
5: last words?

you guys get into the next round

you start going to the cakes

then you hear dream do his demonic / insane giggling

realizing hes it

then he said

"mis level 101 is gunna die by me >:)" he said this while popping his fingers

you reply

"yea sureeee buddy "

then dream said

"just watch imma get you when you least expect it "

he has already joined the match you see him

walking up to a afk player killing them

then runs towards the ends of the map

you were walking when you heard

him start giggling again

you look be hide you to see the him try to hide be hide a locker but he was

glowing so you saw him

but you ran up to him and let him bit you one

then started to run off so he would be happy

it was 4:40

and it was you and three others

then out of no where you get bit again

but it was out of no where making you scream

and him giggle

then you get to a dead end

you turn your aviator

back at him

to see a big banana walking towards you slowly

then he said "any last words?"

you reply

" yes .... what do they say about legends ?"

he sounded confused "i dont know what do they "

you tell him "its that you dont really know if they were alive or not "

then proceeds to glitch through a part of the a locker

running though the other hallway

you hear him from the other side

screaming out " WAIT WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!"

you look at your chat to see every one saying "what a god " or "wait how the heck"


you laugh it off while running away

you say to your chat and him "yea thats going to be in one of my best 1000 IQ moments no lie"

then you hear dream say " wait actually how did you do that ?"

"i have a private server where i look for little loop holes and glitches"

dream said " damn ok i can report you for that now"

you laugh and say "no please " while laughing

then dream tells you " damn know my chats saying get pranked "

you agree and say " yep get pranked my guy"

you guys end the round then you think its time to end the stream

"well thank you so much for watching todays stream and thank dream for joining

as well make for to follow him and sub to him as well !<3"

then in the back you hear from dream " oh no thank you for inviting me , and make sure to sub to her guys as well @y/a"

you end the stream and was about to end the call

when dream asked if you were still streaming

"are you still streaming?"

"no are you" you ask him

he said "no"

"but i wanted to ask if you were free any time soon"

your eyes widen "wait like a meet up or like a date?"

he laughs " no not a date like a meet up "

"oh ok yea sure !"

then dream texted you "1335 west ave 542 street Orlando Floridia "

"heres my address "

you say "ok "

you ended the call