
|who are you?|

"Mhm," Ren was reminded of a law everything followed in the universe. Well, it was a law she was told about in her days as a congregation member of the church. The law stated that nothing new could be made without taking from the elemental energies as a foundation.

So, it is widely believed that each regions' people were made with affinity to certain energies and this process was what unfolded before her. Not only was the body broken apart, but it also dissolved the skin from the bone, crushed the marrow, shredded the brain, and even reduced your blood to nothing.

In the end, the body was remade in accordance with the major element of the new region through this ritual. This was directly in defiance to the heavens or at least even normal mortal ethics. They were making a new life and recycling a soul for their own use.

"It is done..." Lily's voice woke Ren from her small moment of being distracted.

"What? Oh yes."

A whirlpool began to form and the ink-black elemental substance began to form a whirlpool at its center. The liquid was soon congealed and compressed into a large black cocoon around Jian's body. The small droplets of liquid that remain elsewhere in the pond began to evaporate by itself as the runes on the edges wiped themselves away. They never existed, to begin with seemingly and left as they came. Before long the only thing that appeared to have changed in the room or the pool was the brilliant egg-shaped cocoon.

The surface of it, however, was not solid and could be compared to a black egg without a shell. A few minutes later, the cocoon began to pulsate and shutter with life. Hours later, It soon entered a state of violent convulsions, before settling into a motionless phase. The two cardinals observed the changes with odd expressions. All those who came before did not have such a reaction. This was a first for the two of them, but this also meant that something special was happening.

They could only admire the Saintess' foresight but it still remained unclear why she would go through such efforts to transform these people. After what seemed like three hours the two decided it would be a bother to just stand and watch the changes, seeing as the longest one has gone on for in the past was a year. So, they took their leave and found rooms to rest in on the upper floors.

To their pleasure, the process was not as long as they originally estimated and by the next day, they could feel a strange energy fluctuation. It originated from the egg and they were certain because it shared a similar aura to the runes they used. Thus, they could easily pick up on it the morning after when they tried to sense for changes. Lily and Ren appeared before the ritual room doors instantly as if they teleported there. The two almost glided into the room, when they were met with a bizarre scene.

A man knelt within the remnants of what was the black cocoon. It had solidified overnight and shattered into small black fragments to reveal the male figure. His hair was black in color while reaching below his shoulders it was unkept and obstructed any clear vision of his face. Nevertheless, luminous green eyes filled with wonder and alarm locked onto the two cardinals as they entered the room.

"Who-" The man tried to speak and while he was able to get out a single word. The rest of his question was cut off by a sharp headache as he clutched his head with both hands.

"Lily... Inform her holiness. We have succeeded. "

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