

The door clicks opens and a man walks in, just as he switched on the light, he heard a voice.

"Scott Lawrence", he turned

"What are you doing here" Scott asked with a voice laced with fear

"Hm, what am I doing here?, let's see, I believe that we have an unfinished business", said the man as he walked towards Scott

"I don't know what you are talking about", Scott said and ran to the door, but as he got there, he was surprised to see that the door was locked and the key was no where to be found. Now he had two options; Beg for his life or fight for it. Foolishly, he choose the later, he turned and asked, "Do you think I'm afraid of you huh", walking towards the mysterious man he added, "I can kick your ass and get done with it", but the other man refused to speak but rather stood where he was.

Scott felt that this was an opportunity to attack, so he charged towards the man, but he saw himself being held up with a hand choking him.

"You know, I came here with the thought of just killing you of easily but I have changed my mind, now I am going to torture you and I will enjoy every minute of it"

"I-h-h", Scott tried speaking through his constricted throat

"hm, what are you saying?" the strange man asked still tightening the hold on his throat, "are you trying to say something?" he asked before releasing his hold on his neck and dropping him on the floor with a loud thud.

Touching his now bruised neck he said, " I have information on Alan Arborius" , still making no attempt to get up from the floor

"Why should I trust you, the last time I worked with you, you betrayed me"

"I know I did, but this time I'm serious, I know where to find Alan Arborius," But the mysterious man didn't seem convinced about this, as he walked towards him with a killing intent " I had no choice, they somehow figured out what I was doing and threatened me, they had my brother Pal, I had no choice but to do what they wanted",Steve quickly added as he scurried away in fear.

That must have convinced the mysterious man because he stopped" Fine, I am going to give another chance but if you betray me again, I am going to rip your brother's throat in front of you and then make your life a living hell ,do I make myself clear", Scott nodded, the he swatted down you his level and added, " Well then tell me what you have got"


The door quietly opens as a dark figure walks in. She was wearing night vision glasses as she navigated herself through the machines that were in the room and headed for the control room to disable the CCTVs.

On getting there, she first disabled the CCTVs but, as she about to reset the monitor to make it look like it was still recording, she caught something on the screen

"Son of a bitch", she cursed as she hurried to erase the last video and leave, when the door clicks opens

"what do we have here?, a detective breaking into a building " said the man who entered

"and what are you doing here if I may ask?"she countered

Walking towards her with a stupid smile plastered on his face he said " You know Rachel, I had always thought that detectives were supposed to uphold the law "

" Well then, now you know that detectives can go to any length to obtain results even it means using unorthodox means ", she replied and headed for the door when he added "l can rat you out, you know "

" You won't "

"What makes you so confident?", he asked

She turned and replied " because you like me", he smiled.


"I will drop you off ", he offered but she immediately declined saying she could find her way home but then he held her and dragged her closer to him and said " I don't care what you say Rachel, what I know is that I am taking you home"

Struggling to free herself from his iron-vice grip she said," You and I are not on a first name basis "

"You are right", he frees her " we both may not be on a first name basis but I am only trying to keep you safe, you can go by yourself but remember I tried", he said and left for his car.

"Wait", she called and he stopped "I will go with you " and walked to his car


"How did you know that I was going to be there? " she asked

"Well, for the few hours I have spent with you I noticed you were very observant "

"Still what made you so sure that I was going to be there "

" I knew you noticed the look I gave the doctor "

"You knew I noticed and yet you pretended"

"Let's just say I wanted to be sure of the kind of person you are "

"And I guess you figured "

After that conversation, silence descended on them and it thickened to a point that it was almost suffocating and she suddenly broke the silence,"Why are you helping me?"

"I thought you knew ", he replied with a smirk

"don't give me that crap of you liking me "

" of course I do", she gave him the death glare " You are beautiful "and she hit him.

"Fine, a lot of people have died on that case "

" and you are still alive?"

"Barely ", he replied sadly "Darren Esposito "


"The last victim's name"

" Darren Esposito?"

"Yes", and gave her a parcel " that's everything we have on him "

Collecting the parcel she asked "why didn't you give it to me before?"

"I was trying to protect you"

"and I don't need protection again?"

"being the stubborn mutt, I know you will stop at nothing until you get your hands on that"

Soon the arrived at the hotel premises, " Be careful " he said as she was about to leave the car

"I will, thanks for the ride" she replied and closed the door.


I sat down on the couch in my hotel room and studied the file he gave me " Darren Esposito, born 24th March 1995, aged 25, died on 14th April 2022. No parents, no past relationships, no relations, worked as a system analyst for Daxin Technologies " as I drank a cup of coffee.

Dropping the file I said" Funny, very funny, does he think I buy this shit", I smiled " two can play this game afterall ". Then I stood up from the couch, walked to my laptop that was lying on the bed ,picked it up and typed the name 'Darren Esposito '

"Shit" I cursed as I almost hit my laptop out of frustration "There have got to be something on him " as I kept surfing the net, after two long hours of scribbling through the Internet, I found something; his home address and that was my lead.


A white Peugeot 108 drove into the gate of the compound. An outsider might mistake it for just a simple estate but it was far from the truth. It was actually a little town or rather a large community of its own with over six hundred people.

Soon, the car can be seen driving into the garage of a huge mansion.

"Delta Gared " said the driver as he stepped of the car

"Steve" came the response from the man. Delta Gared was a very large man with a height of 6'9 ft and a very serious but dangerous looking face. He had a scar that ran from his fore head down to his left eye. Though his face was scarred, that didn't stop him from looking handsome as the scar added to his beauty, coupled with his black eyes and deep voice.

"The Alpha is pissed"

" I know but I had to do what I did " Steve said

"Well then, you better head to his office and pray you make it out alive ", with that being said he walked away.

Steve took in a deep breath as he headed for Alpha's office, praying he makes it out with a missing limb or two.


"Come in" came a voice from inside, Steve didn't even need to knock as his Alpha knew he was outside the door.

On getting inside, he found himself being held to the wall with the Alpha strangling him.

"I gave you a simple job and you couldn't do it" roared Alpha Cain as his hands extended into Claws while choking Steve, " I should have known that you are nothing, you can never be good as Jacob"

That seemed to have struck a nerve as Steve pushed him away with a power that he didn't know he had and the Alpha fell across the table with a large thud.

"Don't you dare compare me to him", Steve roard with a voice laced with authority as he iris turned gold and his canines extended.

"Hahaha", Cain laughed as he stood up from the ground, "I should have known that you are nothing but a weak hybrid, did you spare her because you are half-human,huh", he taunted

" I. AM.NOT.WEAK", said a voice that was much powerful than Steve's voice as he walked towards Cain with a killing intent.

Cain seem to have noticed the shift in power as he saw that the being in front of him oozed of power and strength, as he said "Steve don't you dare forget that I am your alpha"

"I am not Steve" said the deep deadly voice

"Who are you"


Cain saw that things were about to get out of hands as he mindlinked his Beta and Gamma to come to his office immediately.

The being called Morphuis which looked like Steve kept walking towards Cain with a killing intent. Cain on the other hand didn't take it lightly as he saw it as a challenge and charged towards Steve.

The two started fighting in the office, as they kept pushing and tossing each other around office while breaking things and exchanging blows.

It was the battle between two Alpha males but the only problem was that they were not on battle grounds but in Cain's Office.

Beta Mark and Gamma Callum soon arrived but were shocked at the sight before them. Two Alpha males fighting and alluding powerful auras.

The disbelieving thing about this was the one challenging the Alpha was nothing but Steve who was known to be a mere warrior.

When did he become an Alpha?

Soon, their Alpha was tossed towards them and the sheer power of the force pushed them through the wall as they all stared at Steve with fear.

As they stood up , they saw a horrifying transformation . Steve transformed into a gigantic beast of 8 ft that stood on both feets. He was a lycan. The beast of old, unlike wolves who stand on all four, this beast like man walks on both feets, his body was black covered in muscles and hairs. His eyes were the deepest blue , his mouth were like that of a wolf only larger , his hand were big, hairy and toned while extended into tolans .

He sneered at them and was about to pounce on them , when he fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Hi guys,

It's me Chidex your admirable Author, sorry I have not been updating my book for the pass few weeks. Lately, a lot has been going on in my life but l promise to keep up with the updates.

This book has not been edited and there are likely to be some mistakes in it, so if you come across any mistakes, please do indicate in the comment section, I will be sure to correct it and no rude comments please.

If like you my book, please be sure to add to your library and comment on it.

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