

After an accident at his office Raoul gets reincarnated as Kakashi's Big Brother, with power to control time in 5 ways. The only problem is that Raoul has a hidden side to him that no one knows, knowing the future, no one knows what he will do. This is my first time writing so I'm sorry about bad quality. Please enjoy.

Hiddenveil · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs


After Kurenai's cute little blush she said " You may become a genin before me but I will catch up soon"

" I'll be waiting " Raoul said with a genuine smile

After reaching the academy Raoul submitted the form for early graduation. Every student who requests for an early graduation has to give a harder test than the original exam. There is the assessment of substitution, transformation and clone technique and achieve more than 260 points combined. The student is also needed to fight against a chunnin teacher who will assess the student fairly.

After receiving Raoul's form, the teacher was schocked for a while and didn't understand what to do. He was about to reject the form but he suddenly remembered the rumor of Raoul beating an elite chunnin spy. The teacher finally accepted the form

Soon after the classes started Raoul was called to a different room for the exam. Raoul score 95, 92, 97 in substitution, transformation and clone technique respectively. The next was the turn of the fight

The teacher assessing Raoul would be Yean Nakamura, he was a friendly chunnin teacher.

The fight started once again with the teacher creating and again attacking from 3 directions the only difference was this time a clone had gone underground and was about to come up and hit Raoul when Raoul Flickered behind the teacher with his 6x time acceleration. He also created 3 clones before flickering away which were responsible for stabbing the clones. The real Raoul then put a knife on the throat of the teacher saying " I Win "

The teacher could not believe what happened. The match was over within 30 seconds from it's start.

Recovering from the shock the teacher gave him full marks in combat and handed him the headguard of Konoha.

Raoul tied the head guard to a belt loop kind of thing he had on his pjamas.

Just as he was going to show his headband to Kurenai, he sensed someone coming towards him. Raoul was about to get ready for combat but sensed that he did not have any malicious intent so he did nothing and just kept walking straight.

Soon a person wearing a fox mask and a black cloak covering his body. As soon as he appeared he said " Hatake Raoul, Hokage-Sama is calling you"

"Alright let's go" said Raoul

While going to the Hokage's office he thought " Did this kid sense me first? He reached out for his bag when I first appeared"

After reaching the Hokage building, they knocked the office door and after getting permission, they entered.

Raoul saw Hiruzen for the first time. He was an old puffing his smoke.

The same, Hiruzen saw Raoul and he saw a kid around the height if 154 cm, he wore a black training pjamas with a pure clack body tight jacket. He had silver hair which were combed back. Overall you could say that the boy looked very good and you could tell that he will grow up to be a handsome man.

Hiruzen started speaking " Hello Raoul I am the Third Hokage, I heard that you just graduated today."

Raoul repleied " Yes Hokage-Sama I just became a ninja less than an hour ago. May I ask why have you called me here?"

"I called you here to ask if you would like to join the ANBU?"

This was the perfect opportunity for Raoul to join it, the Hokage himself invited him.

Raoul said " Yes Hokage-Sama I want to join"

"HA! Very good. Then here is your first mission, It is a S-rank mission. You need to participate in the chunnin exams which would be held in a month. All the villages would be sending the their best Genins this time." : Hiruzen

" But Hokage-Sama chunnin exams should not be S-rank, so why is this one...?" : Raoul asked

"Because this time I know that those ninjas will be killing each other and this time highest number of participants will be there. Including you who will be alone, there would be 6 teams participating from Konoha meaning 16 Genins including you." : Hiruzen

Hearing that the ninjas this time were coming with the intention to kill each other he was baffled to not speak anything for a minute but he soon recovered because this is how shinobi world works.

[Quest generated : Achieve the first position in the chunnin exams

Reward : Charm increase by 20 points

Penalty : Charm decrease by 10 points

current charm : 60]

Raoul read the quest an accepted it. He also told the Hokage that he will complete the mission and then left the office to go back home now.

On the way he said in his mind " Hey Lucy, why did you not give me a notification for my first quest that I cleared?"

[I was about to but at that moment you sensed someone so I did not thinking if he was an enemy and you had to fight, it may distract you]

" Oh nice then. Give me my rewards now"

[Yes. Quest completed

Reward : add 20 talent points to any talent]

"what are my current talents, Lucy?"

[Ninjutsu : 70

Kenjutsu : 80

Tajustsu : 75

Genjutsu : 50]

"What if I give my points to ninjutsu, around whose level would it be?"

[Hashirama and Madara had a talent of 85]

"What? But didn't you tell me Kakashi had a talent of 80? Then why wasn't he strong in the anime?"

[Because after the death of his teammates and sensei, he blamed himself for it and it ruined his growth years making him not able to unable to unlock his full potential]

"Then this time I will save him so that he does not go to the dark and also saving Minato is not a bad decision. Lucy if Kakashi did not have to suffer and get depressed due to their deaths how strong could he have become?"

[A Low-Kage-level ninja]

"OH MY! hey otouto you ain't saying hi to depression or regret this time." Raoul said this after he gave his 20 points to ninjutsu and getting ready for the chunnin exams in 1 month.