
Primordial Tree Ruins

As he already comprehended a technique from the Ten Thousand Buddha Enlightenments, Hammed went back to the Spirit Technique Hall and met the sleepy elder "Senior, I already obtained a technique from the scroll a got yesterday, so I came to return it."

The elder looked at him with a astounded expression and asked " You comprehended a technique from the Ten Thousand Buddha Enlightenments this fast?"

Hammed just said "Yes, I took all night long, but I managed to accomplish it."

Then, sleepy elder spoke "Please tell me, what's the name of the technique you obtained."

Hammed responded "World Essence Sword Intent."

Upon hearing the name, the sleepy elder though to himself " What a domineering name, and it a rare intent type, so it has infinite potential."

Then he said "Good, then you shall leave for now."


Hammed headed to the inner courtyard to find Leonard. Upon finding him, he asked if the fella wanted to do some missions with him.

Leonard accepted his invitation and headed with him to the Mission Hall. There, the missions where divided into four levels. Rank C , rank B, rank A and rank S missions.

Since Leonard was an inner disciple already, he had the right to select a rank A mission. So they chose an exploration mission at some ruins at the border of the Hell Demons Race territory.

Hammed thought about finding his master to tell him that he was going in a mission, but since his master was nowhere to be found, he just wrote a letter and leaved it in front of his room.

They leaved the sect that the morning and started their adventure towards the ruins.


One month later, they arrived at the ruins. In that month, a lot of fight and struggles happened, but since the two of them where 3 stars Essence World cultivators, every thing went smooth.

In this month, Hammed's Sword Intent advanced by leap and bounds. Now he could summon hundreds of flying elemental swords and his control over te elements became much better, since he cultivated the Sacred Scripture of Creation's first third every day.


Theses ruins were the leftovers of the ancient Primordial Tree Race. Although this race wasn't that good at fighting, they were known as one of the best Sprit Blacksmiths from the ancient times.

Any artifact crafted by them using the Primordial Tree wood, that only there race was capable of breeding, would cause rivers of blood for the sake of obtaining it.

That because they would craft just one of those ever century, and each one of those artifacts were kings among other artifacts.


The shape of the ruins was like a mini forest formed from giant trees. The two of them advanced closer to the gates.

When they were about to enter the gates, a groups of four people surged from the shadows. This guys were tall, had dark skin and devilish horns, people from the Hell Demons Race.