
Collection Of Short Stories

Like what the title suggests, each chapter would be based on a story prompt, found on Instagram. Each chapter is a story by itself. No links to each other at all. Enjoy!

Mavislin11 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Salt Sea Goddess

Prompt: Salt is known to be able to repel or even contain evil spirits. As companies start to drain the dead sea of salt to sell as novelties, the unwittingly unleash that which the dead sea was meant to contain.


We all know salt. A great seasoning for food. A great preservative for that as well. The feeling when you are in-game and some kid pisses you off, making you lose that killstreak. And mostly, salt is known for shooing away the evil stuff.

Throw salt over your left shoulder to repel the demons away. But now, sea salt has been becoming so popular, to the point that the Dead Sea is nothing more than a mining ground for big companies.

As I rose from the waters, the big companies that were harvesting my home fled away in terror. My tail swung around as my body fully unleashed its true form. My horns grew and curved at the ends, like a ram.

My head was literally, in the clouds. I had my hands folded up onto my chest and slowly opened them up to disperse the fluffy mists. My feet were no more, just pointed tips and I was hovering above the water. I slowly opened my eyes, to reveal my dark, pink eyes.

As I looked around at the puny race that I made, I chuckled to myself. There was no way that they'd be able to stop me. My arms were now fully opened, with both by my sides. My hair flowed against the wind since it had been eons that I rose above the water.

Since I've been underwater for so long, it took quite a bit of effort to open my mouth. And when I finally did. I sang. I howled. The force of my voice is equivalent to shockwave the level of a nuclear explosion.

The humans that were near me were promptly killed, disappeared into atoms. The waters around my feet were now changed into red mud. As I moved away from my spot, the red mud follows. When I touched the shore, humanity will be doomed forever.

Weapons all over the world were finally coming, trying to defeat me. But alas, how can you defeat the Primordial Mother with small toys? Don't make me laugh, you won't stand a chance. And even if it was able to damage me, I still won't die. I can't be killed in a world where another life exists.

I'm the first to be born and I will be the last to die. I gave another giant howl, sending all the copters to the next continents. My back cracked as I howled louder as my wings started to stretch out from its confinements. I didn't have to use my wings but it was a much quicker way to kill.

The Dead Sea is my home. I dwell in the waters of the Dead Sea. And, as any normal being would, I am angry that my home has been disturbed. Would you like it if I took every brick in your house, each day, just to sell it off to dumb customers falling for a profit plot?

And there's a reason why I've trapped myself in this place. I don't like humans. I am the creator of them but by no means, I can live with them. Look what they have done to my Earth. They're destroying it. I just want to be left alone in my little Dead Sea.

But now, humans have gone too far. I am, undoubtedly, livid at my children for hurting their Mother and killing their homes. Their home, Earth, is made up of my slain body. I was a breeding ground made by the higher gods and I was tossed away like nothing.

I helped them to strive, but they only saw me as a stepping stone! I am just so angry! I only wanted to be by their side, I don't want to command them! I just, I am their Mother. I just want to see them grow up by my side. Was that so difficult to ask?!

Time for a little spanking. Time for humanity's punishment. For I am the Primordial Salt Sea Goddess of Ancient Babylonia. I am Tiamat.