

After losing her two-year boyfriend to some other girl in school, heart-wrench is the first thing that a girl like Jamie Mitchell would feel, but this time, she tells herself that she isn't going to be heartbroken. Fate tests her resolve by allowing her to cross paths with her ex over and over again. She can only immerse herself in the role she's acting in the upcoming school play and try to withstand the trouble of the dark-haired guy she would be acting with for the next three weeks. What happens when trouble suddenly becomes paradise? What happens when her heart somehow manages to fall for someone other than her ex?

Lilyr4se · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

Ivy was struggling with the boxes and I had to help her before she broke some ribs in her body. After a sincere battle back and forth, she was breathing even heavier and pouting at me. "Hey! You're coming with me!"

I arched a brow at her but not saying anything and merely staring at her hyperframe. I couldn't help but wonder if she really didn't even feel the least bit of sadness about her parent's separation, and then I tried to relate it to mine. Kelly was my mother, a total business-oriented woman who completed my dad, Ryan. They were both similar and I mean in every way. Ryan had his own company, some well-to-do paper-producing company and Kelly assisted him wholeheartedly. I being the only child was constantly alone and forgotten.

Though, I knew they weren't doing that on purpose. It was the work-calls situation and as crazy as it sounds, I didn't think I would hurt a bit if they separated tomorrow morning. I didn't know them anyway but Ivy was very different from me. Her parents were always involved with her and I'm not kidding. I was so sure that Natasha or Damien could guess her favorite teddy without thinking.

Ivy closed the front door, telling her mum something and the sound jerked me out of my daze. When I turned around, she was holding a pack of munches in her hands. My blue eyes widened, with gradually curving lips.

I was addicted to munches, and if eating them had a jail sentence, I'd be given life imprisonment. "Now, you're smiling"

"I knew that I'd come up with something"

She hailed herself as she threw the packet at me. I caught it in one arm and firmly. She snickered. "You're good. You should join my cheerleading team"

She muttered, moving past me with her car key in her hand. Ivy wasn't the typical girl at school–in fact—she was far from that. In school, we were word and opposite. I for one, hated social gatherings and associating with people so I made sure to stay out of the crowd while Ivy, was always in the limelight. She had several popular friends and was a top girl in school. Though I wasn't technically a nerd, I had only her as my friend and I was okay with it. Our differences have never been a problem in our friendship. I respected who she was and she respected who I was.

Talking about who I was, I was your regular girl who wouldn't go to parties, wouldn't drink and get drunk, wouldn't do this or that, and the only thing I was known for was acting. I was the president of the drama club because I loved acting so much, and the teacher in charge instantly spotted me out and without having many friends I always won the presidentship election for the club every year. Now, I was in my last year in high school which meant that a school play was around the corner, and no doubt the teacher would want me to be the star actress again. I didn't think I could act in this state and was probably going to pass on that when the time came.

The roar of the car engine was the only noise that I could hear until it became fully stable and I was snickering. "You know I hate cheerleading."

She gasped, eyes on the road, hands on the steering as she muttered. "Cheerleading is fun give it a shot"

"Oh...I did"

I uttered and she laughed remembering that I in fact did, during our sophomore year. Things went awry with me almost breaking my legs. The doctor proposed that I manage a walking stick for the time being. "The stick girl"

She laughed out loud, reminding me of my nickname for that year. Somehow, it didn't entirely die away and anytime a person wanted to get on my nerves or diss me in public. They just went ahead and mentioned 'the stick girl' stuff.

I groaned. "Change the topic already"

She choked on her laughter, over and over again as though replaying every moment during that time in her head and when she didn't stop laughing. I sighed, allowing her to relive it for a while and looking out the window, staring at the hustle and bustle outside in California.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the gigantic gate of her father's place and she was riding the car inside. She made a *huff* when she brought the engine to rest. "Well—we are here"

She declared and I gave her the poppy dog face. She was chuckling and opening the door at the same time. "No way. You are uplifting the loads with me"

Not again

I stared emptily at my already tired hands and then an idea popped into my head, I gestured for her to come closer and she was arching her brows at me. "Can't we get some maids to do this?"

I whispered and soon, she was smirking, resting her both hands on her hip. "I would, but one thing about my dad. He hates strangers touching his things"

I blinked, a frown coming across my face. "And I'm not a stranger?"

Almost that exact time. Billion-dollar suit, briefcase, spotless and shining shoe, an aura of complete excellence—Ivy's dad was coming out the front door. His gaze instantly fell on us and surprisingly he was greeting me first. "Jamie, is it?"

Ivy snickered and then whispered back at me. "I think that just answered your question"

I gritted at her, giving her the stinky eyes before jumping out of her car. I grinned at her dad, giving him the bow of respect and he was returning my gestures by tapping me above my shoulders. Soon, his eyes fell to his daughter and there was something in between his gaze.

Ivy was giving him the bitch-face. "Dad"

She muttered in a very obvious and bitter way, my eyes widened away, looking at her. Finally, I could see that she indeed felt sad about the separation and was only just good at hiding her emotions—at least, better than me. I didn't know what to do especially when I was here and watching it play out.

"Ivy. How are you?"

Damien uttered and she was giving him a thin smile. "Uhmm. I think I'm doing great without you"

He looked at his daughter, clearly seeing the side of who she was taking here. Ivy walked toward the booth and lightly tapped the top of it. "Your things are in here"

"You forgot it at Mum's place"

He nodded a bit at her, sadly, Ivy was all grown up and knew exactly what was going on between them so he couldn't brainwash her with things that were not. The truth was that he left her. He left them. Nor withstanding, whatever his reasons were. I for one, made sure to appear distracted by the exquisite surroundings like the flower plant the Gardner was trimming, just not to make things more awkward.

"I'd get someone to despatch them"

He uttered after a while and she was nodding, folding her arms with a huge frown on her face. After waiting for a while and the load was still unfinished, she suddenly moved closer to me and whispered. "Was my acting good?"

My jaw dropped and I whispered back. "What?"

"I'm trying to get my parents back together. You know mum won't ever go stoop so low to reach out to him"

I cleared my throat, taking in the sudden and unexpected info. "Well. You're going to have to do more than that"

I uttered with my eyes trailing after the figure of her dad. He was calling on the phone and was smiling.

Ivy gritted. "Do you think it is a lady?"

"We can never know"

I was barely whispering when she jumped into action. "Dad?"

Damien was turning around slowly, and looking at her expressionlessly. After a while of roaming over her frame, he was cutting his call and telling the person that he would call back. "Is there anything you need?"

He asked giving her his full attention and she folded her arms, bouncing her eyes around for a bit before looking back at him. "There is a matter I want to discuss with both you and Mum"

"What is it?"

He muttered, his attention becoming more serious as though wondering if something was wrong. She supplied. "I can't say it now. I want to tell both you and Mum at the same time"

That last clause didn't seem to suit well with him. "Can't you just tell me now?"

"No Dad!"

After looking over her frowning face for a while, he sighed. "Fine"

"When do you want to discuss it"

"When would you be available?"

She said instead and he was quiet for a while, before muttering. "I'll come to Natasha's place next week on Tuesday"

That was the first time that he was saying his ex' wife's name. I noticed and Ivy nodded, turning around to see that all the load had been taken down. She waved at him and walked over to where I was. "Well. Let's go"

I locked eyes with her, before slowly turning to look at her dad. "Bye"

I grinned, waving at him and he was returning my gestures. When we got into the car again. I suddenly recalled that I was heartbroken and it was surprising what a weird ass moment could do to a person. "What are you planning?"

I asked, turning to glance at her. She smirked. "You would see"