

Autor: Bia_Marie_
Sci-fi Romance
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Lesen Sie den Roman COMPUTER MIA (SYSTEM SERIES #1) des Autors Bia_Marie_, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Leslie Fortres, the young film director met an accident that would lead her to meet this computer-type or robotic figure called 'MIA'.She needs to accomplish the so-called 'Mission 1.0', this thing wa...


Leslie Fortres, the young film director met an accident that would lead her to meet this computer-type or robotic figure called 'MIA'. She needs to accomplish the so-called 'Mission 1.0', this thing wants her to live again. That is to date these four young, bachelor men with their different attitudes and oozing appeal. Could she do it? The first thing of all, she'll be using Willa Santiago's body. The boring office girl who knows nothing but to be lazy. Her total opposite. Can Leslie survive and succeed in her mission? Let's find out!

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264 Chs
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Volumen 1


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