
First clash

"Neptune, I will allow you to take your time to prepare for the wedding. I and my wives will stay here to rest and train till everything is set and ready." Izan spoke casually to Neptune, the newspaper didn't effect Izan much as he simply did not care of what his bounty was, nor that the Navy is going to prepare a 'march' towards New World.

"It sounds good. I will announce the wedding today that it will happen in two weeks. During that time, the news of this will be known throughout the whole world." Neptune said with a smile, he was happy that Izan wasn't the pirate the Navy told he was. This had managed in making Neptune in liking Izan's personality, character and Neptune had personally seen how much Izan cared for his own wives.

That was one of the reasons Neptune allowed this to happen without him raging about. He turned to his oldest son Fukaboshi and spoke with a tone filled with joy. "Go and get me a News Coo, we must spread this news, the soonest possible."

Fukaboshi nodded seriously, he wasn't stupid and knew that getting the protection of Izan was something that they needed right now. Even if he doted on his little sister, he could see that Izan cared for Shirahoshi, therefore he swallowed down his complaints and went out with his two brothers.

Shyarly's gaze went over Shirahoshi, she was surprised by how a flask of liquid could make a gigantic mermaid into a tiny human. Shyarly opened her lips which showed her shark teeth as her voice sounded out. "Boy, are you really going to protect Fishman Island from the other pirates? There might come an attack much worse than the Emperors and the Admirals in the future…" Shyarly knew that something dangerous would happen and corrupt the entire world, and she did also know that it was Izan that would be the saviour at that time…

Izan's response was a smile and a chuckle. "Of course, I can't allow the brothers and the father of my wife get killed or the land get occupied." Izan didn't miss what Shyarly said about something more dangerous than the Emperors might attack Fishman Island. "Besides… The Emperors and the Admirals aren't the strongest, they are just merely the stepping stones for the stronger ones…" Izan could already guess that Shyarly had managed to see a possible future from the crystal ball in front of her. Yet, Izan didn't think much of it as Izan had gotten enough information from his observations.

The question itself was one of a bigger hints from the outcome Shyarly had seen. Izan knew that the one behind the World Government was a strong one, Dragon wasn't weak either, and the Emperors weren't that weak as they were portrayed as. Izan could simply guess how things would go if he had enough time and information.

From the little Izan currently has, he was able to guess that the World Government and the Navy is ruled by a person in the background with very few people knowing of it. The Emperors, the Revolutionary Army and the Admirals are small factions of the little play which is going on to uncover the truth that Gol D. Roger had left behind.

Yes, Izan's conclusions all led to the previous Pirate King – Gol D. Roger. And the mysterious person in the Void Century – Joy Boy. These two people were the keys to the truth the world was seeking. The truth about what actually had happened and how it was actually harming the world.

Izan turned towards Robin with a large smile on his face. "Robin, have you all the text that was written on the Poneglyph in your notebook?" What Izan was looking for was the small details.

Robin nodded in reply and showed Izan her notebook which had the most details of the important things like Poneglyph and what was recorded in few past Islands and Kingdoms in other books which could hint to the Void Century. This notebook was the most important thing to Robin, but she handed it over to Izan without thinking twice.

Izan smiled as he knew how important the notebook was for Robin, yet he didn't have much time to waste as he opened the notebook and went to the recently written pages and read every single word of what the Poneglyph had.

Izan's eyebrows furrowed as he read through the apology, not once, not twice, Izan read it a couple of times before he happily chuckled. "That's it!" Izan's voice was filled with joy, but not only that, he was happy that he could deduct something like this with so little information.

"Dear, what did you find?" Perona had stayed quiet for a long while, yet she knew that it was important for Izan to have his time when he was trying to deduct and guess about detailed plans with so little information shown or written.

"Joy Boy wasn't able to keep his promise because he knew that he was going to be defeated!" Izan raised his voice as he gazed at all of his wives. "Joy Boy found out the secret about the person behind the Celestial Dragons and the World Government. Joy Boy knew that he would be killed somehow in the fight, that was why he left this apology on the Poneglyph. Because of Joy Boy, the person had been in a weakened state for a very long time and the person couldn't start his plans."

Izan could see the shocked expressions of Neptune, Shyarly and Shirahoshi, but he didn't care as he continued explaining. "It also reaches to the point that even Gol D. Roger managed to find out this secret. The secret is huge enough for even a dominant Pirate King to use his life for obtaining a possible future for everyone, his wife, his son and the humanity itself." Izan sighed before he continued. "Gol D. Roger fought the same enemy Joy Boy did, but Gol D. Roger didn't die, he was weakened during the fight and got sick. That was why Gol D. Roger was betting on the future pirates, in hope that maybe one of those would get strong enough to defeat the person that wants to destroy humanity or perhaps this entire world!"

At this moment, even Hancock, Nojiko and Perona were surprised, Robin was shocked as she couldn't help but want to uncover the truth of the Void Century and the mysterious person behind the World Government. Jiutian raised one eyebrow as she felt that Izan's conclusion was a possibility that had great chance of being the truth. Perona and Shirahoshi had their eyes widened in shock as they felt that something was beyond their leagues as of now.

"If what you said is the truth, then I as the King of Fishman Island, will give you everything you may need during the upcoming war for Supremacy!" Neptune still had a bearing of a King, he was shocked to say the least, yet he knew that the future laid in the hands of the persons in front of him. He would even kneel if it was required of him, Neptune would give Izan everything he had, all the treasures, all the soldiers and he would even go to the front lines if Izan tells him to do so. Because Neptune would rather die in order to save his family and his Kingdom, rather than staying behind and watch all crumble before his eyes.

"Hahahahaha!" Izan started laughing as he finally understood why such a person like Gol D. Roger would sacrifice his own life for the next generation of pirates. Izan finally could see sense throughout the whole façade of the World Government, Celestial Dragons and the Navy, it was all because the person behind it wanted it all to crumble into dust towards the end!

A mixture of Gravity Law and Conqueror's Haki gushed out of Izan's body, it didn't spread around as it only orbited around Izan's body. Izan couldn't see it himself, but he knew that he was shining in a dark light which would even consume the light near him.

No one other than Jiutian were able to move as they stared at Izan. Even Shirahoshi on top of Izan's lap was frozen and couldn't move a muscle, yet she didn't feel afraid at this as she was still feeling the warmth Izan was giving off.

Somewhere in Mary Geoise

Im was feeling a threatening pressure from very far away, a smile crept appeared and his eyes shined brightly. "IT WON'T BE LONG…!" Im's voice sounded out like an ancient being as a pressure gushed out of Im's body too. Im could hear the faint roar of something, it made Im's body tremble, yet Im started laughing like crazily. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Im knew that this roar came from Izan as Im was sure no one else would threaten the plan Im was going through.

"I WILL BRUTALLY KILL YOU. JUST LIKE THE PREVIOUSLY PERSONS THAT TRIED TO STOP ME!" Im took of his robe slowly as a pressure gushed of his body. When the robe fell on the ground, what was left was a tall, lean man in his thirties with white spiky hair.

Just like this, Im and Izan had their first clash which was only through their spiritual powers… This was the first one of the many clashes that Izan and Im would go through in the future…

Heyo, last chapter of the week (5/5).

Man, I'm really tired, been barely writing since I came back home to my parents. I need to work hard in the weekend to make a stack of chapters, haha.


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