1 Yn y dechrau

Yn y dechrau - in the beginning


In the beginning, there was life

But my life began by being torn away from my mother's dying body after being ripped out of her

And being thrown into a frozen lake by my father to die

But he didn't know my power

For so long no one did

I was shunned for

I was neither human nor God

Nor elf was I or a frost giant

And neither was I a man or a woman

So I had no home to lay my head

No arms to hold me

The called me a demon

A wicked shapeshifting monster

The called me ugly

They called me an abomination

And they were right about all these things

So one day I decided that if I was a monster then I would be the greatest all the realms would ever see

And all would know the name of Löki

Löki the beautiful

Löki the trickster

Löki the strong

Löki the powerful!

But I learned that the cost that I was to pay would be too great!

And that price... Was my own children..

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