
Conqueror's Haven

In a world where Champions, people with abilities, rule what remains of humanity. People took advantage of each other to survive. Canis is no different. He will do anything to become powerful, to have authority and power so he can live the way he wants, without any hindrance. However, how can he achieve his dream when he has a level cap limit of 7 and a single ability upon awakening? In an accident involving a Conqueror's Pillar, he awakens his ability. All that hardship for 12 years now bears fruit. Using his ability to capture and mate with 'Queens' and create his army of monsters. He begins his journey to this new chapter in life to become the most powerful Champion.

Gunshot_Zon · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Chapter 004

Canis was shocked.


His hands shook so much.

"What is this?"


"Didn't they say that the ability that you will get, will be somehow 'related' your current self?"

Canis recalled several interviews he saw on the internet in his head.

Buddy, a Champion who has been so obese since he was born begins working hard in bodybuilding just after The Descend to achieve his muscular body and receive the ability, Great Strike.

Lorenna, a nobody since before The Descend, began studying physics nonstop, when she awakens she receives the ability… Gravity Dome.

Nate is a thin guy who just recently practiced kendo, Canis remembers that even in the interview he said that is just above average in that field and yet he received the skill Triple Slash.

Several faces and several famous Champions still come to his mind.



He couldn't understand what was happening.

"Yeah! I am AWAKENED"


"Let's GO!"

There are celebratory cries all around him but Canis blocks them out.


His ears are buzzing around.

"I… I don't get it."

He sat down on the nearest bench and remembered the description of 'My Home'.

(This ability will let me access 'My Home' when the 'Phrase' I assign is used.)

('My Home'... is basically a house, a hideout of some sort…)

Several pieces of information about the skill came to him but he still couldn't believe this.

He wasn't expecting this kind of skill to begin with.

And finally, he lost his rational thinking.

Immediately he ran.

Run towards his house.



"This is the happiest day of my life."

People are celebrating everywhere he goes but not him.

He shook his head several times already, with a disappointed feeling.

(Why!? I practice Kendo! Spearmanship! Archery! Boxing! Jujitsu! I practice every martial arts there is…)

Step! Step! Step!

(Why! Did I end up with a skill like this!?)

He runs up the stairs.


Turn the knob.

(What mistake I have done?...)


Close the door.

He is currently confused, his mind is all over the place… 

But when he went inside his house he gained a bit of reasoning.

(It's still too early to give up… I have to look at this skill thoroughly… before I conclude.)

He threw the duffle bag on the floor and went in front of a wall.

(Assigning phrase…)


['Access' keyword has been assigned.]

In front of him, a white door appears.

Without any hesitation.

He turns the knob and opens the door.



A plain room, with white paint and white-colored flooring enters his view.

"Is… Is this it…"


Inside the white plain room, the size of a basketball court, there is a small stone podium in the middle.

He moves towards the podium and puts his hands above it like he already knows what to do.

He puts his hand on top of the podium then three transparent monitors appear in front of him.


Canis saw different 'pieces' on the right side monitor, these pieces can be moved around, and there is a tab called corridors and rooms located on the top portion of the monitor.

He can drag a new 'piece' from the right side monitor towards the center monitor inside the 'large box'.

Just like using a 'Tablet' he uses his fingers to move around the 'pieces'.

This is not hard to understand, anyone on earth who touches a phone can easily know what this is…

This is the layout of his so-called 'HOME'.

"Is this it!? The best thing I could do in this place is make it a camp."

He looks around once more because he knows there is another 'room' that exists.

Across the entrance door, is another door, a red-colored door.

He left the podium and walks towards it.

Grab the knob immediately and open it.

"Aside from the Control Center, this thing appeared here and 'set' as another room."

In a dimly lit room, there is a circular rug in the middle room and a heart-shaped bed in the middle of the rug.

"... Chamber of Lust…"

The only other part of his 'My Home' ability aside from the Control Center.

He closed his eyes and tried to remember the details of this room.

"A room for mating a monster… tsk… I cannot even use this on a human, but only on a monster…"


Canis's stomach began to be upset.

"Sure… I love spending time with the ladies… but is that enough to give me this skill… is that enough to disregard all my effort."

Simply, Canis is just looking forward to the result of his actions.

He walks inside the room and glances at the heart-shaped bed.

Canis then walked towards it and touched the bed, he even put pressure on it.


Then he review the information about this room.

"The condition is also close to impossible to achieve… the target monster should be female… Are we going to exchange gender identity when fighting? How would I know if the enemy is female or not?"

Canis shook his head.


"She must also have a Queen Level Authority… What does it even mean? How would I know that? I don't even have a way to measure this Queen Level Authority?"

Anger is building up.

He felt like fate betrayed him.

The world itself betrays him.

The feeling of being betrayed encroached on his heart.

"Lastly, I have to touch the target and say the 'phrase'… Does this make any sense at all… If the monster is a Queen Level Authority how would you think I will able to approach that monster? That monster could kill me in an instant or better yet the follower will kill me instead."

Canis looks at his hands.

"This is insane… really insane… and to top it all off… This is a one-time use skill…"


"I didn't even know what would be the effect if I luckily captured a monster. The information about this skill just stopped at the part that I have to capture a queen-level monster."

But it didn't need a genius to fit the puzzle.

A love room.

A female monster.

Canis already knows what to do.

But it doesn't mean he likes it.

Canis walks out of the Chamber of Lust and closes the door.

The feeling of Disappointment.


And Betrayal.

Can be seen on his face.


Canis slams the door.


2023 June

Control Center

Canis woke up.

He felt weak.

His eyes are heavy and the dim light in the Control Center doesn't help.

"Did I just really dream about the past? Or did I just remember it? Damn, Did I even sleep?"

He checks on his right arm and right leg.

There are scars on it, but the broken bone was surely healed already.

To other people this event might cause them mental damage, but not for Canis.

He already knew this feeling.

It's a familiar feeling.

The broken bones, large wounds, and the pain in every part of his body.

For Canis… this is just 'another week'.

Canis looks at the empty vial on the ground.

"One of the good things that came out from The Descend are those things."

He always stocks a lot of 'potions' because he will never know where the next 'attack' will come from.

Slowly Canis stood up and looked at the Chamber of Lust.

Step! Step! Step!

He began walking toward it and his footsteps echoed in the Control Center.

His face is full of disappointment.


He opened the door and saw the monster above the bed.

"This is a skill, hehe…"

He chuckled. 

"A one-time use skill, spend on this… my dream… I felt that my dream was getting farther and farther away from me… sigh…"

Feeling disappointed.

"My dream already flew 9 years ago, and I'm just clinging to a dream that this skill of mine might 

be interesting."

Canis forces me to smile.

(Those researchers should suffer for giving false hope… they said that the more complicated and restrictive the skill is the more powerful it is… they even gave the information about the Charging Assault by a former Champion. A skill that charges 1 point a day and can store 30 points in it, once used it can kill a High Violet Rank monster in an instant.)

(That hope let me hold onto this skill.)

He slowly walks towards the bed and looks at the monster up close.

A creature with a bark as a skin.

It's more similar to a puppet or a doll rather than a human.

(Hope… I guess this is all I have… I will push through until I see the end of the tunnel… I will fight for it… I still hope that this skill will change everything for me… in the world of Champions where ability is everything. To obtain Absolute Power, Absolute Authority so that nobody will touch me so that nobody will harm me or the people I care about… so I can live in peace… having a good ability is necessary.)

(No… Having a good skill… Is just a first step in achieving my dream.)

While looking at the motionless monster.

"I have spent 12 years training my body, and on top of that 9 years of research about this skill… but all of it…"

Canis looks at the doll with his fierce-looking eyes.

"All of it…"

His hands close, and it tightens.

"Was just wasted on you."

The training that he has done just to get the 'right skill', and the disappointment he felt that day of his awakening.

The unfortunate thing that happened today at the association, and the regrettable placing of his 'My Home' skill in an alley due to his drunkness.

The event that he got involved in… the Conqueror Pillar.

Finally, the monster appeared from nowhere and destroyed his 'plan'.

He felt anger.

Anger on this monster in front of him, the monster that he didn't even have any information on.

Anger at the fact that he accidentally came to this Conquering Pillar.

Anger that those years of research and preparation just came to this.

He just felt anger.

He then opens and closes his fist.

Then closes his eyes.

Breathe in and breathe out.

Slowly he repeated this process.

Time and time.

A woman's face appears in front of him, she has brown hair and a very energetic personality.

'Hey! Can-can… If ever you got angry, you cannot think properly, and so do this alright!'

The woman shows an 'inhale and exhale exercise' to Canis while smiling brightly at him.


Then he opened his eyes and saw the monster once again.


"Let's get this over with."

He took off his shirt and clothes and dropped them on the floor.

"This is an uncancellable skill, a one-time use skill… for now I just wanted to see what's on the other side of this skill."

He moved towards the bed and began making love with the humanoid, tree monster.


Canis push himself out of the bed.

And the moment he did, the passionate tree monster began to be motionless yet again.

Like a puppet, that string was suddenly cut.

"That… that is surprising, is that an effect of the bed."

Sweat covers Canis whole body.

"I… I didn't expect that the monster would be so passionate about it."

He was just reminiscing about the event that happened earlier when…

[A child with Grandiflorians Blood Line will be born]

For the first time in 9 years this kind of knowledge came to him again.

Canis didn't notice it but he smiled.

[Bloodline of Unsevered Connection.]

[Connection is the most important value in this bloodline, the Parents will have absolute loyalty to their Child and so is the Child to its Parents. A special connection between Parent and Child will remain even after birth.]

[Children will continually receive 30% of their Parent's attributes.]

[Children will continually receive all resistance and immunity from their Parents.]

[Children have a chance to inherit their Parent's abilities upon birth. (1 ability per Parent.)]

This knowledge made his smile wide.

Then a transparent panel appears in front of him, the same panel that he uses in the Control Center.

"Sacrifice a Parent?"

This panel has a Yes and No button on it.

The knowledge flows into him naturally.

"Sacrificing that monster means that the child will receive 100% of its attributes and ability rather than 50% on the side of that parent... That means it will receive 100% from its mother and 50% from me if I sacrifice the mother… but right now… My side has absolutely nothing."

That's right.

Canis's attributes are trash, he is only a level 1 Champion.

"For 9 years, I am still level 1… my level didn't go up, and the crystal that I got even stopped being consumed at a certain point."

"Some say that there is a special condition to level up, but those conditions only appear past level 50 not at level 2."

"And because I didn't level up and similar to a 'civilian', this child will receive the blessing from its mother alone."

He looks at the wooden-skin monster in the bed.

"My skill already moved past its stagnation, but I still didn't know if this was the best choice for that one-time use skill… if that 'thing' is the best choice for my skill."

From Canis' perspective, it's very logical, if ever anyone has a one-time use skill wouldn't they use it at the right time or in this case the 'right' monster?

Even this time, he felt disappointed that this thing didn't happen on his choice.

He looks at the panel once again.

And press.


He is not heartless.

For him, that thing in front of him is just a monster.

The monster slowly turned into light and on top of the heart-shaped bed an egg appeared.


The size is similar to an ostrich egg but if you look closer, it is a…

"A seed."

Knowledge came flowing to him once again.

[Child from the Grandiflorians Blood Line appeared]

[Grandiflorian Garden is added in the 'Room' category and accessible in the Control Center.]


Canis immediately picks up the seed, cradles it in his arms, and begins to run toward the Control Center.

Using his right arm he manipulated the 'Rooms' in this area.

He immediately put the Garden on the East Side of the room.

Then when he approves it in the Control Center a large glass double door appears on the side.

Canis then moved towards the glass door with haste and opened it.


Fresh air welcomed him.

"Wha… What is this?"

In front of him is a forest and an open blue sky.

There is a structure that can be seen above, like the curved roof when you visit the stadium.

He looks around.

"There are walls on this side and…"

He tried to follow the wall.

"The wall runs towards there and there… this room must still be enclosed but it was so large that I cannot see the whole enclosure."

Near the entrance of the room, there is a small cradle made from large leaves.


Canis put the seed on that cradle.

[Cradle will help the child grow.]

[To speed up the growth and improve the ability and attributes of the child]

[You could offer several crystals.]


Canis looks back at the Control Center.

From the gap in the door, he could see the crystals that were lying in the crates.

Out of nowhere, tears slowly drip on his eyes.

A weight heavily on his shoulder suddenly felt light.

He thinks back to the time when he was grinding and 'collecting' those things.

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