
A fight against Rulers

Izan was perplexed of what to do, but his confusion didn't control his body. Izan flickered his hand that was holding his scythe and a torrent of wind gushed out of the scythe, the Spell was named 'Deprimo' and it could blast walls and ground, but Izan was using the spell to push away the flames around himself.

Izan knew that the situation he was currently in wasn't a good one, yet Izan wasn't afraid or scared. On the contrary, Izan had a grin on his face as he was trying to fight back the flames with his life on the line.

"Is that all you've got!?" Izan mocked in a rather loud voice as he continued using 'Deprimo' to push away the flames that were around him.

"I think that should be my line...!" The Empress gave a nasty scrowl as she waved both her hands in front of her body. "Come out, my slaves... Inferius!" And as she said those words, thousands of figures clawed themselves up from the ground.

Izan gazed at the grisly puppet looking monsters. They were skeletal beings that resembled zombies. They were made out of human corpses, and Izan could see that they still had their human individual appearances. Izan raised one eyebrow slightly while speaking. "Are you intending to fight against me with numbers now?" Izan was still mocking the 'Empress', he felt that it was laughable that someone that would want to rule, could ask for assistance from others.

This was one of the reasons Izan is barely allowing Jiutian to assist him, because he wants to accomplish almost everything by his own two hands.

"They are my slaves; they count as my soldiers...!" The Empress couldn't help but to frown at the disdaining human in front of her that called himself as an Emperor.

Izan couldn't help but refrain from laughing, he laughed for a brief moment before his expression turned sharp. "I will tell you this once; I am strong against one person, but that doesn't make me weak against an army of soldiers...!" Izan's Conqueror's Haki gushed out of his body like a volcano, it spread throughout the entire room. The room began to vibrate, the metallic walls began to crack, even parts of the roof cracked and dropped down to the ground.

Not enough with that, Izan's Conqueror's Haki stopped the thousands of the zombie looking soldiers. The Inferi all dropped down to the ground, their bones were crushed because of the pressure and they couldn't move again.

Even the Empress felt troubled because of the presence Izan was giving off, it was the presence of a True Ruler! The Empress raised her leg and stepped one step forward.

*Bang!* Her foot made a hole in the metallic ground. Her Magical Force might be very strong, but her physical strength wasn't too bad either. After that one step, the Empress vanished and appeared in front of Izan.

The Empress flickered her hand while chanting. "Crucio!" She yelled out one of the most painful torture Spells in the history of Wizards. A red light appeared and entered inside of Izan's body.

Both of Izan's eyebrows were raised in shock, but he couldn't act fast enough before he was pushed far away by the Empress. It didn't even take half a second before he felt his body being torn inside out, Izan felt his bones being crushed and twisted, he felt his skin deteriorating, he felt his organs being twisted, he felt his blood flowing through his body burning up.

But not a single sound escaped Izan's mouth, not even a muscle flinched. Izan was staring at the Empress in front of him, like nothing was happening inside of his body. Izan raised his scythe high up in the air, Izan was angered at this point, he slammed his scythe down at the ground with all of his might.

As the scythe slammed into the ground, the ground broke into pieces, not only the ground, the entire room crumbled, the walls and even the roof!

The bones in Izan's arms were broken into many pieces, Izan felt so much pain, but his mind was focused on something else, his eyes were staring at the Empress. "There is no denying that you are strong..." Izan's voice was slightly hoarse, but the coldness from his voice made the Empress shiver slightly.

The Empress felt something wrong about this situation, she knew that she was stronger than the Emperor in front of her, but she felt that she would die if she continued attacking him any further.

Izan could sense that almost all of the bones inside of his body were broken and twisted. Yet none of that mattered to Izan any longer, he raised his left leg and stepped forward, one step at a time, he slowly walked towards the Empress with a cold expression.

"But in the end, the result will be the same, your head flying off your neck...!" Izan was speaking rather slowly, Izan had two choices, either escape or fight. He didn't have much confidence in winning against the Empress because of the bad state of his body, but escaping from here would also be very difficult.

"Avada Kedavra!" The Empress shouted out loudly as she pointed towards Izan, a red beam flied towards Izan like lightning.

Izan knew that he couldn't block this attack with the magical shield, therefore, Izan stepped sideways with all of his might. And as Izan stepped sideways, another bone broke, his ankle broke and Izan couldn't help but to throw up a mouthful of blood.

Izan was kneeling down on knee, he could barely stand up, yet his eyes were still as sharp as ever. He would never admit defeat or wait for his death. Izan's Conqueror's Haki was strengthened once again as it began breaking the room, more debris fell down from the roof.

It wasn't only Izan's Conqueror's Haki that became stronger, Izan could feel something else strengthen too. A weak grin appeared on Izan's face as he simply flickered one finger upwards.

Izan's body ascended slowly up from the ground, he was now standing ten meters above the ground, staring down at the Empress with a grin.

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