
Suspicious Behavior

Kaylen popped open the buttons of her blouse and lay bare in her underwear as she slowly crawled to the Executive Engineer sitting on the chair laughing as she crawled like a pathetic slut.

"I will do anything…" Kaylen mumbled. "Just let me become an engineer…"

"What are you saying?" The old man snickered. "Kaylen.."




*Moist Slapp*

Kaylen opened her eyes as cold sweat poured down on her face.

"You alright there?" Abby, Kaylen's cabin mate, spoke as she was ready to slap Kaylen a second time.

"I-I'm awake! I'm awake!" Kaylen closed her eyes to brace for the next slap. "Please don't slap me!"

"You had me worried there!" Abby put down her hand. "You were having another nightmare again, saying stuff like 'I'll do anything to become an engineer.' and 'My mother…'. Kaylen, your nightmares are getting more frequent. I think you need another dose of amnesiac-"

"I'm fine." Kaylen unstrapped herself from the harnesses of her sleeping bag. "This is something I need to live with. It's the entire reason I'm on this ship."

Abby stared at Kaylen with concern.

"What?" Kaylen raised a brow as she wiped off the glistening sweat from her well toned body. "Is there something wrong?"

"Ummm." Abby seemed confused. "You don't sound like Kaylen… Who are you?"

Kaylen took a moment to process this before realizing what se meant.

"Wah- You! How dare you accuse me of this fuckery! I can at least sound normal every once in a while you know!" Kaylen puffed her cheeks. "Stupid fucking piece of shit Jumar spreading horse shit about me being a stupid-ass fuck. I swear I'll get back at him someday!"

Abby laughed.

"Now that's the Kaylen I know." Abby smiled softly. "Now, now. We shouldn't be spending too much time here, we have a lot of work to do."

"Yeah, yeah." Kaylen rolled her eyes and grunted. "What the fuck does Casserine want me to do now?"

Abby shrugged. "I really have not a fucking clue. Everyone's going bonkers with all the work that needs to be done."

"I see." Kaylen sighed. "Lets go Abby."

The two of them went off to the mechanic bay without a hitch as the other mechanics had opened all the hatches connecting to D2 mechanical bay.

"Abby! Kaylen!" Logan, the head mechanic of their division called out to them. "Ladies! We need more hands on pylon A!"

"On it, Sir!" Abby diligently saluted.

"Yeah! Whatever she said Loggy!" Kaylen waved as she kicked the floor (any surface below her) and flew off to pylon A.

"Loggy?" Logan raised a brow before shaking his head and continuing to work on the piece of equipment he was repairing. "Oh well at least somebody actually remembers me."


Kaylen tightened a bolt on the panel as she finished checking the optic relay, rubbing her eyes as she took off the protective glasses from her face.

"Kaylen, any news about the jamming and stuff?" Abby popped out of a maintenance hatch above Kaylen's head. "I still can't access IRIS' network systems."

"Hol' up." Kaylen popped up her IRIS interface as her right eye held a soft blue glow.



[Welcome, Aldos the Great. UwU.]

[Retrieving Previous Login Data…]

[Restoration Complete]


Dozens of images flashed across Kaylen's screens as hundreds of tabs she was too lazy to close flashed before her holographic heads up display (HUD).

"Ah, shit." Kaylen cursed as she waved away all the dank, 2019 flex tape memes. "This is gonna take some time to clean…"

"Did you watch those archaic 'memes' again?" Abby clicked her tongue. "You only came by it when researching for the graphite and Graph-X tech from those ancient backlogs of internet 2.0. Why did you obsess over it?"

"Because they're dank memes."



Kaylen scrolled around the system logs and found a "Rogue Application Detected" prompt from IRIS.

[What's this OwO!. Me find {Rogue Application}!]

[Aldos the Great OwO! What should I do?!]

"Run a scan."

[OwO, Nyan~ Nyan~ Scanner finished already OwO!]

[Nyan~ Nyan~ displaying results right away!]

[Nyan~ Nyan~ scanner results:]

[Viruses : False]

[Compressed files: False]

[Resource files : True]

[Malware : False]

"You got something on your system or something?" Abby pouted, still waiting.

"Y-Yeah, I dunno what it is but…" Kaylen could hear her head spinning. "What is a rogue system app?"

"Eh?" Abby rubbed he forehead. "Dunno at all. I don't have the necessary background but its probably one of those apps that you get when you install malware."

"It says it's not a malware though?" Kaylen racked her brain. "Should I open it?"

"Dunno." Abby shrugged. "Up to you I guess."

Kaylen rolled her eyes as she opened up the app and was surprised to see a video file that was sent an hour ago. Even when the networks were jammed.

"This is weird…" Kaylen furrowed her brows. "How did it send?"

Kaylen opened the video and saw a split second video footage of a terminal displaying the contents of Directive 568 before freezing still as Jumar's voice spoke through the silence.

[Kaylen, listen to me idiot.]

'Way to start a video, fuckhead.' Kaylen thought as she held a stiff smile.

[Something is wrong with the system, it would do you better of you don't connect your IRIS into any network. It's been jammed to protect us. I am using a backdoor I installed on your IRIS system to send this message over.]

'Fucking pervert, watching everything I do…' Kaylen felt her ears turn red. 'E-Even in th-the bath-'

[And no, I have no interest in looking at your huge ass lumps of fat. There is no shortage of those in the internet.]

Kaylen smashed a panel next to her.

"K-Kaylen…?" Abby was terrified. Kaylen had just repaired that panel and now she broke it.

'Jumar, you absolute fuckhead.' Kaylen seethed. 'I haven't forgiven you for not telling me about the implant and now you give me this shit? You better watch your ass you-'

[You can't whoop my ass. I'm in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) by the time you get this message. Take that idiot.]

'Shit.' Kaylen cursed internally. 'This fucking smartass…'

[Anyway] The video seemed to understand Kaylen and just abruptly cut off her train of thought. [Disable the wireless connection and the wired connection port. Don't enable it until the higher ups tell you to.]

'God fucking damnit.' Kaylen sighed. 'My memes…'

[You better forget those memes idiot. Stay safe… and alive. Bye.]

The video just closed itself like that and auto-deleted.

Kaylen sighed. Jumar could have remotely deactivated her IRIS' wireless and wired connections instead of going through the trouble of sending a video.

'He obviously just did it to shit on me.' Kaylen rolled her eyes.

"What'd you find out?" Abby asked. "Eh, why'd you close your wireless connections?"

Kaylen looked at Abby with confusion.

"Abby… How did you know…?" Kaylen noticed the faint red glow of Abby's right eye. "What's wrong with your IRIS?"

"So… you noticed…?" Abby's face darkened. "That's bad."

"A-Abby?" Kaylen tensed up. "You're scaring me…"

Abby stared at Kaylen with emotionless eyes.


Kaylen felt an eerie feeling as if Abby was staring into her soul and was ready to fly away.

Suddenly, Abby stuck her tongue out and laughed.

"Lol, Kaylen, you looked like you saw a ghost! Ahahaha!" Abby laughed.

Kaylen's eye twitched in irritation before having another fit of anger.


Abby laughed as Kaylen spouted and endless stream of curses.

"Hah… It's good that you ladies seem to be working alright…" One of the mechanics nearby popped his head from the maintenance hatch with a sigh. "I was asked to supervise you two since we were warned about suspicious behavior but it seems like you two are doing fine…"

"Eh? Someone was there?" Abby stopped laughing. "Eww. Creepy Stalker."

The man rolled his eyes. "Sure, sure. I'm going back to Mechanical Bay 1. You ladies better take care of that panel or Cassrine will chew your ass out."

"Go away already creepy mob character!" Kaylen grunted. "If this were a novel, the author won't even name you!"

"That's right!" Abby followed up. "You will never appear in future chapters! Go away!"

The man looked hurt. "You girls are so mean…"

As man flew away and disappeared into a corner that lead to the Mechanical Bay, Kaylen and Abby shared a bit of laughter.

"That was so mean but so funny ahaha." Kaylen wiped the tears of joy on her eyes. "We have to apologize to him later."

"Yeah." Abby reached out to her pocket. "That aside, now that the annoying fly is gone…"

"Hmm?" Kaylen turned around to see Abby holding something in her hand.

It was a makeshift tazer made of a battery pack and a good number of high voltage capacitors bound with rubber tape.

"Umm.. Abby… What's the meaning of this?" Kaylen instinctively tried to step back but was suspended in the air with no railings in reach.

"Directive… obey… capture… Aldos…" Abby muttered in an emotionless voice as her head jerked to the side.

Kaylen was an idiot. She was stupid but it did not mean she could not realize that something was wrong.

Kaylen grabbed her utility chord and latched it to the nearest railing and pulling herself away.

'I just need to maintain my distance, if I could get into one of those 6 connector joints, I could trick her into a wrong path and warn the others.' Kaylen grit her teeth. 'Just what happened to Abby… No. No time for that.'

Kaylen dashed away into the connectors, swinging herself like a pendulum across intersections.

Kalyen looked back and saw that there was a good 15 feet or so that separated her from Abby.

She turned into a long connection corridor and dashed straight as fast as she could.

This was the final connector that led to the nearest 6 connector joint, Kaylen looked behind her to see that Abby had stopped chasing her and was just floating there, menacingly.

'Shit, what now.' Kaylen slowed down and turned back. 'Why isn't she chasing--!'

Kaylen could only despair as she saw the tazer eject from the makeshift handle from the force of 170 PSI, closing the 15 feet gap in a split second and smashing against the left side of Kaylen's pelvis.

Kaylen could swear she could hear her bone crack as the searing pain of electrically charged needles dug deeper into her flesh.

And everything went white.

I don't think I can continue updating on schedue everyday anymore... (Lazy ass cunt, haven't you been saying that for the past few chaps?)

Yeah but I don't wanna be half-assed, nor use fillers. (You are already a half-assed motherfucker. Deal with it.)

I... I see.

(Wait. What do you see?)

I need to find a cliff for cliffdiving.

(Oh no you don't, we have had this conversation hundreds of time- ey! Come back here motherfucker!)

Don't worry too much, bye! (Oi!)

Cultivator_Requiemcreators' thoughts
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