
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasie
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79 Chs

Han So-Hee and Moon Kim.

Midnight fell into the dark and cold house. Moon snuggled with Red, holding the ring between her fingers. Her mind replaying the Weaver's letter. 'For when he turns. I won't let him turn.' Even on a summer night, their house always felt cool. A thump caught her attention. She cautiously crept out of the bed, taking Soul-taker with her. Creeping out of her room, she spotted the flash lights dancing across her living room. Boots crunched through the gravel and crumpled cans hidden in the tall grass. Whispers and murmurs rung out. Metal rattled inside a spray paint can. They were getting vandalized, and probably then mugged. A loud bang cracked their front door. Moon held her left palm out, holding Soul-taker in her right. Another bang and the door exploded into shrapnel. She tried to raise a barrier, feeling nothing from her body. Barely leaping out of the way from the debris. Red screeched scurrying to Zeke's room. "What the fuck?" She said looking at her palm at a loss.

From the door, entered a large hulking shadow of a man. "You won't be using your Mana any time soon." His voice was gravelly. The room instantly felt chilly. "Give me the sword. I promise, I'll be gentle with your tight little pussy." From the darkness two crimson eyes lit up. She could see white smoke coming from his mouth even in the darkness. "Go fuck yourself!" She lunged in swinging with a wide over head arc. She cleaved through the concrete wall and ground with no resistance, but struck only that. Yanked back by her hair. She felt his large knuckles drive through her stomach, slamming her through the tiles. Retching and coughing blood, she rolled onto her hand and knees gasping for air. He shoved her down with his knee. "Tough little thing. It's gonna be nice breaking you in." whispered into her ear. More people entered into the room. "Oh she is pretty boss." A weasel said. "Wouldn't mind breaking her in." Another sneered.

"Think, I'm keeping this one for myself." Moon reached for Soul-taker, getting her arm pinned behind her back. "Ah, ah, ah. This is mine now. I'll give you a better black sword." The other giggled. "What the hell did you do to me?" "A few simple runes around your house, makes your kind of Mana impossible to use. And all of me, will make it impossible for you to resist me." She heard his zipper pull down. Thrashing and squirming under his weight, he clasped her mouth shut. "Shhhh. You don't want your boyfriend to see you like this." "Get out." The growl echoed with an ethereal tail. They all froze looking up at Zeke slumped in front of his door way. "Deal with him." The boss said. A figure raised his hand blasting Zeke in the face with a torrent of fire. From the brief illumination. Moon watched as Zeke reached through the flames, crushing the man's skull into wet chunks. His body fell limp to the ground. From the darkness, two crimson eyes appeared. In a blink of an eye he dashed through the room killing the men.

He threw the boss off of Moon in a flash. She scuttled back up, with the lights turning on. Zeke had pinned the hulking man against the wall, holding him up with one hand. She could see his bare back muscles rippling. "You'll never touch her again." "I'm sor-" He tried to whimper, before Zeke crushed his skull. He threw the corpse aside, flicking the blood off. Zeke turned back with spiked up snow white hair, crimson eyes, and now bulging muscles. He approached her gently, small clouds of white smoke, emanating with each breath. "Zeke..." He cupped her chin, raising it up. "I won't let anyone hurt or touch you." He said gently. "I know-" "Because you're mine and mine alone to please." She reeled back stunned and blushing. He leaned in closer. Her heart raged in her chest. 'WHAT IS HAPPENING!?' her mind squealed, as he pressed his lips onto hers. Despite his cold, she melted onto him, as he pulled her onto him. He tore off her shirt and pants, pinning her against the wall, nuzzling her neck. "Moon." He grunted. "Moon. Moon. Moon. Moon." He repeated, kissing her neck, and licking her neck.

"MOON!" Zeke shouted. She shot up in her bed, launching Red off chest. She squealed through the air. The sun was shining through her room. Heaving and flustered, she panned around the room. Soul-taker was still in the corner, where she left it. Aurelio's tome still on her nightstand. Her clothes still very firmly attached. Bright red and breathing heavily, she clenched the bed sheets under the blanket. Red leapt back onto the bed, angrily throwing her paws in the air. "Jesus, you alright? Been trying to wake you for the last 5 minutes. Tried holding and shaking you. Tried to hold your breath." "Yes, I'm fine. What do you want?" "I made breakfast." She took a deep breath. "You sure, you alright? Did you catch something from the other side?" He sat down by her side. She recoiled, as he placed his hand onto her forehead, staring at her eyes, through tiny locks of his hair. "I'm fine." She said pushing him away. "I just need to wash up." She power walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. "Period?" Zeke asked. Red shrugged.

"Calm down Moon. Calm down." She whispered taking deep breaths. "It was just a dream. A very, very, very weird dream about fucking Zeke, but nevertheless a dream. Just a dream..." She took a deep breath calming herself down. The image of his Demonic state flashed in her mind. She buried her face into her hands. 'WHY DID HE LOOK SO DAMN HOT!? AHHHH!' A knock on the door surprised her. "Hey Moon. I'm leaving your breakfast on the table. I'm gonna take Red for a walk." "Okay!" She called out. Moon waited to hear the door scrape and him to leave. She sprinted out to the table, seeing four plates of bacon and scrambled eggs, with a whole toasted loaf, and a side plate of hash browns. Sitting down ready to wolf down the meal, she stopped. "Why did I have that dream? Doesn't matter! Focus Moon!" She slapped her face. "He doesn't look like that. His a curly headed fuck, with muscles that only show because he's skinny, and wouldn't or couldn't hurt anyone in a fight. He's a housewife to be." She declared, stuffing her mouth. "But if he could do all of this and look like that-" She struck herself across the face.

Moon raced into the bathroom, splashing herself in the face with water. "What is wrong with you!?" She yelled at herself. "That's Zeke. He's off limits! We don't do any of that with him. At all. Ever!" She pointed at herself. "We. Do. Not. Want. To. Have. Sex. With. Zeke!" She rushed into her room, screaming into her pillow. Taking a deep breath, she reeled back into her bed. Her phone vibrated with a message from Han So-Hee. 'Hey just ran into Zeke. Told me you were finally back, for a little bit. Did you want to hang, before you leave?' Moon quickly replied. 'Not today, I'm not feeling well.' 'That's too bad. L' Their door bell rung. Moon sat up from her bed, walking out concerned. She pushed the door open, with Han standing outside. Her wolf cut of raven locks, wrapped around her bubbly face. She wore a flowing white sun dress, sandals and a scrunchy on her wrist, holding a bag of Boba tea drinks. Her large handbag tucked under her arm. "What are you doing here?" "Zeke, said you didn't look well. So I got you, your favourite." "You don't know, what my favourite drink is." "No, but your boyfriend does." Han said, raising her eyebrows suggestively. She blushed. "He's not my boyfriend, and he doesn't know me that well." "If he gets it right, you let me in." "Fine."

Moon reached inside the bag pulling out her drink. A banana milk tea drink. She froze. "Sooo..." "Son of a bitch." She muttered, gesturing for Han to go inside. "Geez, you two really need to buy a third a camping chair. What happens, if you're both around and I come over?" She asked slumping into the seat. "We're probably moving out soon." "Yeah, he glossed over it. Congrats by the way. Chiron academy? When you two get rich and famous. Just remember who your friend was, when you were poor." Moon sat down with Han, with a smile across her face. She looked around the broken house. "If we ever get rich, you'll be living with me." "You know it. Unlike you, I gotta work eight hours a day, five days a week, for the rest of my life." "You know, I put my life on the line right?" "Please, I've seen how Zeke throws himself to protect you." Moon gulped.

"You know if he wasn't a Hunter, I'd be all over him." "Dude." "What? I don't have your weird brother feeling for him. I'm more just scared of him breaking me. Then again might be worth it." Moon started to grow red, playing with her hair. "But you know what, would make him look even better?" "No idea..." She said growing red, bashfully sipping on her drink. "If he got that Demon blood pumping, put some muscle on, and just dressed better. Maybe a nice dress shirt with styled hair. Or had no clothes on." She choked and spat out her drink, crushing her drink in small fountain. "Woah dude! You alright?" She nodded, pounding her chest. "Are you sure..." A sly smile stretched across her face. "Oooooooh...something happened between you two." "NO!" She yelled turning bright red. "AHHHHHH! Something definitely happened between you two. Come on tell me!" "Nothing happened!" Moon said walking away. Han followed her into the kitchen. "Wait...Zeke isn't acting like this, which means..." "It means nothing." She said flustered, pushing her way past Han. She gasped pointing at her. "What? Stop gasping. Nothing happened!"

"Something happened to you about him!" Moon shied away. "AHHHHHH!" Han squealed. "You two are finally getting together!" She forced a hug onto Moon. "Stop! We're not getting together, nothing...okay something happened..." "I knew it! Tell me everything!" She said giddily clinging onto her. "I'm not doing this sober." Han sprinted off, darting into her room, taking out a bottle of Soju from under her bed. "Dude it's not even ten yet." "So what? You're a Hunter, and I'm Korean. It's just wrong if we're not drinking this." Moon let out a sigh. "Fine, but you can't tell him anything." She zipped her lips shut. Han bounced happily in her seat. She then watched Moon slug the entire bottle in one breath. "Geez, way to share." "I had a dream..." "Booo! A dream? Thought it was something more spicy than that. What did he confess in your dream?" "Our house got invaded, and then he killed all of them brutally, in the dark." "Okay..." "Then the lights came on and he was shirtless." "Oh yeah?" Han said excitedly. "His muscles were that kind, that screamed-" "Hold me and make me your woman?" "Yes! Exactly that."

"What else?" Han said slapping the table. "His hair was full anime and white, with red eyes." "Alright! Alright! Keep going." Han said heaving and excited. "Then he did that thing, where the guy cups your chin, to make you look at him." "Oh damn." "Then said, no one would touch or hurt me ever again." "Well that's sweet." "Because, I was his and his alone to please." Han wiped her brow. "Woooo." "Then he pulled me in for a kiss." "Wait! He pulled you in? He didn't lean in?" Moon shook her head. "Gawd dayum! What next?" "He pulled me on top of him, and tore my clothes off, then I woke up." "Whaaat? No! You can't just end the story there." "That's what happened. Now you're going to shut up and never speak of this to him." "Okay, but this raises a question, why aren't you acting on this?" "WHAT!?" Moon squealed flustered. "Come on, you clearly want him." "I do not! It was just a dream." "Uh huh. Describe how that dream kiss felt." "Okay I saw through space and time, but still just a dream!" "Dude, get some! I've been rooting for you two, since preschool." "That's because you think everything follows K-drama. I don't think like that." Han gasped. "Are you even Korean?" "Hannie, nothing's gonna happen between us." "Alright, don't regret it, when some other girl snatches him up" "I hope someone does. He deserves to be happy."

The door pulled open and Red ran in, nuzzling with Han. "Hey cutie! Back already?" "Not a word." Moon snarled. "Hey Zeke. What'd you get?" "Just got some cheap clothes for the academy. Hopefully it lasts." He said carrying in large plastic bags. "Hey Zeke, did you get any good clothes. You're gonna be at a fancy place now." Han said, giving Moon a sly smile. "I did get some, not sure if they really suit me." "Try it on! You got two women here, to give you great fashion choices." Moon shook her head at Han. She nodded back with a ecstatic smile. Zeke came wearing a simple white button up shirt, hanging over his beige slacks. "Too weird?" Han stood up. "You got a belt?" "Han..." "Yeah inside, I'll-" Han went in first coming out with his brown belt. "Here put that on and let me do this." She ran her hand through his hair, pushing back off his forehead. Han was the same height as Zeke, and blocked Moon from seeing him. She pulled away and the two of them marvelled at a cleaned up Zeke. Moon gulped.

"Damn Zeke. You clean up nice." "This looks good?" "Yeah it does. Doesn't it yeon-in sonyeo (Lover Girl)?" Moon frowned at her. "Why are you two speaking Korean?" "Because she's an idiot, and needs to leave." Moon said pushing Han out. "Oh, come on. I want to help correct his fashion." "I can do that." "Yeah you can." She whispered. "Shut up!" Moon snapped. "Z, before I go ,and you two leave for god knows how long. Can I just ask you one favour?" "What is it?" "Well, I need to take some pictures for my Beauty project, and I need a model." "You're literally touching Moon." "You think she's a model?" "Well she is incredibly beautiful." Han could hear Moon's heart pounding. "Well that is true, but I actually need a male model." "WHAT?" Zeke exclaimed flustered. "Relax, I won't put any make up on you. I just gotta style your hair, add some accessories, have you do a pose, and take a few photos. Then we'll be done." "I'm not really..." "Pleaseee?" "Fine, but it better quick." "Yay! Moon can I borrow some things to style his hair?" "Sure..." Moon growled, following her inside.

"Dude! You are killing me here!" She hissed. "Did you not hear him? He called you 'incredibly beautiful'. How are you not in right now!?" Han whispered. "He's just being nice." "Bullshit!" Han hissed. "You know his whole system, better than I do. Cute and pretty for the face. Hot and sexy for the body. Funny and quirky for personality. Beautiful is the whole package. And he added onto that! Now give me 20 minutes with him, and then I'll let you have your turn with him." Han said scurrying out. Moon raised her hand to slap her. Han locked herself in Zeke's room. "Moon, stay outside. Set up the camera." Han said. Moon grumbled and mumbled, rifling through her hand bag, finding no camera, not even a phone. "That sneaky bitch..." She waited patiently hearing her giggle and laugh inside. 'What is happening in there? Han, I swear to god." Han left the room flustered and red, heading into the kitchen. Moon raced over. "What did you do? What are you doing?" "Getting the mop ready for you."

"Can we get this over and done with? This is embarrassing as fuck. I look like a fuckboy." "Good! That's the look I was going for." Zeke emerged from the room, his hair slicked back and wavy at the top. Along his ear were several piercings stuck on his skin. His button shirt flapped with the slightest breeze. Moon salivated at the sight. Han came out with her phone snapping a quick picture. "Done." "Wait that was it?" "Yep. Unless Moon, wants a photo?" "I'm fine!" She barked, walking off in a huff, into her room. "Well I gotta get going. Let us know how Chiron Academy goes, and don't go finding other women. You got a good one right there." "You still on about that? Life isn't a K-drama." "How dare you..." "Besides, she would never feel that way about me. The idea probably grosses her out." Han gave him a doubtful expression. "I'm sure it does. Talk to you later Z." Zeke opened the door for her, and she sent a text to Moon. Who had buried her face into the pillow. She opened her phone to see the image of Zeke. 'This should help you, please the oyster. ;)' "I'm going to kill you Han." She growled, rushing out.

"Where are you goi-" "Out!" She snapped. Zeke and Red jumped startled. Han quickly entered into her car, trying to start it, with Moon power walking towards her. "Come on, come on, start!" She said turning the ignition. As her engine roared to life, she slammed the gas pedal down, her tiles screeching. Going from zero to eighty kilometres per hour in a few seconds. She smirked and giggled to herself. A knock on her passenger window caught her attention. Turning to her left, Moon sprinted beside the car. She squealed slamming her breaks. Moon came to a stop as well the both of them skidding along the tarmac. "JESUS CHRIST MOON! DON'T DO THAT!" Moon entered into the car, slamming it behind her. Han clutched her chest. "Ssi-Bal (Fuck). Nearly gave me a heart attack girl." "Give me your phone." "What why?" "I won't let you have that photo of him." "Geez, you won't take him, but you won't let your best friend have something of him?" Moon shot her a glare. "Alright, alright. I'll stop joking." She said handing her phone to Moon.

Moon shied her head down, staring at the photo. "Come on, you gotta admit. I made him look way hotter in a few minutes." Moon said nothing. "He's got that bad boy vibe punk rock vibe you like. I bet he would get piercings like that if you told him." "You know piercings don't work on him." "Get him clip on ones then. Shit he look GUD!" Moon reeled back sighing. "Yeah...but it's Zeke. He's basically my brother." "Not by blood." "Hmmm." She shot Han a disapproving stare. "What? I'm just saying." She shrugged. "Try getting stuck in something, and asking for his help. All I'm gonna say." Moon snickered, pushing Han. "I'm not gonna do anything with him...He'll say no anyway." She said fiddling with Weaver's golden ring. "Holy shit! Is that a proposal ring!? Are you two engaged?" "What!? No, you idiot!" She said pushing Han back into her seat. "It's a consecrated ring, given to me." "What the hell do you need that for?" "This can hurt Zeke." "Again. You need that why?" "To keep Zeke from turning it on." "...I just want to check. By turning it on, you mean his blood, not you right?" Moon rolled her eyes. "Yes." She groaned.

"What's the big deal? Don't all Demon Hunters need to use that blood? Then they get that sexy as fuck hair. And oh my god those eyes! AH!" She squealed and shuttered. "Yeah, but it changes all of them. You've met a few Demon Hunters, they're all selfish narcissistic dicks." "You think if Zeke, turns that on. He won't be Zeke anymore?" She nodded glumly. "Well I mean...I won't lie Zeke, kind of a beta cuck." "Dude." Moon groaned. "What? He just follows you around as your shield, he's your house husband, with none of the benefits." "That doesn't make him that..." "If you saw me doing that to a man, what would you call him?" "A super simp, but not a beta cuck!" "Soooo much better." Han rolled her eyes. "I mean at this point, is he gay?" "He's not gay." "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure. I helped him lose his virginity to a Drow-" She slapped her mouth shut. "I wasn't meant to tell you that. Don't say anything to him please." A sinister grin stretched across Han's face.

"Come on, don't do this to me." She pleaded. "Well, well, well. Didn't think Zeke had it in him." "Han, I am begging you. Please forget I said that." "I will." Moon let out a sigh of relief. "For the right price." "Son of-" "It's a very simple, and cheap price." "Fine." She said through her teeth. "What do you want?" "I want you to simply be quiet, and not make a sound, till this call finishes." "What are you planning?" Han grinned dialling Zeke. "Hey Han, did you forget something here?" "No, just wanted to check in with you, before you go and leave for half a year." "Alright...what's up?" "Just wanted to ask you a question." Moon shook her head, waving her arms. "Okay...but it better not be anything weird." "We've been friends for a long time, haven't we Zeke?" "Yeah...are you dying or something?" Han giggled. "Nope nothing like that. I just want you to answer a question truthfully. What's that thing you are always doing for Moon? Jew something." "A Judas pact?" "That's it. I want to do one of those with you." "Uhhhh...okay..." "Great! Have you ever had any sexual dreams of Moon?" "What!?" He shrieked, scrambling to hold his phone.

Moon wrestled Han for her phone. Zeke pulled the phone away, hearing the rustling. "Um...Han are you okay?" "Yeah! Just dropped my phone between the seats." She said shoving Moon's face away. The two of them fighting for the phone. "Um...well...to answer your question." The two of them froze, pressing their ears closer to the phone. "I had one." The two of them looked at each other surprised. "Really? What happened in it?" "Well, she was in the passenger seat of the car, and she had no idea that I was outside." "Uh huh...keep going." The two of them lurched closer to the phone. "Well, I'm so pent up in my dream, that I just rip off the door, and pull her out into my arms. "Oh damn." "Then I pin her against the car, and we just-" Zeke slapped the top of the car. The two of them screamed, turning around to see Zeke waving at them. "What the fuck are you two doing!?" He said hanging up the call. The two left the car, clutching their chest. "What the fuck are you doing!?" Han shouted back. "Creeping on two women, on a random street?" She yelled

He gave her a confused look, pointing back down the street to his house. "You haven't even left the street! You can literally still see our house." "Uhh...well. You still shouldn't do that, or lie to us." "Look, no idea. What kind of weird prank that was, but leave me out of it." "I mean we gotta talk about, where you learnt to scene play, like that Zeke. It was hot!" "I'm a man, that's how." He said walking away. "I can see how you fucked that Drow." The three of them froze. Han slapped her mouth shut, staring at Moon, with bulging eyes. She glared back at Han with fury. Zeke spun around slowly, glaring at the both of them. "What did you just say?" "She said, nothing." Moon said, with a nervous smile. "Moon..." He growled. "She made me say it!" Han exclaimed. "Bullshit!" Moon snapped. Zeke rolled his eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh. "I'm taking back my Judas point." "Aww come on. It was an accident." "Well it's that or I tell Han, one of your Judas pacts." "We've been best friends, since we were kids. There's nothing she doesn't know about me." Moon said confidently. "That's right, we're besties." The two fist bumped."Really now? So she told you about, the first time she rode a horse?" "AHH! I WAS WRONG! MERCY! I BEG FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS!" Moon squealed, turning bright red. She fought to clasp Zeke's mouth shut. "Yeah, that's what I thought." He said. Moon pouted at him. "Fine. Take your point back." "Would you give Moon a clean slate, if she fucked you?" "HAN!" Moon shouted. Zeke shook his head. "No, you weirdo. She's basically my sister."