
Chapter 1 Mason Cooper

" Come on! There right on your tail, 23 what are you doing?!"

" I know what I'm doing, run just run!"

" Mac, what in the world are you doing? You know that won't work in here, it never dose, at least not any more..."

" So what your saying is that it worked? Do you know what that means? We can get out of here!"

In a small, forgotten, town just off the highway, there is a place where technology doesn't work. Sure they have little things like light, calculators, ovens, AC, and sun-powered heating. But things like phones, computers, televisions... You get the picture. Oh, and they don't have wifi.

Our story starts in a big county, where it's very smaller to LA, but nowhere near LA. Starting in two different houses no less, one of a boy, and one of a girl, but we will get to them soon enough. This pace always had the horrible weather for the seasons, it was cold in summer, overcast in winter, and so forth. It always left a weird effect on anyone who visited. They had all the comforts of home, all the WIFI anyone could want, nice people sometimes, and of course the latest fashion. Speaking of fashion that reminds me of one of our main characters.

Which brings me to Mac, or should I say, Mason Saxon Cooper. Because that is his real name.

(Mason; worker of stone, Saxon; swordsman Cooper; (from a long line of Coopers))

Every one called Mason 'Mac' because his initials were so close to being: 'MAC', and his little cousin, Alice, couldn't say Mason currently.

Anyway, Mac was a 'normal' kid till one day his parents decided to send him to Comet High. Or at least that's what he says, The true story is that Mac's parents thought that there, (video game loving, tech hacking, friendless son) son needed to quote "Get out go the glow of the virtual and into the light of the reality, for a semester".

Now that you get a loose sense of who Mac is, its time you get to know what he looks like. Mason is an above average height, dark-haired, and blue-eyed, with a medium build, seventeen-year-old. His 'style' consists of;

Dark blue, purple, or plaid collared shirts, over a (mostly wrinkled) t-shirt, (always paired with blue, black, or ripped) jeans, and (of course) classic high topes.

In other words, he dressed like a hipster and acted like a gamer, mostly cause he was both, and mostly because his mom was a fashion designer. So he got to wear a lot of her designs before they hit the streets. Oh, and when I say got I mean was given permission to wear a day before global release.

Even though Mac didn't like school he was really focused on getting good grades, especially cause he was a senior this year. He didn't really want to start all over again with a new crowd when he was almost done with the old crowd.

Which is why Mason was very upset that he had to leave all his beloved games. So on the morning of the end of summer, Mac, packed his bags and went to go live with his hippyish Aunt for just a semester. He signed off his favorite game saying;

" Goodbye, fellow swordsman, techies, and reality friendless gamers. I will see you all in a few short months. Until then game hard, hack harder, and make some real friends (IRL, not online) Goodbye, for now, ~ The Dark Sword-smith (MacTheHack_23) "

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