

v. – Upon reaching the fine restaurant they earlier chose while finishing their ice cream, they realized how much time they took while laughing down the streets as Theodore was making jokes while Irene was clinging on to him by his arm, trying to keep herself from laughing too hard for other people to hear.

There weren't much that were walking on the same side as they were, but she had a mental note just to make sure they wouldn't get caught. After all, she expected her day was going to be a good one. She wouldn't want anyone to ruin that.

As soon as they walked in, the owner happily accommodated them a simple room to dine in. They took a glance at the menu and carefully picked what they both preferred to eat, as they felt their stomachs tumble in hunger after all the laughter they shared while walking.

It just happened so that in that restaurant, they served food in special rooms where guests could entertain themselves. So while they were waiting for their order, Theodore popped an idea into his mind.

Grabbing the microphone from the table, he flipped it on and sat comfortably next to Irene, closing the gap they earlier had when they sat down.

"I must say, I am amazed at the performances given today. It seems like the crowd is also enjoying themselves. I hope to wish that you are feeling the same way too, Irene," he spoke, mimicking on how an emcee would normally do on stage.

This wasn't an unfamiliar sight to her, in fact, more than anything, she missed being an emcee. She giggled softly at his action and closely watched him eyeing on the other spare microphone besides her. Taking his invitation to join him as his co-emcee, she gleamed and wrapped her fingers around the microphone close to her.

"Well, I am happy and I am enjoying myself. Thank you so much for that, Theodore," she replied gleefully.

"I am so glad to hear that and now, I would like to introduce the next performers on stage," he studied her confused expression as he then stared into an imaginary camera in front of them. "Here to perform their latest single!" He mimicked the way the audience would scream loud as his memory could recall each time he would be on stage. Glancing at the songbook in front of him, he hurriedly types the digits into the monitor and a familiar song was playing.

She wasn't expecting such performance so she had a surprised look on her face until she found him standing up and started dancing along to the steps playfully. As he was dancing along to the instrumental, she carefully tried to prevent herself from laughing as she sang along to the lyrics. He was always as spontaneous as ever.

The song came into an end and an exhausted Theodore collapsed on his chair. She gave him back his microphone which he left on his side of the table and smiled at him, "A well-done performance, I must say."

He looked at her with a glint in his eyes, his fingers lazily grabbing her mic instead of his, "I would so say myself."

She giggled as they heard a knock from the door. Dinner had arrived.

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