

-It's not uncommon to want to run. To run away, to run forward, or simply to go outside and run. Being the Doctor's little sister, I learned that lesson, a lot. However, it wasn't until recently that I actually started to believe him, to understand how much good it can do to run.

My name is Night. No that is not my real name, and no you will not ever learn that name. If you want to know why, well. Even I don't remember what it was, and this is the name my brother gave me. Now I was a normal girl, as normal as a Time-lady in Whales can be.

Really I suppose that was the first time that I ever ran because I wanted to. I wanted a change in pace, I wanted to truly explore technology and what I could do with it. UNIT wasn't letting me do my more, dangers experiments, so I left. I joined one Jack Harkness and his ragtag team, Torchwood.

I always liked working there, the people I met and worked with. I was just never truly satisfied with the work. That is until I got my first personal assignment. I was to rig up a Vortex Manipulator, get it working again.

That was never my end goal, this was my way of following an age-old lesson of my Brothers. Of doing what he had wanted me to do when I left. I was upgrading it, making it better than it ever had been. I was going to make a better Vortex Manipulator and I was going to be the one to use it.

You see the thing with personal assignments is that they are personal. They are just that persons and not the hole teams. When we stumbled upon a broken manipulator, I made it my job to fix it. That would always be my job until I completed it.

So that was what I did. I made equations, I messed with the wiring, I took it apart and made a new one. It was hard and at times the most angering thing to be doing. I just never stopped, I kept working and things worked themselves out. It was an experience I will never forget, to complete my project.

What happened after however, everything proceeding that victory would be no easier to forget either. From that very day on, my entire world changed. Every single thing I thought I knew, gone in a flash.

First things first I suppose, get the dark gritty stuff out of the way. I had a seizure, or something eerily like it. I still to this day have no idea what it was, but I have some idea what caused it. An altered fixed point in time that creates an electrical current in the eye of time, or simply a Flashpoint.

You see I am highly connected to what us time lords call the eye of time, a force that allows us to see the tangle if reality. I get drawn to the places I've been or will be. On occasion, if that point is affected by someone close to me, I can be drawn to it as well.

Now when this point is a Flashpoint, things can get worse. That little part of my continence that is constantly exploring everything, everywhere and everywhen,t gets electrocuted and sent back to me. This sudden electrical surge has been known to cause me several tonic-clonic seizures. The day I finished my work, I was tossed right into one.

That wasn't even the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me and wasn't the end of my troubles. My entire world was about to change, better or worse. I would become something I didn't even think possible the moment I arrived in Central city.

As a traveller, and one or the very few who use a vortex manipulator, I am obliged to tell you the importance of numbers in time travel, and the order of those numbers. First, you enter the year, the month the day, hours minutes, seconds. After that, you put in the world you want to go to, a letter than x amount of numbers. Not sure what they are for as once you get past 'Z' you simply add the next letter in the planet's name. Finally, you add in the concordats, first the x value, then y. Of course, if you forget to put X and Y at the end of each, that also is a big issue and you could end up in a bad situation. Where was I headed? 20140114173614E103,67X2743Y, or translated simply January fourteenth two thousand and fourteen, Earth-ten- Central City just outside Star Labs. I was going to witness the Particle accelerator powering on.

I will be the first to admit my part of the mistake. I should have double checked the time that everything was happening, and perhaps that would have helped a bit.

There was no escaping that explosion, no amount of reaction time would have alowed me to get away from the shockwave. Worst of all, I was never the same after that.

When I woke up a week ago, I learned a lot. I had lost a lot of time, nine months of my life tossed out the window because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Ms. Snow has informed me that during those months, I had twelve seizures. Seizures that has strange triggers, ones that she couldn't fully explain. So I filled her in, informed them all about the tangled web that is existence. Everyone seemed to believe me.

I should introduce my new Team I suppose. They are the ones who have been helping m up to this point, that had taken me in after I thought I lost everything.

First of all is Miss Katelin Snow, the biologist and medic of our team. She suffered a great loss during that explosion, more than I could ever pretend to understand. Her husband Ray died trying to save everyone, he was the closest thing to a hero that any normal person could be.

Then there is Cisco Ramone, the tech wizard and one of the smartest men I know. Of course, I can't let him get sloppy, so I hold him to a bit of a higher standard than the others. I think we are something like rivals, and I think that is good for both of us. He is also the one who gives most people their names and is withholding one from me.

Obviously, Harrison Wells is our leader of sorts. He helps with the logistics, as much as he may not like Barry being at risk. I really don't get why he has taken such a liking to the young man. However, I do know that he believes in us, that both I and Barry can be so much faster than we already are.

Barry Allen, the fastest man alive. Well, this is as far as we know. There is always the possibility that someone else was turned into a speedster, not just me and him. However, that isn't important at the moment. What is, is that he is the Flash and together we save people.-

"Are you done yet? If you would pay attention, I was saying that there has been an attack on twelveth and Sunderland." Cisco calls, glaring lightly as Night pushes away from the computer. Her computer, she has it claimed, and no one else can use it.

"All the time in the world Ramone and yet you can't tell what it is." Night smirks lightly, dashing to where her suit is hanging. "Give me a hint?"

"I would if I could. Now go, Barry has his hands full with here. Get to 'your' city Night!" He responds rolling his eyes. "Really you're unbearable sometimes."

Cisco is already done with the Meta-Galiferian, and it hasn't even been a week. She is annoying, and really just kind of a jerk. But it's only to him, and on occasion Wells.

"I'm the unbearable one Ramone? Says the one who makes bulky tech in his free time!" Night calls back smugly, quickly dashing off. Zig-zagging between cars on her way to the attack. What she sees when she arrived, amazed her. "You see this right? Like you all see this right?"

The bank that stands in front of her is dripping with acid, melting as if someone had recently sprayed the walls with the stuff. Cracks are forming in the walls, and Night can hear the groans of protest that the support beams are giving. The screams of terror of citizens trapped inside, fear preventing action.

"I see you, but if I didn't I doubt I would believe you. There shouldn't be Meta's in Elemental, I didn't think they would have migrated that fast." Cisco responds, fear clear in his voice as Night braces to work.

"What if he had just been visiting? I mean, wouldn't be too surprising if the person lived here Ramone." Night hisses, dashing in and out of the building. Each time she takes another person with her, she can hear a drop of acid falling onto the suit. It doesn't take long for her to start feeling it eating at her shoulders.

Acting quickly, Night runs into the bank right to where the safes always are. The large steel doors that are oh so fun to open, even if just to open them. This was where he was. The meta of the day, hands melting the steel like it was butter.

"Oi! Acid Boi!" Night yelled, eyes narrowing drawl becoming heaver with anger. "What the hell mate? That's cheating!"

Quickly the man turns, glaring darkly at Night as he slowly makes his way forward. His eyes are gleaming a brilliant green contrasting the large red burns that cover his face. Snarling he draws his hand back, a large green ball forming. He's going to attack, and Night sees it. She can feel it in her body, years of training taking hold.

Night doesn't miss a beat, she rarely ever dose. Easily avoiding the ball of acid as she runs forward, turning and ramming a fist into the man's head.

Letting out a pained yell, Night pulls away from the man bile rising in her throat. The smell of burning flesh, the feeling if the acid making its way through the layers of her fingers, eating back and attempting to consume her hand. Her head is burning, and she can barely see but she runs. She has to run, she can't stop this time. The last thing she sees before the world goes black is a flash of purple.

"Speedster healing property, probably the only reason she still has a hand. It was able to keep the acid at bay for just long enough." Kate says, quickly glancing over as Night lets out a small groan.

"Morning Night," Barry whisperers, a small chuckle leaving his lips. Despite this, it's clear he is concerned. "That was definitely not a good scenario to bee in week one of being a hero."

"No' really no. What happened? How d'I get here?" Night responds, blinking away the fuzz that clouded her sight. Of course, she's acting, the drugs aren't even in her system anymore. She knows this, she can feel her hand, the throbbing of healing tissue.

"That is the interesting part. It would appear that you can Port to places. You kind of just appeared, hand a complete mess of breaking down." Harrison responds, a small sparkle in his eye. "Katalin did the best that she could, and your body is taking care of the rest. However, even with the healing factor, the worst parts are likely going to scar."

Glancing around the room Night chuckles lightly as her eyes landed on Cisco. He is the main reason she is hiding her sobriety, he is an enigma to her. There is something about the man that she can't get a grip on, and that is what she likes. Not knowing, but knowing enough. he has to know the truth, but she can't say it sober.

"Look, its the team mechanic. Clever boy you, you know I like you. You're my favourite, 'cause you're so smart. I keep you on yer toes so you don't go all dull on me." Night smiles, chuckling again at the shocked and doubtful look on the man's face.

"So that is why you instantly seemed to hate me?" Cisco retorts, eyes dropping to a half lid glare. The kind that parents, teachers -and a certain Snart- were particularly good at giving. Enough annoyance and displeasure, but also enough of a lack of emotion to be offsetting. he doesn't believe the act, they both know it, so Night drops it.

"That glare hasn't worked on me since I was four, painkillers last worked at a hundred. Even when they do work, they were off." Night sighs pulling herself into a sitting position. "Risky move Snow, foreign medication can be quite dangerous, I mean..."

"I already told her Night." The voice causes Night's face to fall into a similarly unimpressed glare, however, her's is colder. She really means it, she isn't holding back. "Really Night, you punched him? Messy."

"What's your point Koshi?" Night askes, turning and fixing her glare on the man.

"My point is that the moment you saw that man MElTING a safe, you should have figures other parts of his body could do the same thing." He responds, letting out a small sigh. "After he tossed that acid ball at you, you should have known better."

Walking up to Night he carefully takes her non-injured hand and lets out a small chuckle. It's pained, but it; clearly to lift her mood a bit." Is that what you wanted little Star?"

Night lets the chuckle reach her, and her face softens.

"So how do we defeat him? I mean this man is insane and powerful. There is absolutely no telling what his power limit is, and this is just week one!" Night calls dramatically, throwing her arms out wildly.

"Mother of all fucking."

The entire room cringes, pain jolting thru there body as if feeling exactly what had happened. The burns being agitated by force, by simple physics. Banging a hand off the table hurts, but not nearly as much as it would when you have an acid burn healing.

Of course, not everyone feels Night's pain. Harrison's face holds no pain, only that same sparkle. It's angering like he knew this would happen. Like he wanted it to happen, but Night smiles a happy smile anyways. She likes Wells, she likes trying to figure out who he really is behind his mask.

"Perhaps you should wait until you heal a bit more, you were unconscious for a week Ms. Fallen." He says, a small smirk toying at his lips. "Besides, we really don't know how to stop this man, We will run tests, and find a strategy that can stop him."

Night feels her face drop, eyes sparkling with anger. He's right of course, but that doesn't mean that she has to like it. What she really hates, however, is that she knows she is being irrational, that her abilities and connections are causing issues again. She needs to clear her mind, fast before she does something she regrets.

"Traning." She hisses, turning to the door and dashing before anyone can stop her. Or nearly anyone, as Barry is quickly zooming after her, catching her shoulder as they near the speed room. It's still being built, they're working on it. However, there is the cosmic treadmill, keeping the name in check.

"What do you want?" She demands, turning slowly to face the boy. "Look, I just need time. I know it may seem silly, but I made a bad call. I need to sort a few things out."

Barry doesn't respond, simply taking her other shoulder in his hand and squeezing gently. His eyes say it all, and she really hates it. He had seen the way her emotions had hoped, the way that she had gone from joking to anger in a matter of seconds. He was scared, but not because of her. He looks scared for her.

"Really Allen, I'm alright. I've had worse, I need to vent. Timelords have a habit of being both packing and lone beings, sometimes at the same time." Night sighs, dropping her head. She can feel the anger faltering, sadness taking hold."That can lead to emotions, being..." She pauses, tilting her head from one side to the other as she pondered the correct word.

"Unhinged?"Barry asks, chuckling lightly. It's full of nerves. He's eyeing her like she's on watch or something.

"Yeah, let's go with unhinged. That word works alarmingly well considering all things." Night responds, shaking her head. "Being a kid is great when you are forced to look into all of existence at the age of eight and not go crazy. No, you should be inspired by this, don't run away that's a bad route."

Night doesn't understand why, but her chest tightens. It grows warm and constricts with each word, just like that day. She can't see she can't think, but every word is making it worse.

"Just look into it. Nothing will happen, then you can bail like the coward you appear to be." The voice is none other than Rassalon himself. The one man that all others feared, and respected for all the reasons they probably shouldn't.

Taking a shuddering and painful breath Night raises her head, the swirling of the rift latching her attention. She doesn't see anything, not really. No destiny, no trama no nothing. What she see's is her breath swirling with frost, turning gold as it is drawn into the rift. She feels the heat on her skin like she is standing in fire. Her mind is racing, flickers of laughter and screaming filling her ears in a cycle. It's welcoming and comforting.

"Night!" Barry yells, gently shaking Night's shoulders. His voice is hoarse like he's been at it for a bit.

Night doesn't respond, but she's back. Gentle sobs escaping her lips say that much. Giving in to the emotion she simply falls into Barry without warning and lets everything out.

"Hey, you're alright, your okay." Barry soothed, however, he couldn't keep the shock out of his voice. "Breath, just take a deep breath."

Night tries, she really does but her breath catches. Every breath following that one does the same thing, and her chest begins burning with a new flame. One that wants to take her down with it, and it's not alone.

Night can barely hear Barry's yells for help as her sight fogs. Her mind is being pulled, body stretched and folded on itself. She knows this isn't real, but it's new. It's painful.

Night smiles, as the fire takes over. Her skin is warm, despite the snow falling around her. It's beautiful. The floor is sparkling, swirling with purple, blue and gold.

"She's seizing!" Barry yells. It's the only words that his brain can form as he runs into the med bay with the twitching form of Night in his arms. His breath hitches, and there are tears in his eyes. He knows somethings wrong, and he's certain that the fact that Night is almost smirking isn't a good thing.

It's not, he decides when he sees the terror cross Koshkai's face. He hasn't known the man that long, but he isn't stupid. It's like Night's name, fake. This man, he is a very dangerous being only welcome because he truly cares about Night. This man is the Master.

"She's in her head. I don't know where or when or why. It's likely the vortex, trying to keep the pain out of her system for as long as it can." The man's voice is somewhat strained and quivering. He's about to cry, and Barry isn't too far behind him.

"Not you're fault Kid. If she had gone there once, you couldn't have known. Whatever pushed her to this, was built up. She can't have been well when she got here, coma might have made things worse." Koshkai's voice is cracking, sentences broken by hard swallows. "She, does this, this thing when she works. She gets too far into it, doesn't eat or sleep. Doesn't have too all that much normally."

"Now with the addition of hyper-fast metabolism," Katelin adds, quickly moving to the large case of Time Lord safe medicins, scanning and comparing until she had what she needed. "Metabolic shock, mixed with known epileptic reactions, she's in a bad zone and we need to stabilize her. Hydrate, stabilize and heal."

The seizure lasts an hour, much to everyone's concern. Even Wells seems to have picked up on the true danger that Night was in as he ordered everyone else out. No one disobeyed didn't even question the Doctor as he blacked the windows out and switched off the security.

"I would hate you to learn so soon, for this game to end," Wells says, eyes glinting red for a moment. "But you need to flatline, or this won't get better." His hand is vibrating now, as he pulls himself out of his wheelchair.

Slowly he walks up to Night, carefully pushing his hand to her first heart. The loud shrill beep that the heart monitor gives off makes a small smile cross his lips. "Don't worry, this form of you has been dead for centuries."

He makes his way back to his chair and puts on a concerned look as he rolls to the door. Barry pushes past him, eyes wide as a golden glow surrounds Night.

"Oh god. What did you do?" Koshkai demands and he grabs Wells' collar. "You killed her, why?"

Katelin goes to push thru but quickly stops. The gold burst like flames from Night's hands and head. It's not fire, she notes watching the lights flicker, but it is causing one.

"Run Barry, Run." Are the only words that leave Well's lips as the glow fades.

Barry does just this, grabbing everyone and dragging them out of Star Labs. He makes sure to be careful too, changing into his suit before grabbing Night. Once they are all outside, Night starts to stir.

"Ello." She starts, quickly wrinkling her brow in confusion. Her voice is different, she feels different. "New, odd."

"Hey, you look different." Barry can't help himself. She definitely looks new. Her hair, which was once shoulder length and a crisp brown like a tree's bark, is now a thick half shaven pixy in a crisp Rose. here eyes have gone from a light sky blue to a delicate lavender. Her skin has also changed, taking on more of an olive tan than her once snow whight skin.

"Sound different too." Cisco ads voice still lightly shaking.

Again this was very true as well, as she has gained quite a bit of distinctness to her accent. Before it could have been a few places or a mix of several. Now it was quite clearly Scottish.

"My voice tases weird." Night muttered, scrunching her nose. "Words are forming different. Like rollin' off the tongue wrong. Not used to it, not yet."

No one responds to this save for a loud snort for Barry. It's quite clear that Cisco was biting his cheeks to keep from laughing, Wells and Katelin were both smiling. Koshkai, however, is simply glaring ice-cold daggers at Wells. He knows how hard it is to get used to your own voice changing, but understands the human's humour of her wording, but it's Well's smile.

"Look at that!" Night suddenly exclames as a hollow silence falls over the group. "My hand's healed. Isn't that neet. Now about..."

Night cuts herself off as she turns to the burning labs. The blaze is large and wild. Her heart stops momentarily as she turns to Wells.


It was hard to choose the tenses for this story but kept slipping to present. As such this is my first story written in that tense.

MLPMI6creators' thoughts