
2: keep bugging

mia us the type of person that if she wants some thing to happen she wont stop

until it dose

so as you believe she wont stop bugging me about the collab

and she will give her reasons why i should (i will admit they are good) but i dont feel

i should be force too

its like a right thing wrong way type of situation

as i was about to hang up the phone from her

to my surprise she says

"look y/n if you dont want to i wont bother you any more "

i replied with " are you actually giving up?, like actually?"

"nope!" she said

i mean i should have known her by now, that she wasnt going to stop

but anyways we say our good byes and i hang up

i sat back in the chair

"is it that bad?"

"i mean surely its just a collab , theres nothing thats going to effect me thats negative so?"

i gave it about two thoughts to i wanted to at least try

and if it didnt work then i could say i reached out but nothing.