
Chapter 1-The Fall of Paradise

Themyscira was an island shrouded in myth and legend-literally. Created by divine forces, it was home to a nation of powerful immortal female warriors known as the Amazons. Led by the beautiful Queen Hippolyta, the Amazons lived in relative peace on their island paradise, isolated and protected from the outside world by numerous layers of magical protection. Even if they were discovered, the Amazons were highly trained warriors with superhuman abilities. No man had been able to conquer the Amazons, even before they migrated to Themyscira, and no outsider has laid eyes on the island and lived to tell of its existence. Very few of the younger Amazons had really been in the outside world, and fewer had seen a man in person. Given the terrible history that the Amazons had with men, this was understandable.

Princess Diana, daughter of Hippolyta, was the first of a new generation of Amazons born from the many unions of men brought in from the outside world for reproductive purposes. She, along with her younger sisters, Donna and Cassie, were the signs of a new beginning of their people after they migrated to Themyscira and were cut off from the outside world. Diana was the first Amazon to journey to the outside world, and took on a title that would be known throughout the world-Wonder Woman, the Maiden of Might!

Diana was an inhumanly beautiful woman, much like the rest of her Amazon sisters. She was a powerful woman who stood at 6'4, with a frame mixing musculature with voluptuous wonder, a truly dazzling combination of beauty and power that embodied every ideal of the Amazon way. Her outfit as Wonder Woman was modeled after an Amazonian battle dress-a red top with gold armor plates on her chest and shoulders, a light blue leather skirt that reached mid-thigh and red knee-high boots. She was the epitome of feminine perfection, the result of years of training and divine blessings. Diana was made to be a champion of women everywhere and to embody Amazonian ideals, but that all changed with one discovery.

It began when she was visiting Themyscira for the week, having gotten some time off to do so. Her little sister Donna had made a discovery while exploring the lesser populated southern region of the island. That part of Themyscira was mostly populated only by wildlife, but Donna had managed to discover an ancient temple in the densest part of the forest. It was clearly old, but looked like it was routinely taken care of by someone, with the foliage neatly cut and stones cleanly polished. What was most surprising was the statue of a man in the middle of the courtyard. A man's statue on an island belonging to a culture with a strong aversion to men was puzzling itself and piqued Diana's curiosity.

"This is the place I told you about, Diana. See?" Donna pointed to the statue in front. "There's the man's statue."

Donna was almost the spitting image of Diana, but she was shorter and her eyes were more ocean blue with hunts of sea green mixed in. At the age of sixteen, she was already deep into the throes of womanhood, her body strong and toned from years of combat training and just as beautiful and curvaceous as her sister's. Her dress was black with silver stars along the length, with a low cut top that displayed her ample cleavage and a short combat skirt that stopped halfway down her thighs.

"Yes, I see it." Diana said. She was dressed in her casual wear instead of her WW costume; a toga-like dress that stopped halfway down her legs, revealing her toned legs and sporting a deep v-cut that exposed her ample cleavage. "Donna, should you have even been this far into the forest alone?"

"Please, Diana, we're Amazons. There's literally nothing on this island we aren't trained to handle." Donna said confidently. "Besides, you have to admit that something's different about this place."

"I feel it too." Diana said, agreeing with her sister. There was something powerful in the temple and it left energy in the air that gave her goose bumps. "You stay here and wait for me until I get back. I won't take too long if there's nothing to see inside."

Diana left her sister on the hill, sliding down the slope with her sword in hand. Landing on the ground, Diana ran over to the temple grounds, stepping into the courtyard. As soon as she stepped into the yard, she shivered as a feeling of…something wash over her. It was moderately warm on the island all year long, but the air inside the temple grounds felt dense and hot, like a jungle. Looking around, she saw that great care was taken in its construction. She hummed and walked over to the statue of the man and studied it.

'Now why would an order of women who dislike men build a temple to a man?' Diana wondered. The man depicted was handsome, with a muscular body that wasn't too bulky or slender, with long hair and a well shaped face. She ran her hands down the statue's chest, wondering what he looked like in life. Diana had never seen a man in person before but surely something must be special about her if they built this place in his honor.

Diana entered the main temple, and the aura she felt outside felt stronger in the domed interior of the building. The air was thick and heavy, and when Diana took a breath, her mind went into a slight haze after breathing in the air. She swallowed nervously and walked deeper into the chamber, gazing at the murals on the wall of a great warrior displaying his immense power. What was more intriguing about this was that she saw her mother and the other Amazons fighting alongside him or, strangely enough, bowing to him. Who was this man? Why had her mother never spoken about him?

Diana walked deeper into the chamber to get a closer look at the shrine holding a suit of armor and a broadsword laced with glittering jewels, but when her foot stepped on a stone, the floor shook a slid apart. Jumping back, Diana saw the stones in the floor slide to the side to reveal a spiral staircase that went downward into the ground.

"There is no way mother cannot know about this place." Diana said to herself. Taking a deep breath, she walked down the stairs, hoping that her curiosity put her in hot water.

The descent down the stairs felt like it took an eternity. Whatever part of the temple this was, it was obviously meant to be hidden from potential intruders or robbers. Her heart was beating rapidly and it wasn't just in anticipation. There was something in the air, she knew it for sure this time, and it made her feel…hot. The deeper she went, the more the heat grew, and her body began feeling the effects of what could only be an aphrodisiac. Her body started to sweat, her loins tingled, and her nipples hardened, all brought about by some unknown force deep below the earth. It was the same arousal she felt when she caught Artemis and Io copulating.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and came upon a door, which was made of gold, but dusty. She had to use her inhuman strength to push the heavy door open to gain entry and entered the small chamber, finding something she never expected to discover.

It was a tomb. A large, human sized golden sarcophagus sat in the middle of the room, with murals painted on three walls showing more images of that man wielding great power. Diana stepped deeper into the room cautiously, her breathing increasing from the sheer density of the air. The walls were lined with gold, and the stylized murals were highly detailed and intricate, made with great care to detail.

'This is getting stranger by the minute.' Diana thought. 'Mother dislikes men, so why do these paintings show her and our sisters bowing to one?'

There was a metallic groan that made her jump back and draw her sword on reflex, her eyes dropping to the sarcophagus before her. The lid was moving on its own, slowly sliding to the left before dropping to the ground.

The instant the coffin was open, the entire chamber was filled with a dense power strong enough to force Diana to drop her sword and nearly bring her to her knees. Smoke rose from inside the coffin, where the power was radiating. It felt like that of a god, having spent time in the presence of Athena and Hera a few times in her youth. A hand grasped the side of the coffin and slowly lifted the body inside up into view, and Diana gasped at the figure that rose from within it.

He was a young man, probably just a few years older than her, but there was an air about him that made him feel older than he looked. He had long black hair that stopped at his shoulders, soft and shiny, and a deep tan complexion with a body that looked as if was chiseled by the gods themselves. His body was cut, defined, toned and built, but he was also very lean. Even his lower body was impressive, with powerful thighs and defined valves. The absolute peak of masculinity.

Let's not forget he was also naked.

Diana stiffened when the man groaned, rolling his neck and shoulders to lose the stiffness. Her eyes roamed over his naked form, her own body becoming hot while her mouth watered at the sight of him. He was…perfect. It was like seeing the sun after millennia of darkness. This was no man, he was a god!

Steeling herself, Diana hesitantly stepped forward and cleared her throat to get his attention. "H-Hello?"

The man's eyes focused on her as he stretched his arms. He immediately took notice of her beauty and her revealing attire. Though Diana was confident enough in her body to wear only the barest minimum of clothes, under his intense stare she felt naked and a bit shy. Shivering under his gaze, she continued, "I am Princess Diana, daughter of Queen Hippolyta of Themyscira. Who are you?"

The man said nothing as he looked at her. Diana stiffened when he climbed out of the coffin and walked towards her, eyes entrapped by his.

Before she knew it, he was standing right in front of her, his hard developed pecs right in her face. He gazed down at her curiously before lifting her chin. Without warning of any kind, he connected his mouth with hers and feasted on her mouth. Diana's knees became weak as he forced her tongue down her throat, sucking on her vigorously. She moaned loudly as he took her first kiss, immediately submitting to him and allowing him to dominate her.

After a few minutes he pulled away with a hum, letting Diana fall to her knees in a daze, landing right in front of his semi-erect cock. What he did was…unreal. One kiss and she felt her strength leave her, filling her body with lust instead. She nearly came from that kiss alone; if he could do that, what else could he do? Her eyes went to the dick pointed at her and she felt the urge to touch it, taste it. She almost gave into the urge when she heard him speak.

"Diana," He said softly. His voice was deep yet calming, with a notable undertone of power in it. "You are an Amazon, yes? I do not recognize you."

Diana swallowed and said, "My mother molded me from clay and the goddesses breathed life into me. I am the first of the new generation of Amazons born after the migration to Themyscira."

"Then much time has passed since I was laid to rest here." He said, looking around at his so-called tomb.

"If you pardon me asking," Diana said, not even wondering why she was being so polite to this male stranger. "How do you know of us?"

"I am, or was, the king of the ancient world. The Amazons were but one of many cultures and nations under my rule, though it seems they were just one of a few most loyal to me." He looked down at her and smiled. "Forgive me, Diana. I am Thelox, the one and only king of the Earth and all who live on it."

"King? But, mother never mentioned the Amazons serving a king."

"Due to tragic circumstances, I was forced to enter a hibernative state that was akin to death, and there were a great many who bemoaned my passing, the Amazons most affected by it. They must have buried me here once I had fallen asleep. I can see my powers have atrophied slightly." Thelox flexed his muscles, making his body hum with energy. "But that can be quickly rectified."

Thelox looked back at Diana, who still sat on her knees. Running his eyes along her strong, beautiful body, he nodded and stood up straighter.

"It's time I revealed myself to this new world, starting with my old stomping grounds. Diana, you shall help me with this my doing your womanly duty." He pointed to his cock. "By sucking my cock."

Had she not been enchanted by his aura, Diana would've castrated this man and dragged him back to her mother for a slow execution, but Diana was no longer her own woman now. Thelox's kiss had made her his loyal slave, just like her Amazon sisters. Licking her lips, Diana opened her mouth and extended her tongue, allowing him to instantly slide his fat length into her mouth, making her shiver as her tongue brushed against the underside as he pushed in and let her feel his cock entering past her lips.

Those full red lips twitched at the feeling of his dick brushing over him, passing and leaving her mouth as he slowly, teasingly moved himself in and out of her mouth. Diana could do nothing else but kneel in position, hands clenched in her lap as he used her mouth for his pleasure, and she enjoyed every second of it.

"Suck it, girl." Thelox commanded. "Suck it."

Diana did as she was commanded, sucking his length willingly as she moved her head back and forth on his dick. She slurped loudly on his member, stretching her lips along his vast size. She marveled at his salty, musky taste, making sure to apply her saliva onto his cock as she repeatedly took him in and out of her mouth. It was baffling she was performing services more befitting of a whore to some man she just met, but Diana honestly couldn't find it in herself to fully care.

Thelox slid his fingers through her black hair and increased the pace of her thrusts, sinking more of his cock into her mouth each time he went back in. His power flowed from his body, sinking into her mind, altering and changing it as he once did to her mother and her sisters. There were many other ways to build up his power, but Thelox learned that sex was his most favorite method. Already he could already feel his power flowing through the very foundations of Themyscira, reaching out to the Amazons who have not felt his touch in thousands of years.

Diana was completely lost to his cock as she vigorously sucked it, almost taking his shaft to the back of her throat. Thelox felt his balls tingle with his release, but he did not want to cum in her mouth. He wanted his seed to settle in her womb first. Gripping her hair tighter, he stopped her bobbing and eased his cock out of her mouth, ignoring the needy whine she gave as it slid out of her lips.

"Stand up and turn around." He ordered. "Bend over the altar. I shall claim you now."

The taste of his cock was still evident on her tongue as Diana followed his orders, getting up to her feet and turning around to bend over, placing her hands on the sarcophagus that once held him. Thelox ran a hand along her firm behind, flipping up her skirt to show that she had no underwear on. His eyes zeroed in on her moist snatch, which was already dripping with arousal, much to her embarrassment. He smiled and moved forward, lining her cock up with her cunt and slowly pushed it into her, making the princess tense up at the large cock spreading her folds.

"By the gods." Diana gasped, forcing herself to remain still as he sank his cock into her. She had no idea how large he was, but the huge stuffing she was getting was driving her mad. His fat dick spread her virgin cunt apart with ease, not stopping to give her time to get used to these new sensations she was experiencing.

Thelox didn't stop until he bottomed out inside her, the entirely of his cock embedded in her canal with his mushroom tip punching through her cervix into her womb. uncaring for Diana's near delirious state of mind, Thelox pulled his cock back out about halfway before thrusting back in. soon he was thrusting hard into her, his strong hands gripping her plump ass tightly as he drove himself into her. His powerful hips rocked back and forth, delivering a stiff series of pumps into her cunt.

"So…good." Diana moaned, her mind focusing on the erotic sounds of her body colliding with his as he filled her twat with his mighty dick. So engulfed in her own pleasure that Diana couldn't see his body, which was now glowing like a miniature sun at this point. His power was now flowing from him in waves, and soon, everything on the island could feel him.

"Do you feel this cock, Diana?" Thelox asked, not pausing in his thrusts.

"Y-Yes!" She cried out.

"This cock once fucked every Amazon on this island. The minute my seed entered their bodies, I became the only man they ever bowed to!" He roared. "And now, as my powers return, the world shall know my rule once more! Princess Diana, become the first Amazon and woman of the new age to take my seed!"

He got rougher with his thrusts, and her, reaching forward to take her long hair and pulling her head up to watch her flushed and pleasure drunk face moan and scream. His increase tempo made her cry out in delight and she even started begging for him to go harder. It was only when he started slapping her ass that Diana reached her orgasm, crying out loudly as her pussy convulsed around the shaft still sawing in and out of her. The increased friction brought about by her tightening cunt was just what he needed to reach his own climax.

Thelox shoved his entire length inside her with a mighty roar that sounded like thunder and came gloriously. Diana's eyes rolled up into her head as she felt his cock swell a stretch her stuffed cunt further before unleashing a torrent of cum into her. Thick, potent globs of gooey seed rushed into her womb, and filled it up in seconds. Following bursts of cum quickly overflowed her pussy, leading to some of his seed leaking out and down her legs to form a puddle under them.

Despite this, Thelox did not let go of Diana, intent on filling her womb with all of his seed. She didn't even notice how her lower abdomen, where her womb was, slowly began to swell from the godly amount of cum being pumped into her. His hips were snug against hers and he did not remove his cock until it stopped discharging his seed into her overstuffed cunt.

When he finally pulled his cock from her, her cunt tensed up before a flood of cum leaked from her hole, further staining her thighs. Diana paid the mess no mind as she felt to her knees and began cleaning his cum stained cock with her tongue, licking and sucking their combined juices off.

'And I didn't even have to order her to clean me off.' Thelox smiled. 'This new generation of Amazons have promise. They will be useful in the battles to come.'


When Donna felt that first pulsewave of power rush out of the temple, she knew that coming here was a bad idea. The air around the temple was dense and thick, like swimming underwater, and it almost made Donna mount her steed and ride back to the city to get help. But realizing that Diana was still in there with whatever was causing the pulses made her warrior side mix with the concerns of a worried younger sister, and she rushed down towards the temple to possibly rescue Diana. She barely made it past the courtyard when Thelox's power surged out of the temple.

That was when the second pulsewave hit, and Donna almost fell face first into the ground as her body was wracked with the most intense wave of arousal she had ever experienced. It was so strong that she couldn't move from her kneeling position lest she further inflame her already moist loins. It wasn't until she started fingering herself when she saw a figure walk up to her. It was a man, a very beautiful man who radiated power like a beacon. He was so beautiful, his voice deep and sent shivers up her spine, and his semi-erect cock just asking to be tasted. Which was exactly what she did.

"Mmm!" A muffled groan came from Donna as she sat on her knees sucking Thelox's (or rather, his clone's) dick.

"Don't worry, Donna. You're doing well for your first time. Just like your sister." Thelox said smiling, and she blushed deeply at his praise.

This wasn't the real Thelox. He was down below having his fill of Diana's body. It was a manifestation of him generated to get some pussy from the younger Amazon he sensed milling about up top. When he was charging up his power by fucking Diana, he doubled that charge through sex with Donna. Two girls was more than enough to bring him back to full power within the hour.

At the moment, his cock was halfway in Donna's mouth, bobbing her gorgeous face up and down his shaft. The feeling of her pink lips grinding back and forth along his fuck-stick was amazing, and her warm mouth felt very accommodating. While not as skilled as Diana, Donna certainly came in as a close second to her sister. His hand rested in her hair, gently guiding her pace as he looked down at the girl who dutifully sat on his knees before him. She slurped on his cock with such skill and patience it was hard to belief she was a novice at this.

Donna continued to groan as she sucked on the cock of the man who once ruled over the Amazons and much of the ancient world in the past. Acting in a very un-Amazon like way, she sucked away with a round of steady bobs. Saliva seeped past her already glossed over lips to trickle down her chin. She idly brushed back her long hair from her face, allowing the sunlight to illuminate her features. Thelox hummed in pleasure and sent a wave of power coursing through her body.

Immediately after he did so, Donna felt her already soaked pussy get wetter and her nipples harden beneath her thin dress. She moaned around the dick in her mouth, adjusting her grip so that she could take in far more cock than even the most experienced whore could handle. Saliva now dripped from her chin, leaking onto the exposed tops of her breasts and sinking into her cleavage, making her tits glisten in the sunlight.

"I think that's enough preparation, Donna. Time for me to claim you and give you my seed." Thelox said, pulling Donna's mouth off his cock with a loud 'pop' as she gazed up at him, licking her lips in anticipation. "Turn around and present yourself."

Donna obeyed his command immediately, spinning around on her knees and bending over on her hands so her ass was presented to him. Her short skirt rode up on her ass, and Thelox lightly flicked it up to expose her bare ass, now awash with her juices. He knelt down behind her and gripped her hips, making Donna quickly turn back around nervously. She bit her lip when she felt his cock line up with her entrance, and gasped when he pushed in firmly and sent his cock deep into the warm, wet and welcome love tunnel of the Amazonian princess.

The groan Thelox gave when sinking his cock into her was only overshadowed by Donna's cries and the Amazons' cheers. Feeling how snug her vaginal walls were around is length would be enough to make any red-blooded male cum prematurely-but Thelox was no man, he was a god, and thus the tightness of her pussy was nothing to him. Drawing his hips back, Thelox gave the first thrust that got Donna moaning loudly.

"Yes, that's it! Fuck, this feels so good!" Donna gasped in erotic approval as she felt her pussy get filled up in a way she never experienced before. Looking back at the man taking her from behind, she got a good look at his perfect body, which was covered in a light sheen of sweat that made his body glisten in the most exotic way. He pounded his cock into her with such force that her entire body was rocking in place.

"Mmm, your cunt is just as good as your sister's." Thelox grunted, slapping her ass sharply as he worked himself deeper into her wet, needy snatch. He loved the way her ass jiggled every time he buried his cock into her curvy frame. "I can't wait to see how your mother feels."

"She's…ah…mother is the most beautiful of us Amazons, uh, my lord." Donna said respectfully, still grunting from the thick cock punching into her womb. "She'll be the best fuck of us all!"

"I can't wait."

Thelox increased the rhythm and force of his thrusts, making sure to bottom out in her pussy each time he impaled her cunt. The sexy smack of skin meeting skin rang out in the courtyard when his balls slapped her clit every time he drove forward. Donna's mouth hung open, breathy pants coming from her lips as she was used as a cocksleeves.

Their fucking would've continued for an hour had Thelox not felt his original body reach its climax with Diana. When the next powerful energy wave surged from the tomb underground, it made Donna hit her orgasm, causing her cunt to squeeze him tight enough to drag him down along with her. Smirking, he allowed himself to follow up with his own orgasm, slamming his cock balls deep and cumming into her with great fervor. Donna's eyes rolled up into her head as her womb was almost filled up with that first cup-sized blast of cum. The second filled her cunt up completely and following bursts caused her pussy to overflow with jizz.

He rolled his hips to make sure that his filled was pumped into her completely, seeding her womb, and coating her inner walls in a thick glaze of cum. He hummed and smiled as his cock dispensed the last vestiges of his seed before he pulled out of Donna as slow as possible before popping his cockhead out of her folds. Donna relaxed and fell over to her side, cum leaking profusely from her stretched cunt.

His clone body dispersing into light particles, the real Thelox finished pumping his own seed into Diana and got ready to greet the sun once more.


When Queen Hippolyta felt the energy waves surge throughout the island, she thought she was dreaming. Her first thought was that it was some trick conjured up by Hades or Ares to torture them, and she was ready to enforce Amazonian might on their asses consequences be damned. But such a feat was impossible, for no one could replicate the powerful aura of the man she once worshipped. He was too abnormal and unique for that.

She didn't waste time gathering Antiope, Artemis and the rest of her elite guard to travel to the sacred tomb where they had buried the god who died upon reaching their shores following that chaotic battle in the distant past. Hippolyta wished it wasn't a trick, but because she wouldn't be able to take it if it was some false alarm. Her entourage reached the temple they built deep in the forest and ran into the courtyard where they found a magnificent sight.

Thelox sat on a golden throne he conjured up in the middle of the temple courtyard. Her daughters, Diana and Donna, were on their knees licking and sucking his cock clean, their cunts leaking copious amounts of jizz and their thighs messy with cum. When he saw the assembled Amazons, Thelox smiled and gave them a wave. Hippolyta and the other Amazons sank to their knees and bowed low to the god they thought dead.

"Rejoice, Amazons. Your god king as returned." Thelox declared. "And I plan on staying this time around."

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