding the bed were bottles upon bottles of lotions and oils. "Calcifer is that you?" Lilith asked. Zeke panicked summoning and banishing Shadow. Questioning whether or not to have it out. "What have I told you about entering into my chambers unannounced?"

A curtain opened with Lilith sauntering in like a super model. "Oh?" She said delighted looking at him up and down. "The spawn of Samael. To what do I owe this pleasure?" Zeke looked at her puzzled. "Do you enjoy my form? Does it...excite you?" She asked reaching for her bra. Zeke looked away wincing. "Please don't do that." "Akasha told me you were shy. So cute." She placed her soft and supple pink skin hand onto his chest. "What do you see in me?" Zeke glanced at her. To him Lilith appeared as a constantly mutating amalgam of Moon and Sunny. Her face was constantly shifting between the two of them, the only difference was that their hair was a snow white. She placed a hand onto his face. "Oh my." She said with delighted glee. "Your heart is torn between two women. Luckily for you..." Lilith split into two, one taking the appearance of Moon and the other Sunny. He gulped taking a step back. He felt a pair of supple breasts on his back with arms wrapping around him. "Hello master." Akasha said taking the form of Sakura. "I've missed you." She whispered into his ear.

"I'm here on business." He stammered, feeling her hands crawling over him. "Are you now?" Moon and Sunny whispered into his ear, giving him a lick. "Y-y-y-" He felt their hands squeezing and caressing him. "All business...what about some pleasure?" They asked ripping his shirt off. Zeke clenched his fists summoning his Spectre and blowing them away. "Don't!" "You're teasing me so much master." Akasha said turning back to normal. "You stay and sit!" She knelt down sticking out her tongue. "Close enough." He rolled his eyes turning to Lilith. Zeke let out a yelp at the sight quickly covering his eyes. She had split even further. Brianna, Edelgard, Han, Moon, Raven, Sakura, Sunny stood in front of him naked. "What's wrong? Don't you want to fuck us senseless? Give us your seed, and make us yours." "Please get dressed, I just want to talk!" He exclaimed going bright red.

"You can talk while doing other things." She said. He could hear their voices surrounding him. Their hands gently grazed his skin. "What do you want to talk about sweetie?" Moon said with a breathy voice in his ear. "I'm all ears." Sunny said nibbling on his ear. "Ah! Convergence! I want to know about Convergence!" Zeke yelled covering himself. "Convergence is real?" Akasha asked. Lilith froze and the copies disappeared. "Akasha, leave us." With a snap of her fingers the room changed into a locked bedroom surrounded by thick castle walls of granite. "You can open your eyes child." "Um..." "I have clothes on." "Are you still taking their shape?" "No." Zeke winced looking out with one eye open. Lilith now took on a monstrous form. Scaly grey skin with two giant inverted batwings and golden eyes with a black fire burning in them. He let out a sigh of relief. "How do you know of Convergence?" "Um...Weaver is asking about it." "Hmm, the little spider's curiosity is getting out of hand." "How come you aren't afraid of me?"

She snickered. "You're still a little boy, with quite the mental fortitude I might add. However still a little boy nonetheless. You being Samael's spawn does not scare me." "I just need something to bring back to him, and I'll leave through the black...." He trailed off trying to find the black Rift. "Rift...ah fuck." "You don't seem too stressed out. Do you expect me to make one for you?" "Could you?" Zeke winced. "I will send you back, however I cannot tell you anything about Convergence." "Why? What is this, and why is everyone so secretive about it?" "You are a child, and not ready for it. Go home, and live your life. Get married to the women you love, and have children." "I can't go back without nothing. We've waited a long time to get here." "What would you do for me in return Ezekiel? What could you offer me, that would be worth enduring the wrath of Samael?" "Name your price." She placed a hand onto his face. "My dear little Nephilim, I believe I do have a proposition for you." She smirked. "What is it?" He gulped.

"We have a mutual...acquaintance. A Nephilim has been causing your father some grief." "He's not my father. Stop calling him that." "My sweet child. You don't realize just how much you are Samael's son." He snarled at her. "Fine. Who is this other Hunter?" "He's near your friends as we speak." "And you want me to what? Scare him off?" "No, consider this a duel of champions. You will fight for the honour of your father, and him for Invahazen." "Then you will tell us about Convergence?" "You will learn about Convergence after the battle." "Fine, send me back." Lilith waved her hand creating a black Rift. "I will see you there." She said flying through. Zeke walked through the Rift to hear the Bone Monarch screaming at the top his lungs. Zeke summoned his suit and Shadow. "What!? What's happening!?" He reeled back confused and puzzled and what he was looking at. He was swinging from two buildings on a swing set with the others joining him. Weaver's threads held them up. Gemini happily panted in his hammock. "Oh hey! You made it back." He said. "What am I looking at?"

"Calcifer, what is the meaning of this?" Lilith asked. "He's name is Calcifer?" Zeke asked. "Zeke!? Why are there two of you?" Moon asked rubbing her eyes. "What do you mean two of me? She's Lilith." Zeke pointed. "Uhhhh...." Moon's eyes darted back and forth between the two identical copes of Zeke. "Oh dear, they see me as what they desire. Just as I took their form, they see you as me." "You both see her as me?" Moon and Sunny nodded. Lilith looked to Weaver who averted his gaze. "You need a hot glue to mend that broken heart of yours." "Shut up. Zeke, what did you find about Convergence." "I have to do fight another Hunter before she'll give us answers." "What? Who would that even be?" Moon asked. "He's almost here." Lilith said with a seductive smile. "Can you hold that pose for me?" Moon asked. "Come on!" Zeke groaned. "You two are quite pent up. Enjoy yourselves." Copies of Zeke split out surrounding Moon and Sunny. They squealed in delight. "HEY!" Zeke scolded. "Oh don't worry dear. I won't penetrate any of them." "That's not what I'm hey'ing about!" "So prudent. Fine, they can gaze upon them and not touch them." "That's...that's...fine I guess..."

"Hey Zeke! When we get back I have some ideas." Moon said wiping her mouth.. "Me too." Sunny drooled. He rolled his eyes. "Great, now I gotta deal with that. Where the Hell is this Hunter?" "Ha! I get it." Calcifer giggled. Zeke glared at him. He shied away. A black Rift emerged in front of them. "Here he is." A giant Demon clad in bulky obsidian armour from head to toe. Raging plumes of fire seeped out from his helmet and the cracks of his armour. Zeke stumbled back, looking up at the nearly ten metre tall giant. With inverted bat wings they were covered in a heavy spiked frame. At his waist was a spiked mace covered in blood and guts. The others froze. "HOLY FUCK!" Zeke yelled. "I can't fight him! That's not even a human!...I think." "Calcifer." He growled. "Invahazen." "Wait, that's not the Hunter?" Zeke asked. "Samael's spawn and champion is stupid. That's going to be something to laugh at our next meeting." "Invahazen's champion is him." Lilith said. Kenji Serizawa emerged shirtless, wearing a fur pelt as a loin cloth. Zeke turned to Lilith. "HE'S WORSE!"