
Crashing into a coma

Hello everyone this is my first try into being a writer so any advice or ideas are appreciated and welcomed

Also English is not my first language but i do have some level of experience with it

That should be all I hope you enjoy my first fanfic!.


"Almost there.."said our mc that we shortly will know the name of as he was on his way to his first class in college.

he was a computer science student he was happy and annoyed at being that because he chose the bachelor degree that he wanted but didn't notice that the college that he chose was out of his city

An hour and a half drive out side of the city that he lives at that is not considering the traffic.

"The sun is shining in the sky..there ain't a cloud in sight 🎶" our mc was singing along the song mr.blue sky by electric light orchestra as suddenly siri stopped the song as it detected our mc calling out to her for some reason

"What the heck?...why did siri..oh my god you stupid fucking a.i i swear if i can i will replace you with alexa!"our mc was raging at his phone as he was nearing an eight wheeler truck

As he got closer one of his car tires exploded and he swerved into the truck hitting his head and breaking his back in the process

After our poor mc's accidentally crashed into the truck he was nursed into the nearest hospital so they can sustain his life

After that thankfully the mc's dad was in the army and he was in a very important role in there so our mc was taken to a much better hospital


"Yes mr.blissed we will take care of him don't worry "said one of the doctors to the mc's dad that we now know that his family name is blissed

"Thank you and please keep me updated on my son...he's my only son."said mr.bliss worry and sadness felling his face

Time skip ten months :-

"His condition isn't changing and his brain will gave out if we don't find a better treatment for him..but we do have an option we can use.."said one of the doctors hesitant to our mc's parents

"ANYTHING PLEASE....anything for my son...for my aziz!" Said the mother holding aziz's hand as her face was full of tears and sadness to her son's condition

He is comatosed with no hope of ever waking up and even if he woke up he would never be able to move because of his broken back severed the nerves completely and there is no hope of them ever healing

"Mr and ms's blissed this treatment is purely a theory there is a product to test it out but your son will literally be the first patient.."said the doctor informing the couple of the treatment being never tested before

As the couple looked at each other sadness felling their faces trying to gain strength from each other as they decide their son's fate "a-anything for our son.."said the couple resolutely after gaining enough courage to decide

"But can you tell us about the treatment?" Asked aziz's father

"Of course mr.blissed...as you know in this age and time vr games are the most popular and used in this generation..and one of the best companies at selling vr games and headsets just managed to make a new vr headset piece "

"It allows the user to play vr while sleeping, it uses its user brain waves to receive information or in the vr case data, for example you want to go to the beach the vr will ether simulat one for you using other users experiences, or if you visited one before it uses your own experience."

"In better words it uses real life experiences not simulated ones or a copy of one ,so everything you feel see smell hear or taste its real, it just that your brain feels it not your body."

"But what does that mean for our son?" Asked aziz's mother

"It means he can continue living his life but outside of his body.."answered the doctor

"But how can we talk with him if he's inside of the game?!" Said aziz's father with a raised voice

"Yes for that is the theory..he might be able to live inside the digital world, or for simpler words in every accessible device..for example your phone or your computer."

"...is that even living?.." said the mother sadly

"It may not be your normal lifestyle or living..but he will reply to you when called he will laugh eat sleep and live normally just like us but inside of the digital verse."said the doctor encouraging the mother and father couple

"Okay...we want our son to at least living again if not with his body at least with whatever life he will have..."said the father resolutely while holding his wife's hand yo gain more confidence in his decision

"Of course mr.blissed we will update you as soon as we get a response from your son.." said the doctor as he started making plans for our mc aziz's treatment

Time skip two days:-

"Ugh...fucking siri..what the?..where am i?" Said aziz while being in the floor in an empty white room with a only a table with a mic and tv on it

"Hello aziz do you hear me?" A voice said from the tv as it started flickering on



So everyone what's do you think? I will do my best to keep a steady stream of updates but as you are reading this i am thinking of stuff to write I have a vague idea of what i want to write about but this is all I have for now

Hope you enjoyed can't wait to write some more !

first book and first chapter let's goooo

I'll do some proofreading later when i get back home from my vacation, and again thanks for reading!

aziz_bacreators' thoughts