
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Filme
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27 Chs

Korriban: Part 3


Reports of a large Mandalorian Squadron in service of the Star-Void Grand Guild has entered Mandalore and are requesting an audience with you.

They call themselves the Paladins of StarKiller."

"Hmm… send them over.

I wish to talk with their commanding officer." Jango Fett was curious to meet StarKiller, but never suspected there would be an Order in his name.

Clan StarDraconic hadn't made their internal structure and operational standards available to the public, especially Mandalore, who were curious to learn about the new Clan.

Up until now, if one was part of a Clan, they couldn't organisation another without withdrawing from the original Clan.

Jango figured Star Vader wanted his Mandalore to shine on their own to create a legend separate from that of the Clan Lord.

Soon enough, Jango came to learn the Paladins of StarKiller where in fact related to Star-Void Grand Guild and operated beside StarKiller.

One of the Force Sensitive Mandalorian that served beside Jango, decided to inform his commander that the Paladins were all Force Users, and that of the Dark Side except for the strongest individual who was balanced perfectly in the Force.

This new piece of information ended up causing the security at the True Mandalorian Base to heighten by nearly ten times over as they all worried for the safety of Jango Fett.

The Paladins all sensed the new people around them, but they didn't mind as their Commander Siegriven told them they were in the presence of friendlies.

But even so, their Mandalorian armour design type caught the attention of every single True Mandalorian, as some believed the Paladins to be fakes while others felt they were in the presence of honourable warriors.

However, everyone had respect for Siegriven naturally.

Nobody could understand why, but just the conduct alone demonstrated to every Mandalorian Siegriven was the truest form of a Commander.

Yeixrian designed Siegriven to wield various leadership skills and abilities that naturally amplified in the presence of his own squad members and others that might come to see him with a respectful gaze.

Many also eyed his armour that was a combination of Beskar Steel with Dragon Beast Material, that happened to be a part of Siegfried's enhancement of the Creation Cards.


One of Jango's aides led Siegriven away from the grand hall of the True Mandalorian Headquarters, where he came across the current leader of the True Mandalorians.

"Commander Fett, I've come to hear great many tales of your exploits for the people of Mandalore.

Lord StarKiller speaks well of you." Siegriven wasn't like other people and was rather direct, even if Yeixrian gave him a political communication ability.

The Commander of the Paladins understood better than others to act politically in front of a warrior who prefers simple and direct spiel.

Jango smiled humorously as he noticed the Paladin Commander followed the Creed where one couldn't remove their helmet before others.

He figured if the Commander followed the Creed, then so did StarKiller and the remaining Paladins.

Being able to reach this conclusion on his own, Jango felt closer to the Paladins and StarKiller as they reminded him of the True Mandalorians and his own adopted father, Jaster Mereel.

"Thank you for your praises, Commander Siegriven, however I believe tales of my actions are exaggerated.

If you wish to truly see my skills, battle is the place for a Mandalorian to skirmish.

Anyway, I was told by the Mandalorian Ambassador on Coruscant that StarKiller would be arriving sometime soon to help deal with Death Watch.

May I know why you are here instead?"

Jango wasn't one to express anger, but he felt a little annoyed that the so called 'Swordmaster of Coruscant', Star Vader, hadn't sent his student over yet, even though some time had passed since the party at the Star-Void Grand Guild Headquarters on Coruscant.

"Forgive my Lord, Commander Fett, but StarKiller is currently finishing up his exploration of a certain Star System that might be of significant value in aiding the rebirth of Mandalore, saving it from its sandy fate.

To make sure you didn't have to wait any longer for aid, he sent us ahead to come help you, Commander Fett."

Siegriven easily drew Jango's attention and that of his aides who all were trying to plan different methods to employ the Paladins in battle.

"I see…

Very well, I'll have someone organise your accommodation for now before someone updates you on a mission." Jango was clear and concise, which Siegriven appreciated as he didn't want the Paladins wasting their time doing nothing until their Lord arrived.

In fact, Siegriven wanted to head towards Coruscant so he could train through combat with Star Vader, as they both wielded Force Imbued Weapons.







All I can hear is a bitch whining…}

Speechless, Arlo could only focus on the chaos around him as he raced through the Sith Dungeon of the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban.

Several dozen mutated monsters were racing after Arlo through the open fields of the Dungeon stage.

Some could fly through the air, others raced across the land, and some dug themselves through the ground in his direction.

Each monster could inflict serious damage if they landed an attack on Arlo's body, but as they neared the Polymath, they would find themselves sliced away into dust by the Scythe in Arlo's right hand.

Every creature added a great deal of Experience Points and System Credits to Arlo's System Interface, which was still stuck on Level 1.

A function of the System Arlo came to love above all else was the Level Up button that gave the Host the ability to control their grow without forcing along their strengths development.

Up until now, the Experience Points were adding up to a decent sum that could easily push Arlo's Level past 10, but through the deaths of various strong monsters and creatures offered extra Stat Points.

Using them, Arlo improved his Stat Attributes such as Strength, Agility, Endurance, and Stamina, above other Body Stat Attributes.

The Stat Attribute changes saw Arlo undergoing body evolution and muscular density during the struggle of the chase until his changes stabilised.

None of the monsters were aware of the changes as the Dark Side had mutated them beyond a normal state of mind, turning them into nothing more than Experience Points and System Credits.

"What Stage is this again of the Dungeon?"

{Five without no end in sight.

I think the Dungeon has no end that I can sense.

Maybe it disappears when you've lost either through death or serious injury}

In all honesty, neither knew about the Dungeon parameters and how Arlo could achieve victory by completing the Stages that appeared endless and increasingly difficult beyond measure.

Running through a dense forest, Arlo looked over his right shoulder to find a mutant monster that contained two broad elk like horns, protruding from the forehead.

Various spikes also stretched across the tail of the creature, much to Arlo's annoyance as they could be shot out at him from a distance and with immense speed.

Each time they neared Arlo; the Polymath would need the Scythe shatter the bone spikes before they made contact with his armour.

This went on until Arlo got the moment to attack and charged at the beast horde, weaving in and out through the chaotic attacks.

After several hours of constant battles, chases, and deadly attacks, Arlo finally crashed as he just completed the 20th Stage of the Dungeon.


{Its coming to an end… but not without pushing you mentally}

"Hahahaha! *Sigh*… I'm bloody exhausted." Crashed out on the ground, Arlo heavily drew in air while watching enclose world of the space twisting into an underground hall, that contained rivers of molten lava on either side of the floor to ceiling pillars.

"Someone has finally made it past the failures of my predecessors and successors~

Come… stand up and follow my voice.

We've got much to discuss, Anomaly~"

The rough coarse voice echoing throughout the massive hall was enough to wash Arlo clean of his exhaustion as the Polymath stood up within a second and started walking deeper into the vast open room.

Heat from the molten lava made the room stuffy but since Arlo was still equipped with his Death Reaper Suit, it was negated, keeping him nice and cool in the situation.

However, as he walked through the hall, Arlo started to sense mental pressure that was trying to form illusions strong enough to twist his mind.

'Finally, something fun…' Removing his hood, Arlo felt the full force of the mental illusions as they crashed down on his mind, recreating a world and time from Arlo's past.

It didn't consist of his time on Earth but rather once he'd started his role as the Death Reaper of the Almighty Lord.

Arlo reexperienced the training scythe of the reapers carved through his flesh and bones, causing utter agony and pain that caused him to nearly give up with each passing moment, yet at the same time, it was nothing but a simple breeze.

In the end, Arlo allowed the effects of the illusion to bare down on his mind, as the System started notifying him of various passive skills.




[Passive Skills Acquired!]

[Pain Resistance: 3%]

[Pain Resistance Increasing!]



[Passive Skills Acquired!]

[Mental Resistance: 3%]

[Mental Resistance Increasing!]



[Passive Skills Acquired!]

[Nerve Damage Resistance: 3%]

[Nerve Damage Resistance Increasing!]



By the time the Passive Skills had grown strong enough that the effect of the illusions disappeared automatically, the voice that called out to Arlo spoke up once more.




The cackling voice bothered Arlo as it continued for quite some time, until he decided to shout back out of anger.


Stunned, the cackling voice of the unknown individual stopped dead in its tracks.

The individual wasn't to curse back at Arlo but decided against such a rash decision as Arlo started making his way deeper into the grand hall until he arrived at sealed door.

"Time to kick names and take ass!" Emanating the pure soul of Mantis, a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Arlo pushed open the door, only to discover several Force Spirits standing across from him behind a panel that seemed like the seats of several supreme judges.

Just off the basis of his past memories pertaining to Star Wars, Arlo recognised several Force Spirits, while the rest were too foreign to him.

After his endless trial with the Temple Spirit, Khalizar, Arlo have fought and trained under the guidance of countless Dark Lords from over the millennia's that have served the Sith cause.

Seeing some of them once again, Arlo felt like addressing them with respect as they all helped him through various pitfalls, but he held back as Arlo wasn't sure the Dark Lord Force Spirits remembered him.

Honestly, he didn't think any of the Force Spirits were connected to their versions held by the Temple Spirit.

But before Arlo confirmed his decision to think of the Force Spirits differently from those he'd fought and trained with, one of the Dark Lords smiled and called out to Arlo.

"Demon Child, hahaha!

It's good to see you once more!

You've already grown stronger as well!


"Master Naga Sadow, I've improved my strength, stamina, endurance and various other aspects through your teachings and that of the other Dark Lords." Arlo respectfully bowed to Naga Sadow, while the other Force Spirits looked on with a surprised glint in their eyes.

Some thought about taking over Arlo's body through Sith alchemy, but they held back their ideas of manipulation and attack after noticing more Dark Lords addressing Arlo.

"Master Tenebrae, it is good to see you again…

I've received information on your legacy, the Eternal Fleet that was guided by the Lokath technology."

"Baron Dreypa, its good to see you once again.

I've been searching for your Oubliette through the black markets and underground auction houses, but so far, I've had no success."

"Master Nihilus, I've come to understand your Energy Absorption Technique, with slight adjustments of course so I'm not corrupted, nor is my physical form."

Arlo spent a few minutes talking with each of his teachers present, much to the surprise and awe of the other Dark Lords who wished they were guided by so many different Dark Lords of the past.

What nobody expected was for a Dark Lord to directly call Arlo out as a failure of the Dark Side of the Force, since it was obvious to all that they could only sense Balance from favoured child of the Force.

"You may have learnt from the Lords of the Dark Side, but you definitely not one to seek out its guidance."

Smirking, Arlo replied, "Lord Sion, you are taught yourself immortality at the cost of your physical form and sanity…

You are a clear indication, much like Master Nihilus and his teachings that the Dark Side can be your greatest ally while also your worst nemesis.

Do not presume you have the right to tell me how to wield the Force when you've suffered pain, anger, and hatred to draw on power that truly wasn't ever yours.

Whereas I have full control over my strength!"

Showcasing his affinity with the Force, Arlo allowed his natural aura of a Death Reaper to influence his control over the Midi-Chlorians, terrifying each of the Force Spirits as they've never felt such dense and destructive power before.

Sion had to even step back as he felt the purity of life that continued to display harmony and love to the Lord of Pain, much to his astonishment as he'd only experienced pain and suffering from the Dark Side.


Withdrawing his aura, and connection to the Force Energy, Arlo examined each Force Spirit as they were re-evaluating their plans concerning him.

Grinning under the hood of the Death Reaper Suit, Arlo summoned his Scythe to his back, as its natural aura told each of the Force Spirits that eternal death was standing before them.

But those Force Spirits that taught Arlo through the reawakening by the Temple Spirit, were all laughing internally and watching their student with high praise in her hearts and mind.

"Calm down, Child.

We only wished to come and see you once more, now that your nearby our eternal slumbering bodies.

None of us expected you to enter the Dungeon, much less to find yourself at this stage.

Anyway… the one that seeks you, is further on.

Just make sure to understand the knowledge kept within this Sith Treasury." Freedon Nadd said, as he smiled at Arlo, revealing the countless scrolls, texts, holocrons and much more that was kept stored within the Dungeon.

In fact, Arlo knew it was a product of the System – Player Network, but even so, he couldn't believe the number of times that were kept stored within the Dungeon.

All of the Force Spirits disappeared a moment later, leaving Arlo alone in the large room that was previously moulded into a courtroom by the Force Spirits when meeting Arlo.

{Start storing everything immediately and move on to the next part of this place.

The Paladins have reached Mandalore and have already been deployed for battle.

If you're wondering how, the Dungeon has taken up more time than I first assumed, so hurry the hell up and get out of there!}